Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

Among the various preparations for the winter, cherry plum liqueur occupies a special place. It is both healing and refreshing to the soul. Cherry plum has traditionally always been considered a southern fruit, but in recent years many varieties have been bred for the conditions of the middle zone, where it is often called ” plum”. Therefore, the manufacture of such a valuable product is already quite accessible to residents of the northern latitudes.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

A few cooking secrets

First you need to understand the terms, because they often talk about liqueur or cherry plum tincture, without attaching much importance to the difference between these two concepts. And it is, and quite significant.

Differences between tincture and liqueur

Pouring is a sweet alcoholic drink made from berries or fruits. If in the process of its production only the method of natural fermentation is used without the addition of alcohol and its analogues, then some tend to call such a drink wine from cherry plum. But if we strictly approach the wording, then only alcoholic drinks from grapes should be called wine. Drinks made from other fruits and berries by the method of natural fermentation are more correctly called liqueurs. Although the production of liqueurs often uses the addition of vodka or alcohol for fixation, its maximum strength is 24 degrees.

Tinctures, on the contrary, contain a large percentage of alcohol, their basis is alcohol, vodka or high-quality moonshine, with the inclusion of a small amount of sugar and fruit and berry or herbal additives. The name itself – tincture – suggests that the main constituent element (in this case, cherry plum) is infused on an alcohol basis for some time. The result is a healing and tasty, but strong drink. Tinctures, unlike liqueurs, are most often used for medicinal purposes.

For the manufacture of alcoholic drinks from cherry plum, fruits of any color can be used: yellow, pink, red and dark purple. It is important that they are ripe, but not overripe.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

When making cherry plum liqueur without adding alcohol-containing drinks, it is not recommended to wash the fruits in order to preserve special natural yeast on the surface of their skin. They will contribute to the natural fermentation process.

Advice! Adding a small amount of raisins will help to hedge in case the fermentation process cannot proceed as intensively as we would like.

Bones from cherry plum can be removed, or you can leave, at your choice. Often they talk about the possible content in the bones of the cherry plum of a dangerous substance – hydrocyanic acid. The damage is often greatly exaggerated. But the manufacturing process without removing the stones will be greatly simplified, and they are able to give the drink an interesting flavor.

In general, cherry plum liqueur turns out to be a very beautiful sunny shade with a pronounced fruity taste and aroma.

Before preparing a drink, the fruits must be carefully sorted out so as not to miss a single rotten or crumpled fruit that can ruin all your work.

Cherry plum liqueur: a classic recipe

There are two main options for preparing cherry plum liqueur according to the classic recipe using natural fermentation.

Option 1

This option is ideal for those who don’t like sugary drinks as you only need a minimal amount of sugar. As a result, cherry plum liqueur will turn out to be light, similar to semi-dry wine.        

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

List of ingredients and preparation technology

For 1000 g of cherry plum you will need 1350 ml of water and 420 g of sugar.

Comment! You can add 100 g of raisins.

Sort the fruits, removing too dirty, rotten or moldy fruits. Then gently knead them with your hands or with a wooden spoon or rolling pin. You should be especially careful if you have not previously removed the bones. In order not to damage them during the softening process, you should not use metal devices such as a mixer, blender, and others.

Pour crushed fruits with water, cover the container with a clean cloth or gauze and put in a warm place without light for 2-3 days. During this time, it is desirable to mix the contents of the jar several times a day.

After a few days, the fermentation process should begin – foam and a sour smell will appear. Separate the juice from the pulp by straining the contents through a fine plastic colander. Squeeze the pulp thoroughly through several layers of gauze.

Pour the fermented juice into a large container so that it is no more than half full. Sugar should be added in portions over several times. First, pour about 1/3 of the total recommended amount (140 g) into the fermented juice.

Stir well and, putting a water seal on the container, place in a dark and warm (18-26 °) place. At home, it is easiest to use a medical glove worn on the neck. Don’t forget to poke a hole in one of your fingers with a needle.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

The fermentation process will begin – the glove will inflate. After about 3-4 days, you need to add the next portion of sugar. To do this, remove the water seal (glove), pour 300-400 ml of fermenting juice and mix with another 140 g of sugar. Put everything back and shake. Put on the glove again and put it back in place to continue fermenting.

A few days later, the whole operation is repeated in the same way – the last portion of sugar is added.

The entire fermentation process can take anywhere from 25 to 50 days depending on temperature and yeast activity. Its end can be tracked by how the liquid becomes lighter, sediment forms at the bottom, but, most importantly, the glove deflates.

After the juice is completely fermented, it is drained from the residue with a straw, after which it is tested for sugar content. If necessary, the drink can be slightly sweetened.

Important! When adding sugar, the container with the liqueur should be placed under a water seal for another 8-10 days.

If the taste of the drink completely suits you, then pour it into bottles up to the very neck. Then cork and place in a cool place without light for 30-60 days. When sediment appears, the liquor should be filtered again. The complete readiness of the drink is determined by the fact that the precipitate ceases to form.

Option 2

According to this option, cherry plum liqueur is prepared using a similar technology, but twice as much sugar is used, and the taste of the finished drink is more saturated.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

List of ingredients and preparation technology

For 2 kg of cherry plum fruits, you need to prepare 1,5 kg of sugar and 200 ml of water.

  • Combine cherry plum and all the sugar according to the recipe, shake the container well, then add water.
  • Having protected the container with the future liquor from insects (covered with a cloth), put it in a warm and dark place.
  • When signs of the fermentation process appear, put one of the types of water seal (you can just use a glove, as in the first option).
  • After carbon dioxide ceases to be released, filter the liquor through several layers of gauze and carefully squeeze out the pulp (pulp).
  • The finished liquor, bottling, must be placed in a refrigerator or cellar for additional infusion for several months.

Cherry plum liqueur with vodka

According to this recipe, the liqueur turns out to be strong and with good reason can be called cherry plum tincture.

List of ingredients and preparation technology

Vodka and cherry plum are taken in approximately equal proportions, that is, for 1 liter of alcohol – 1 kg of plums. Sugar is added quite a bit – 150 g.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

According to this recipe, cherry plum must be washed well, sorted out (if desired, remove the seeds) and pour vodka into a container of suitable volume. It is desirable to close it tightly with a lid and place for infusion for 3-4 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Shake the contents of the jar about once a week. Then strain the infusion and set aside, and pour the remaining fruits with sugar, mix and, tightly closing, again set to infuse for 20-30 days.

After the required time, strain the syrup, squeeze thoroughly and mix with the tincture. Until fully prepared, the liqueur should be kept for another 10-15 days in the same conditions. The strength of the finished drink is about 28-32 degrees.

Cherry plum with citrus zest

For the preparation of cherry plum liqueur according to this recipe, it is allowed to use the zest of any fruit from the citrus family (tangerine, orange, lemon or grapefruit). The drink is prepared very quickly and it turns out beautiful and tasty.

List of ingredients and preparation technology

You will need:

  • 1 kg cherry plum
  • 2 l of vodka
  • 2 cup sugar
  • 250 ml of water
  • 2 teaspoons grated orange zest
  • 1 teaspoon lemon or mandarin zest.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

Cherry plum fruits, as usual, are sorted, washed, poured with water and boiled for about 10 minutes. After cooling, the fruit must be separated from the pits. In a glass container, mix cherry plum, citrus zest, sugar and fill it all with vodka. Infuse for about a week, shaking the contents every day. At the end, strain the liqueur through a filter and bottle.

Cherry plum cognac tincture with honey

According to this recipe, the finished drink turns out to be noble, tasty and very healthy.

List of ingredients and preparation technology

Cognac and cherry plum are prepared in almost equal proportions – 500 l of cognac is taken for 0,5 g of cherry plum. 250 g of honey is also added.

Prepared washed and sorted fruits of cherry plum are poured with cognac and infused in a room for a month. After that, the tincture is filtered and thoroughly mixed with honey until it is completely dissolved. The drink is filtered again and infused for another 2-3 weeks already in a cool place. The tincture is drained from the sediment, bottled, sealed and placed in storage.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

Cherry plum and lemon balm tincture

In this recipe, it is best to use light-colored cherry plums: pink or yellow.

List of ingredients and preparation technology

To get started, collect:

  • 2 kg cherry plum
  • 500 ml of water
  • 450 g sugar
  • 200 ml food alcohol
  • 6 small sprigs of lemon balm

Cherry plum berries must first be boiled for 10-15 minutes and the seeds removed. Then, using a blender, turn the fruit mass into a puree. In a glass jar, mix cherry plum, sugar, chopped lemon balm and alcohol. Stir and infuse in dark, cool conditions for 2 months. Strain, bottle and age the finished tincture for at least another two weeks.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

Cherry plum tincture with spices on alcohol

Cherry plum tincture according to this recipe is very rich and fragrant, with a rich range of flavors.

List of ingredients and preparation technology

You will need:

  • 0,5 kg cherry plum
  • 0,5 l food alcohol
  • 0 kg of sugar
  • 0,25 liters of water
  • Spices: 1 cm cinnamon sticks, 3 clove buds, 1 vanilla pod, a pinch of nutmeg and 3 cardamom pods.
Attention! If you cannot find spices in their natural form, then it is allowed to use their analogues in crushed form.

Pouring and tincture of cherry plum: 6 recipes

Cherry plum is prepared for processing – it is washed, moved and pierced with a toothpick in several places. In a glass container, mix cherry plums, spices and alcohol. Be sure to insist in a dark place for 10 days. After that, prepare sugar syrup from water and sugar and add it to the tincture. Let it stand for about a month. Then the tincture must be filtered through a filter and pour the finished drink into glass bottles.

Terms and conditions of storage of cherry plum liqueur

Cherry plum liqueurs, prepared by natural fermentation, can be infused for up to a year. After that, their shelf life does not exceed 1-2 years.

Cherry plum tinctures are prepared much faster, in one, maximum two months, and stored for up to three years. Save all the above drinks in cool conditions and a dark place. A cellar and a refrigerator are best.


The process of making cherry plum liqueur will not take you much time and effort. But you can always treat your guests and relatives with a bright beautiful drink with a fruity aroma.

Tincture from cherry plum. Recipe for a unique taste. // Traveler’s Notes

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