History of potatoes
It is known that the birthplace of potatoes is South America. Back in 1565, potatoes were used as food by the tribes of the Indians who inhabited the territory of modern Peru and Bolivia.
The root crop became more widespread thanks to Spanish sailors who went to explore the mainland in order to enrich themselves with gold. But instead of precious metal, they found potatoes, which was a very grandiose discovery, which introduced the whole world to this amazing culture.
The spread of potatoes around the world began only at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. It appeared in Our Country during the reign of Peter I. He issued a decree on growing potatoes throughout the country, in all regions and provinces. This caused a flurry of discontent among the peasants, who did not want to give up their land for the cultivation, as they called it, of the “devil’s apple.”
In the middle of the XNUMXth century, during the reign of Nicholas I, “potato riots” began to flare up everywhere: peasants burned fields, beat up landlords, and destroyed crops.
And only by the end of the XNUMXth century the situation with potatoes subsided. People stopped being afraid of being poisoned by it, began to grow it and eat it. Gradually, potatoes began to displace turnips and radishes, took root on peasant tables, and people learned to cook various dishes from it.
Composition and calorie content
Caloric content for 100 grams | 76 kcal |
Proteins | 2 g |
Fats | 0,4 g |
Carbohydrates | 16,1 g |
The benefits of potatoes
Potato has a unique composition that has a beneficial effect on the human body. Regular consumption of potatoes can:
- remove excess fluid and salt from the body;
- improve metabolism;
- stop the symptoms of acute gastritis;
- lower the acidity of the stomach;
- alleviate the course of gastric ulcer;
- lower cholesterol;
- increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
- saturate the body with useful substances that help fight fatigue;
- positively affect female beauty: strengthen nails, improve the condition of skin and hair;
- during pregnancy – reduce swelling, save a woman from heartburn, ensure the proper development of the child.
At the same time, potatoes are one of the most controversial foods in the dietary system. Its harm to the figure is too exaggerated: if properly prepared, the potato will not harm the figure, but will only bring benefits.
It is important not to add high-calorie sauces, mayonnaise, butter to the dish. Eat potatoes preferably in a baked form.
The composition of this vegetable reduces cholesterol levels and stimulates the removal of excess fluid from the body. And also potatoes affect the gastrointestinal tract and protect the stomach from irritation.
“But for those who are trying to limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed per day, I recommend minimizing flour products and cereals on the day you decide to add potatoes to the diet,” says fitness trainer, nutrition consultant Shigontseva Toma.
Potato harm
The main rule is to follow the recommended daily intake of the product: about 300 grams per day in the absence of individual contraindications. Its excess can cause an increase in total body weight and the development of unpleasant side effects.
Also, do not eat a product whose peel has turned green. This indicates an excess of solanine in the tuber, which can have a detrimental effect on the human body due to the toxic properties of this substance.
The use of potatoes in medicine
Potatoes are widely used in folk medicine. The tubers themselves, and the peel, and even its flowers are used. The unique properties of the root crop have a positive effect on the human body and help to cope with many pathological processes.
Potatoes are known for many medicinal properties:
- helps to clear the airways with the help of inhalations for various ENT diseases;
- able to reduce severe swelling and remove the tumor;
- has an effect on blood pressure, helping to lower it.
For this reason, various tinctures and compresses are prepared on the basis of potatoes, which are used to treat joint diseases. Potato juice is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. And applying fresh potatoes to the affected areas helps to cope with skin diseases and burns.
The use of potatoes in cooking
Potatoes are used in the cuisines of many countries around the world. First and second courses are prepared from it, baked, stewed, fried, added as fillings to rich products.
Mushroom cream soup
Potatoes | 200 g |
Bow | 1 piece. |
mushrooms | 500 g |
Cream 10% | 250 ml |
Water | 0,5 l |
Greens | for filing |
Coconut oil | a few drops |
Salt pepper | to taste |
Wash the potatoes, cut into medium cubes and boil until tender in 0,5 liters of water. Fry the onion in coconut oil until golden brown.
Wash mushrooms, dry, cut into slices and add to the onion. Also fry until golden brown. Add ready-made mushrooms with onions to boiled potatoes (do not pour out the water from cooking) and pour over the cream.
Blend everything with an immersion blender. Bring to a boil and turn off. Serve garnished with greens.
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Seafood soup
Mussels in the shell and large shrimp | 200 g |
Bow | 60 g |
Leek | 40 g |
Olives and olives | each 15 pcs. |
Potatoes | 200 g |
Cherry | 5 piece. |
Water | 1,25 l |
Rinse the seafood, peel the shrimp from the shell, drain and put in a pot of water. Let it boil, and then cook for 10 minutes over medium heat.
In the meantime, cut the onion into half rings, the potatoes into strips. Once the seafood has been cooked for 10 minutes, we throw in the potatoes and cook for another 10 minutes. We make frying of onions (on a drop of coconut oil).
After the potatoes are cooked, we throw cherry tomatoes cut in half, olives with black olives, fry and salt. Cook for another 1 minute, turn off and let it brew for 10 minutes. Serve with sprigs of greens.
How to choose and store potatoes
- When choosing potatoes, give preference to outwardly attractive fruits: without dirt and cracks.
- Take medium-sized tubers.
- Don’t buy sprouted potatoes.
Potatoes are best stored in a dry, dark and cool place.
Expert opinion
He told us about the value of potatoes, its benefits and harms Gastroenterologist, Ph.D. Marat Zinnatullin:
– Potatoes are an invariable product of our diet, the beneficial properties of which can hardly be overestimated. It is also called the second bread and for good reason. It is a source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and antioxidants.
100 grams of potatoes contain 70-90 calories, 2,5 g of protein, 0,12 g of fat, 21 g of carbohydrates. Potatoes are rich in potassium – 420 mg, vitamin C – 11 mg, phosphorus – 60 mg, magnesium – 22 mg, B vitamins.
With moderate consumption of potatoes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, blood sugar levels decrease, bones become denser, weight decreases, immunity is strengthened. The recommended dose per day is no more than 250 g of boiled or baked potatoes in the oven and no more than 3 times a week.
Potatoes can be harmful if eaten more frequently. And this is primarily due to the high content of starch. Because of this, the processes of digestion and absorption can be disturbed. Potatoes have a high glycemic index, which means they can raise blood sugar levels, make you feel hungry quickly, and therefore lead to weight gain.
It is not recommended to consume fried potatoes in large quantities – they have a higher calorie content (up to 400 kcal). You can not eat green potatoes, as they contain a toxic substance – solanine.
In general, when used in moderation and properly prepared, potatoes certainly do more good than harm.