Potency pills – characteristics and composition. Potency tablets without a prescription

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Potency tablets can be purchased with a prescription or without a prescription. It depends on the type of main active substance that is contained in them. Prescription pills are believed to be more effective. Well-known preparations that contain sildenafil should also work effectively. It is worth finding out if the potency pills are safe and how to use them.

Potency pills – characteristics

Pills for potency they are intended for adult men of all ages, but it is not certain that they will help everyone. These preparations help to improve sexual performance only in situations where these problems are caused by organic factors, such as cardiovascular diseases. It is certain that even the strongest and most effective pills will not help men who have mental problems or are caused by environmental factors.

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Erection pills – erection problems

Erectile dysfunction in older men is associated with an enlarged prostate, high blood pressure, or coronary artery disease. In younger men around the age of 20, problems may be caused by taking drugs with steroids to increase muscle mass.

Potency problems in XNUMX-year-olds are caused by a poor diet and lack of exercise. Consequently, this leads to a reduction in the level testosterone and cardiovascular problems. Statistically, erection problems can also be caused by heavy smoking.

Potency pills – sildenafil

Potency tablets contain sildenafil. This substance is an active ingredient in the brand-name drug Viagra. Sildenafil belongs to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. They inhibit phosphodiesterase enzymes that degrade molecules that relax muscle tissue. This allows for increased blood flow, causing an erection.

Sildenafil erection pills are sold as 25 milligrams (mg), 50 mg and 100 mg. Men usually take 50 mg tablets about 1 hour before intercourse. Regardless of the dosage, you should not take sildenafil more than once a day.

The potency drug works quickly and its effect usually lasts about 1 hour. It should be noted that sildenafil does not cause an immediate erection. For the drug to work, the man must be sexually aroused. Sildenafil also does not affect your sex drive.

You can also try Organic Ground Guarana, which has a positive effect on potency, and additionally contains natural caffeine, thanks to which it has a stimulating effect.

Potency pills – are they safe for health?

Potency pills are safe and do not damage the circulatory system. This is confirmed by the results of detailed studies to which such preparations must be subjected to before being placed on the market. Specialists sometimes recommend them as a prophylaxis of ischemic heart disease. Erection medications do not lead to hypertension – they are sometimes used as part of the treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension.

Remember that you cannot take several different potency pills at the same time. The ingredients of various preparations can cause dangerous reactions and do more harm than good.

Erection pills are not addictive because they do not affect the central nervous system. However, be careful. They cannot be used in unlimited quantities. Don’t take them with alcohol as it can damage your liver. What’s more, strong alcohols delay ejaculation and may even prevent it. Therefore, it is better to give up a strong drink and enjoy the intimate atmosphere and closeness of your partner.

The editorial board recommends: Erectile dysfunction is not only a problem with sex. They can be the first symptom of many diseases

Potency pills – how to use?

Over-the-counter potency tablets can be used for 10 weeks, 1-2 tablets a day. According to the manufacturer, after this time, the drug can have a positive effect on the body. If the treatment does not work, you can repeat the treatment.

All sildenafil tablets can be taken at least one hour before intercourse as they have a reliever effect.

Use AMORECAPS herbal aphrodisiacs to support your potency and libido improvement, which you can find at an attractive price on the Medonet Market.

Pills for potency and libido

Potency pills taken as a pharmacological treatment of potency disorders do not stimulate the sex drive like popular aphrodisiacs, none of them will cause an erection if the man is not sexually aroused. The desire for sex remains at the same, stable level.

Erectile dysfunction drugs do not have any effect on sperm parameters, although they do promote fertility. How is it? Better erection and satisfactory sexual intercourse completed with proper ejaculation helps the couple to become pregnant. However, if the sperm quality is inadequate or its structure is inadequate, erection medications will not solve the problem.

See: Dapoxetine – action, contraindication and side effects of the drug for premature ejaculation

Potency tablets without a prescription

Pharmacies offer many over-the-counter potency pills, which are often just potency herbs. The therapy can be supported by preparations containing DHEA (a hormone that is converted into testosterone in the body). Over-the-counter potency pills may also contain l-arginine (it facilitates the production of nitric oxide, which has a positive effect on the musculature of blood vessels and improves tissue oxidation).

Common ingredients of natural potency drugs are:

  1. maca root,
  2. thistle
  3. guarany nation,
  4. ginseng,
  5. saw palmetto fruit,
  6. Bee’s milk,
  7. zinc,
  8. selene,
  9. vitamin B6,
  10. Vitamin E.

Often the potency dietary supplements also include turmeric, which can be found, for example, in the High Potency Curcumin Complex Viridian.

Remember that you should not treat erection problems on your own – in order to achieve the desired effect, you should visit a doctor and, under his supervision, take all erection medications and other potency medications. Only then can side effects be avoided and the problem can be successfully solved.

Potency pills and other methods

Potency can be treated not only by taking tablets orally, but also by preparations applied directly to the urethra. Medicines are injected into the base of the penis to increase blood flow and result in an erection (usually 15 minutes after injection). Instead of injections, you can use a gel that is absorbed through the urethra and has a similar effect.

If medications are not enough to solve your erection problems, you can resort to mechanical methods, such as a penis pump. It is a vacuum device that allows blood to flow in and stop in the penis during sexual intercourse. Another solution is penile prostheses implanted during surgery.

Among the home remedies to improve potency, one should not forget to regularly exercise the pelvic floor muscles that surround the lower part of the bladder and anus. Exercise improves blood circulation during an erection.

In addition, in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the following may be useful:

  1. supplementing hormone deficiencies,
  2. diagnosis and treatment of depression,
  3. diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as: diabetes, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, neurosis, urinary system diseases, neurological diseases,
  4. therapy with a sexologist or clinical psychologist if erectile dysfunction is of a psychogenic nature.

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