Pouring from chokeberry at home

Aromatic, spicy, thick, delicious. Chokeberry liqueurs cleanse the body of toxins, increase immunity, lower blood pressure, and on long autumn and winter evenings, they remind us of sunny summer days. And although there are a lot of recipes for such drinks, we offer you only proven ones. Here are five of the best!

Pouring from chokeberry differs from tincture in manufacturing technology, lower alcohol content and higher sugar concentration. This time I will not describe all the charms of the chokeberry. The beneficial properties of this berry were listed in the article with the recipe for wine, as well as in the note with recipes for tinctures, which you will find here. The only thing to be reminded of is one feature of chokeberry:

It is possible that the vitamins and microelements necessary for our body get into drinks from chokeberry, but the berry definitely lowers blood pressure, so you need to use tinctures, liquors, liqueurs and wines from chokeberry in limited quantities. Of course, people who have problems with low blood pressure should not drink them.

Many blackberry liqueurs, and this is their uniqueness, are prepared with heat treatment. In this way, the maximum extraction of flavors and aromatics from the berry is achieved, but many useful elements are probably destroyed, so we will provide more recipes without heat treatment. It is also worth understanding that heat treatment significantly reduces the time for infusion and further maturation of the drink – some liqueurs can be drunk a couple of days after they are prepared, which, of course, is another advantage of recipes with boiling berries.

Pouring from chokeberry with cherry leaves

  • 1 kg chokeberry berries
  • 1 liter of pure food alcohol 95,6%
  • 500 ml of pure water
  • 400 g sugar
  • 200 g cherry leaves (about 300 pieces)
  • 100 g aromatic honey
  • ½ vanilla pod (8 g vanilla sugar or 1-1,5 tsp extract)
  • 2 large lemons
  • 4 button Gvozdik

Peel the rowan from the ridges, rinse, dry and, together with the washed cherry leaves, place in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add half the sugar, water and lemon zest without albedo, bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes. Leave the brew alone until the next day. The next day, strain the resulting juice, squeeze the berry slightly, discard the cake with the leaves, and add the second part of the sugar to the juice and heat slightly, stirring constantly until it is completely dissolved. Cool, add honey and juice of 2 lemons, mix well. Pour everything into a jar of a suitable volume, add spices and alcohol. Close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for at least 4 months. Before tasting, remove from the sediment, filter, pour into clean bottles and let rest for a couple of days.

The liqueur is quite sweet, so if you are not a fan, then add much less sugar, 200-300 grams, for example. But this option is ideal for moderate libations. It is better to drink the liquor with ice or add it to tea. You can also try mixing it with champagne – in terms of thickness and sweetness, the drink is similar to the French liqueur Creme de Cassis.

Pouring from chokeberry “100 leaves”

A very tasty drink, which is not difficult to prepare. It is more difficult to find the ingredients, but, as a rule, such products are easy to buy from grandmothers at the ruins. If not right now, then you can agree with the grandmothers for tomorrow – they definitely won’t squeeze such good. By the way, there are only 99 leaves here – rounded for a “smooth” name.

  • 33 cherry leaves
  • 33 black currant leaves
  • 33 raspberry leaves
  • 200-250 g chokeberry
  • 200 g sugar
  • 0,5 l of vodka, good moonshine or alcohol
  • 0,8 liters of water
  • 1 tsp citric acid (lemon juice to taste)

Rinse the leaves and berries with running water, sort, put in an enamel pan and add 800 ml of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. Then the leaves and berries need to be removed with a colander and thrown away, we will no longer need them. Add sugar and citric acid (lemon juice) to the broth, stir over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let the syrup cool down a bit and add 0,5 liters of vodka. You can pour 200 ml of alcohol 95,6% and another 300 ml of water. The resulting drink must be poured into a two-liter jar and let it stand in a dark, cool place for 1-2 weeks. Before bottling, the liquor must be filtered through a cotton filter.

Hemp infusions on alcohol

Of course, there are recipes without boiling. It takes much longer to prepare, but the drink is worth it.

  • chokeberry fruits
  • granulated sugar
  • food alcohol 60%

Sort the berries and wash well. Pour them into any container by ¾ volume, for example, into a three-liter jar. Add a little sugar, approximately 1/10 of the volume of the chokeberry, cork the container. Wait 4-5 days and fill the berry to the top with 60% alcohol (preferably grape, for example, chacha, or any fruit). Leave to infuse in a dark cool place for 1 month. Then we drain the tincture and pour the berry with the same amount of sugar as for the first time. We are waiting for another 3-4 days and drain the formed alcoholized syrup. Mix with the first infusion, filter if necessary and bottle. It is recommended to allocate 1-2 months for exposure. In this liqueur at the stage of infusion, you can add a pinch of oak bark for a piquant taste, 0,5-1 tsp. citric acid (lemon juice to taste) and / or 0,3 tsp. vanillin.

Simple chokeberry liqueur with honey

Really simple, really liqueur. Honey will only enhance the beneficial properties of the drink, although filtering the liquor will be quite problematic. But a long exposure time and diligence should help.

  • 1 kg chokeberry berries
  • 500 ml pure food alcohol 95,6%
  • 500 ml vodka/moonshine 40-50%
  • 500 g aromatic honey
  • 200 g sugar

Free the berries from the ridges, rinse, dry and place in a jar of a suitable volume. Add sugar and crush with a wooden spoon, then leave it like this for about an hour. When the berry starts juice, add honey, vodka and alcohol. Close the jar tightly, shake well and leave in a dark, cool place for 5 weeks. Stir the contents every few days. When the time is right, drain the liquor through several layers of gauze, lightly squeeze out the solid residue, filter through cotton wool or coffee filters and pour into clean bottles. Exposure for several months is welcome.

Chokeberry dip with ginger

Prepared without heat treatment and without leaves, but with ginger root and various spices. The tenacious taste of chokeberry breaks down the cardamom and vanilla notes. A very balanced drink!

  • 1 kg chokeberry berries
  • 500 g sugar
  • 1 liter of pure alcohol 95,6%
  • 1 l vodka/moonshine
  • 1 vanilla pod (16 g vanilla sugar, 2 tsp extract)
  • 3 cardamom seeds
  • 2-3 cm dried ginger root

Clean the chokeberry from the ridges, rinse, dry and transfer to a jar of a suitable volume. Add sugar, spices, pour in vodka and alcohol. Close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. Don’t forget to shake the jar every day. After 3 weeks, drain the infusion through a sieve or several layers of gauze, if necessary, filter through cotton wool or coffee filters. Pour the finished liquor into clean bottles and store in a dark, cool place for about 6 months to age, and then start tasting.

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