Potatoes – an excellent source of energy, protein and vitamins

Potatoes are one of the basic products of Polish cuisine. They reign supreme on tables prepared in many ways. However, many people are unaware of their nutritional value and health properties. What should we know about potatoes?

Potatoes – nutritional values

Potatoes are a healthy source of protein, vitamins, minerals and energy. A real treasure of potassium – 100 g of potatoes contain 443 mg of potassium. Potassium improves kidney function, regulates blood pressure, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and muscles. The consumption of 200 g of potatoes is able to provide half of the daily requirement for vitamin C and as much as 40% for potassium.

In addition to potassium, potatoes also contain:

  1. zinc,
  2. Phosphor,
  3. iodine,
  4. magnesium,
  5. manganese,
  6. copper,
  7. vitamin A.
  8. vitamin C,
  9. B vitamins,
  10. foliage,
  11. beta-karoten.

The dietary fiber content of potatoes helps to improve digestion and intestinal peristalsis. Fiber also increases the volume of the food content, thus ensuring a feeling of fullness. Additionally, it neutralizes the acidifying effect of cereal products and meats.

Potatoes – calories

The popular opinion is that potatoes have a lot of calories. Well 100 g of boiled potatoes is only 73 kcal. 100 g of potatoes contain only 0,01 g of fat, their composition is mainly water – as much as 80 g. For comparison, 100 grams of French fries contain approx. 280 kcal.

The way the potatoes are prepared is of greatest importance here. If we want the potatoes not to turn into a caloric bomb, it is important to choose the right preparation technique. The healthiest form is boiled (max. 20-25 minutes) or baked potatoes. 

Potatoes should be baked with the skin on, so that they do not lose a large amount of valuable vitamins and minerals. The most caloric way to prepare potatoes is – frying and topping them with fat with cracklings or sauces. Instead of cream and butter, add milk or natural yoghurt to mashed potatoes – this will significantly reduce the caloric content of the meal.

Interestingly, in order to reduce the caloric content of potatoes, it is also recommended to chill them. The high content of starch in potatoes, after cooling, changes its consistency to more sticky, thanks to which it begins to digest faster. Therefore, after cooking, it is recommended to put the potatoes in the fridge. During this time, the starch will undergo a retrograde process and turn into resistant starch. As the name suggests, resistant starch is not affected by digestive enzymes, which prevents the human body from obtaining energy from it.

  1. Check what else the potatoes can help you with

Potatoes – which ones to choose?

In Poland, potatoes are extremely popular, as evidenced by the number of cultivated varieties – as many as 135 species (100 edible, 35 starchy). The most popular are: breeze – it has yellow flesh, often used for everyday meals, denarius – light yellow flesh, also widely used in the kitchen, finesse – light yellow flesh, often used for the production of french fries, others include lord, typhoon and vineta.

  1. A – high humidity, little starch,
  2. B – firm flesh, the so-called universal potatoes,
  3. C – high starch content, light flesh (recommended for potato pancakes or dumplings),
  4. D – fodder potatoes.

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