Povidone Iodine Solution 10% TEVA

Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA is an antiseptic: for disinfecting wounds and skin before surgery, for washing infected traumatic wounds, in primary or secondary local skin infections, in infected surgical incisions, in vaginitis, in oral cavity infections.

Povidone Iodine Solution 10% TEVA (Teva Pharmaceuticals Polska)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
liquid 0,1 g / ml (20 ml) OTC (over-the-counter) S1,2jodopowidon (povidone-iodine)
liquid 0,1 g / ml (250 ml) LZ (for inpatient health care)


Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA contains an iodophore with a bactericidal effect.

Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA – indications and dosage

Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA is an antiseptic agent:

  1. for disinfecting wounds and skin before surgery,
  2. for washing infected traumatic wounds,
  3. used in primary or secondary local skin infections,
  4. used in infected surgical incisions,
  5. taken for vaginitis,
  6. taken for oral infections.


The use of Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA should be limited to small wound areas. This preparation can also be used to disinfect the skin before inserting needles or catheters. In the case of surgical procedures when decontaminating wounds, the drug solution is used without dilution. Lubricate the wounded area or cover with a plaster or bandage a dressing previously moistened with the solution.

  1. Before the surgery, the skin should be decontaminated with about 1 ml of the solution. per 100 cm2 of skin.
  2. For disinfecting body cavities, solutions obtained by diluting the preparation 10-20 times with water are used.
  3. Use sterile or boiled water to prepare the solution. To prepare a solution, use 1 part of the preparation for 9-19 parts of water.
  4. The preparation is diluted 1:10 with boiled water for disinfecting the mucous membranes and for vaginal irrigation.

Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA are:

  1. hypersensitivity to the preparation,
  2. overactive thyroid gland
  3. kidney problems
  4. simultaneous use in patients treated with lithium preparations,
  5. use during pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  6. use in infants,
  7. taking before and after radioactive iodine treatment,
  8. taking before scintigraphy,
  9. taking radioactive iodine before treating thyroid cancer.

Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA – warnings

  1. The preparation Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA is intended for topical application.
  2. Treatment should be discontinued in the event of skin irritation or hypersensitivity reactions.
  3. In children, the use of high doses of the preparation should be avoided because they are more sensitive to iodine and the risk of hyperthyroidism.
  4. Patients with renal insufficiency should be especially careful because of the risk of iodine accumulation in the body.
  5. When using the drug on: on mucous membranes or a large surface of the skin, repeatedly on mucous membranes, long-term damaged skin (e.g. in patients with extensive burns or extensive wounds), in newborns (subcutaneous tissue structure other than in adults) there is an increased risk of absorption iodine.
  6. There is a risk of iodine being absorbed by the lungs by absorbing the vapors of the preparation.
  7. Too much iodine in the blood leads to thyroid disorders and other side effects.
  8. Absorption of iodine contained in the drug may affect the results of some diagnostic tests: thyroid function tests TSH, FT3, FT4, thyroid scintigraphy and other tests with radioactive iodine isotope, assessment of iodine-protein binding, tests for blood or glucose in stool or in urine.
  9. Pregnant and breastfeeding women may use the drug only after consulting a doctor and in the event of an absolute indication for use.
  10. The drug should be used only in the case of minor skin lesions, the dose and duration of treatment should be limited.
  11. The iodine contained in the preparation may penetrate the placenta and into the breast milk of a nursing mother, which may lead to disturbances in the development and function of the thyroid gland in the newborn.

Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA with other drugs

  1. The combination of proteins and other unoxidized organic compounds may lead to a reduction in their effect.
  2. Do not use simultaneously with preparations containing mercury, silver, hydrogen peroxide and other aseptic agents, because a corrosive chemical may be formed.
  3. Due to its oxidizing properties, the preparation may affect the results of selected laboratory tests: false positive results of tests for the presence of blood or glucose in the stool or urine.
  4. The use of the drug may make it difficult or impossible to perform TSH, FT3, FT4 thyroid function tests, thyroid scintigraphy, protein bound iodine, radioactive iodine testing, and iodine treatment of thyroid disease.

Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA – side effects

When using Povidone Iodine Solutio 10% TEVA

  1. the following may occur: skin hypersensitivity reactions (contact dermatitis, itching, erythema, appearance of small blisters), anaphylactic reactions (drop in blood pressure, dyspnoea), eyelid irritation and swelling, sore throat, drooling, diarrhea, pulmonary edema, increased iodine concentration blood, disturbances in electrolyte balance, plasma osmolarity (e.g. in the form of metabolic acidosis), increased sodium levels in the blood, impaired renal function, acute renal failure,
  2. Prolonged use may cause iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (with symptoms such as increased heart rate and restlessness), especially in patients with a history of thyroid disease.

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