Pouring, liquor and spotykach from bird cherry: 10 recipes at home

Sweet medium-strength drinks from ripe bird cherry are some kind of, but, nevertheless, classics. The main thing is to sort out the berry well, ridding it of rot and mold, leaves and cuttings.

They also cook from bird cherry: tinctures, wine

Grandma’s recipe for cherry liqueur


  1. Ripe bird cherry – based on a 3 liter bottle “on the shoulders”

  2. Vodka – 3 l

  3. Sugar – 200-300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Collect the most ripe bird cherry, sprinkle it on a sheet and leave for three days.

  2. Then pour the bird cherry on a sieve or boards, put in the oven in the most free spirit, so that it does not bake, but only withers; take it out of the oven, grind it well, pour it into the bottle up to the shoulders, add good purified vodka to the top and let it brew for 6 weeks.

  3. Then drain, sweeten, putting 200 to 300 g of sugar on a bottle of liquor, depending on taste.

Classic cherry liqueur

The recipe is suitable for both black and red varieties of the berry we are interested in.


  1. Bird cherry – 500 g

  2. Vodka – 2 l

  3. Sugars – 300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour berries and sugar into layers of a suitable jar. At the same time, the bottom layer should consist of bird cherry, and the top layer should consist of granulated sugar. Also, keep in mind that the berry layers should be about a finger thick.

  2. Carefully pour everything with vodka, without disturbing the layered structure of the contents of the container.

  3. Keep a tightly closed jar for about a month in a warm, dark place.

  4. Then, drain the liquid, squeeze the pulp into it, add more sugar if desired and mix thoroughly.

  5. Filter the drink, bottle it and send it to a cool dark place for a couple of weeks. Store there for no more than a year.

Double strong black cherry liqueur

If you are confused by the strength of the drink, half of the volume of alcohol indicated in the recipe can be replaced with non-carbonated drinking water.


  1. Black bird cherry – 1-1,5 kg

  2. 50-degree alcohol or purified double moonshine of a similar strength – 2 l

  3. Sugar – 400-500 g

Method of preparation

  1. Arrange the sorted berry in a warm, dark place on a suitable piece of clean cloth (an old sheet or bedspread will do).

  2. After a few days, put the dried and starting juice fruits into a jar, cover with sugar and pour a liter of alcohol.

  3. Keep a tightly closed container for 15-20 days in a dark room at room temperature, not forgetting to periodically shake the vessel (once in 3 days is enough).

  4. Pass the result through a solid gauze filter, pour into a clean jar, close it tightly and refrigerate.

  5. Mash the berries remaining in the first jar with a crush, trying not to crush the bones, and pour a previously unused liter of alcohol (or water).

  6. Close the container again and return for 2 weeks in a dark, warm room.

  7. After the specified period, drain the liquid and squeeze the pulp into it.

  8. Mix the result with the tincture from the refrigerator and pass the resulting substance through the filter. If desired, the liqueur can be sweetened.

  9. Pour the drink into bottles and seal them tightly. Store in a cool dark place.

  10. It is recommended to taste the liquor not earlier than a couple of weeks after bottling.

Black cherry liqueur

Do not forget that for the preparation of liqueurs it is best to use pure grain alcohol.


  1. Black bird cherry – 700 g

  2. Alcohol – 400 ml

  3. Water – 500 ml

  4. Sugars – 300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Transfer the prepared berry to a jar and pour alcohol over it.

  2. Keep a tightly closed container for a month in a warm, dark place.

  3. Filter the liquid, pour it into a clean jar and close the lid.

  4. Berries should never be thrown away. They will soon be needed for syrup.

  5. Boil the syrup from sugar and water, bringing it to a boil and vigilantly removing the foam.

  6. Add the alcoholized berries to the boiled solution and boil them for 5 minutes.

  7. Cool the resulting substance to room temperature, strain and mix thoroughly with the previously set aside alcohol infusion.

  8. Close the jar with the future liquor and let it ripen in a dark, warm place for a week.

  9. Filter the finished drink, if desired, and then bottle it.

  10. Store liquor in a cellar or refrigerator.

Red cherry liqueur with spices

To enhance the individuality of the drink from the above not very fragrant berry, it should be flavored with your favorite confectionery spices.


  1. Red bird cherry – 1,5 kg

  2. Alcohol – 750 ml

  3. Water 500 ml

  4. Sugar – 1 kg

  5. Vanilla sugar – 10 g

  6. Ground cinnamon – 10 g

  7. Ground nutmeg – 10 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pass the sorted berry through a meat grinder.

  2. Add spices and 500 g of sugar.

  3. All this is thoroughly mixed, transferred to a jar, closed with a lid and left for 2 days in a dark, warm room.

  4. Then, pour the pulp with alcohol, close again and shake thoroughly.

  5. For 3 weeks, return the jar to a dark, warm place. For the first 2 weeks, be sure to shake the container every 4 days.

  6. After the specified period, boil a simple syrup from water and the remaining sugar.

  7. While the syrup cools to room temperature, you need to strain the alcohol infusion.

  8. Mix both liquids, bottle the liquor, then send it to a cool dark place for 5-7 days.

  9. The drink is stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Cherry petal liqueur


  1. Fresh cherry blossoms

  2. Vodka

  3. Sugar

Method of preparation

  1. Arrange bird cherry flowers on clean paper or cloth, leave for 2-3 days.

  2. Transfer to a baking sheet, dry in a slightly heated oven and chop the petals.

  3. Pour into bottles or jars, filling 3/4 of the volume, top with vodka. Close the vessels tightly, put in the sun or in a warm place for 30-40 days.

  4. Drain the tincture, carefully squeeze the petals and strain the squeezed liquid, add it to the infusion.

  5. Pour and dissolve sugar with stirring (200 g of sugar per 1 liter of tincture), pour the liquor into clean bottles and cork.

  6. Keep in a dark place, consume after 14 days.

Dried cherry liqueur


  1. Vodka – 500 ml

  2. Dried bird cherry berries – 100 g

  3. Sugars – 250 g

  4. Water – 250 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Rinse dried berries in warm water, let dry well and pour into a bottle.

  2. Pour vodka, insist 21 days.

  3. Drain the tincture, pour the berries with water and boil.

  4. Drain the liquid again, strain the berries, add sugar to the broth and boil the syrup.

  5. Remove syrup from heat, cool, mix with tincture. Carefully filter the liquor, pour into a dry bottle, cork and infuse for at least 7-8 days before drinking.

Spotykach from black cherry

This fragrant drink, sometimes mistakenly referred to as liqueurs, is also able to please lovers of dessert alcohol.


  1. Black bird cherry – 300 g

  2. Vodka – 400 ml

  3. Sugars – 150 g

cooking list

  1. Lightly dry the berry according to the method indicated in this recipe.

  2. Heat the oven to a temperature of 100 ° C, turn it off and place inside the bird cherry laid out on a wooden board.

  3. At the first hint of a smell, remove the fruits and let them cool.

  4. Fill a jar of suitable size with berries to the top and add vodka there.

  5. Close the container tightly and keep it on a sunny windowsill for a week (at the same time, the jar should be periodically turned to the light with one or the other side).

  6. After this period, drain the tart viscous liquid and squeeze the pulp into it.

  7. Pour the resulting substance into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, then cool to room temperature.

  8. Repeat the procedure with boiling and cooling 2 more times.

  9. Filter the finished drink, bottle it, cork it carefully and send it to a cool dark place for the final 2 weeks.

Spotykach from red bird cherry

In this case, the drink should be filtered especially carefully, without fail passing it through a full-fledged cotton-gauze filter.


  1. Red bird cherry – 1 kg

  2. Vodka – 1 l

  3. Sugars – 200 g

Method of preparation

  1. Dry the berries according to the method indicated in this recipe.

  2. The fruits prepared in this way are thoroughly mashed with a crush, placed in a jar and poured with vodka.

  3. Determine a tightly closed container for a month in a warm, dark place.

  4. Then, pass the liquid through the filter, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and boil, slightly bringing to a boil.

  5. While the substance is cooling to room temperature, taste it for sugar and sweeten if necessary.

  6. Pour the cooled liquid into a clean jar, close the lid and return for 10 days in a dark, warm room.

  7. Strain the finished spotykach through gauze again, bottle and send for storage in a cellar or refrigerator.

Puff cherry liqueur on moonshine


  1. Forest black bird cherry – 500 g

  2. Moonshine – 2 l

  3. Granulated sugar – 300 g

Method of preparation

  1. In a container of a suitable size, lay out layers of bird cherry and granulated sugar. Continue to spread until the container is completely filled.

  2. We carefully fill the free space with two-time distillation moonshine so as not to disturb the layers. We insist the drink for 25-30 days in a dark room.

  3. After the specified time, we filter the liquor, and squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth.

  4. Now we take a sample and, if necessary, add a little more sugar.

  5. We pass the finished liquor through the filter and pour it into glass bottles.

  6. You can taste the drink after 1-2 weeks, when it settles a little in a cool, dark place.

Relevance: 02.07.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueur Recipes, Liqueur Recipes

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