Potin (Poitin or Poteen) – strong Irish moonshine, the predecessor of whiskey

Potin (variants of the original spelling – poitin, potcheen, poteen, potheen) – Irish moonshine with a strength of 40-90%, made by multiple distillations, due to this, the strength increases. The name comes from the word pota (English pot) – “chan”, “cauldron” and is a diminutive form of a noun, that is, the name of the drink can be translated as “pot”. The fact is that the traditional technology prescribes to make potin not in ordinary, but in special small moonshine cubes (still pots). Raw materials can be grain, sugar beets, molasses and potatoes.

In 2008, the drink received the status of GI (Geographical Indicative), that is, protection by origin, now real potin can only be Irish.

Interesting fact: “hangover” in Gaelic is “poit”.


Initially, potin was driven in remote villages, so there were no official rules. First, the raw materials were ground and fermented, then the mash was subjected to distillation. The stills were often not in the house, but “on no man’s land” – somewhere on the street, so they were considered collective property. The fire was kindled with peat. To prevent the drink from acquiring a “smoky” taste, they tried to choose windy and rainy weather: then the smoke spread along the ground and did not affect the moonshine.

Potin (Poitin or Poteen) – strong Irish moonshine, the predecessor of whiskey
It was impossible to get high quality on primitive agricultural equipment

Potin used to be made from malted barley, like whiskey. Today, this raw material is considered too expensive for such a “ignoble” drink; molasses, corn, and potatoes are often used instead.


Potina strength is from 40 to 90 degrees, but rarely drops below 60%. The number of distillations depends on the manufacturer: weaker versions are subjected to a single distillation, strong versions are triple-quadruple. Fractional distillation with division into “heads”, “body” and “tails” is usually not used, as a result of which a lot of acetone, methyl alcohol, fusel oils and other impurities remain in the drink. Also, Potin is not aged in barrels (with rare exceptions), but is drunk immediately after distillation.

The drink has a sharp and rough taste with a powerful “fusel” spirit. Quite often, acetone tones are felt in the bouquet, while notes of green apples, white pepper, smoke, and an “earthy” flavor can be distinguished. In general, the characteristics of potin are completely dependent on the manufacturer, the products of two different brands may not have anything in common at all.

Famous brands

Glendalough – The company’s website claims that Glendalough Monastery has been producing a strong grain distillate since 584.

Potin (Poitin or Poteen) – strong Irish moonshine, the predecessor of whiskey
Glendalough is the world’s most famous potin manufacturer.

Other notable producers include Bunratty Winery, Knockeen Hills, Cooley’s, Ban Poitin, Micil, John O’Connell, Spirit of Dublin.

Potin (Poitin or Poteen) – strong Irish moonshine, the predecessor of whiskey
Industrial samples of potin are more like vodka than classic Irish moonshine for poor peasants

How to drink potin

Drinking potin in its pure form is almost impossible due to its high strength, it is usually added to cocktails instead of vodka or gin to give classic recipes a new twist, or diluted with juices, lemonade, soda, plain water.

However, true connoisseurs still drink pure potin in small sips, adding an ice cube to the glass. You can also knock over a stack of potina in one gulp (once the Irish did this, getting drunk quickly and cheaply). As an appetizer, any savory dishes are suitable.

Potin (Poitin or Poteen) – strong Irish moonshine, the predecessor of whiskey
The best appetizer

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