Potato variety Izyuminka

Raisin potato (shown in the photo) is a high-yielding variety characterized by increased resistance to fungal and viral diseases. When choosing a variety, vegetable growers pay attention to the purpose of the potato, its varietal characteristics, taste and shelf life. The variety has passed long selection tests, as a result of which it is able to satisfy the needs of even the most experienced vegetable growers. The originator of the variety Izyuminka is VNIIKH named after V.I. A.G. Lorkha. The variety has not yet been included in the State Register.

Potato variety Izyuminka

Description of the potato variety Zizuminka

Картофель Изюминка относится к среднеспелым сортам, т. к. длительность формирования и созревания клубней составляет около 110 дней с момента появления всходов.

Potato bush has a compact size. Shoots erect, reach 50-70 cm in height. The leaves are deep green in color and have a shiny, pubescent surface. Leaves are medium in size.

Flowering in the Izyuminka variety is observed 4 weeks after the emergence of seedlings above the ground. The flowers are purple with a reddish tint.

Potato variety Izyuminka

According to the description of the variety, the Izyuminka potato shown in the photo is characterized by increased drought tolerance, which allows it to be grown in regions with minimal rainfall.

Potato tubers have an oblong-oval shape. The eyes are shallow, at the stage of technical ripeness they are smooth, and when ripe they become rough.

The peel of root crops is painted in red color. The section shows that the flesh of the potato is yellow.

Potato yield

Показатель урожайности зависит от используемого семенного материала и соблюдения агротехники. При правильной посадке удается добиться хороших показателей. По отзывам овощеводов с каждого куста Изюминки собирают около 15 картофелин среднего и крупного размера.

Potato variety Izyuminka


The taste of potatoes depends on the percentage of starch in it. For the Izyuminka variety, this figure ranges from 16-18%. This means that the variety belongs to high-starchy crops, therefore it is well cooked. Such tubers are used for baking, boiling, mashing. According to the evaluation scale of taste qualities, the Zyuminka potato received 4,5 points out of 5.

Pros and cons of the variety

The potato variety Zizuminka has both positive qualities and some disadvantages. Among the advantages are:

  • good taste;
  • long shelf life of tubers – up to 10 months;
  • large tubers;
  • high immunity to cancerous lesions, late blight and scab;
  • medium resistance to leaf curl virus, mosaic, nematode;
  • increased drought resistance, the variety is suitable for growing in the middle lane and the southern regions.

There are no significant shortcomings in the variety Izyuminka. Of the minuses, vegetable growers distinguish the following:

  • длительный период созревания;
  • the taste of potatoes appears only after ripening, which means that this variety will not work as an early potato;
  • sprouts damaged in spring do not recover well.

Planting and caring for potatoes Zest

To increase the yield of potatoes, you need to know the secrets of its cultivation. The correct planting scheme allows you to save space and get a good harvest. The yield is affected by the place of planting, timely fertilization, watering, loosening the earth and weeding from weeds. Recommendations for agricultural technology are given below.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Izyuminka potatoes ripen for about three months, so a sunny place should be chosen so that the tubers have time to ripen. The soil should be fertile, without stagnant moisture. Excessive moisture leads to the development of fungal diseases.

Preparation of planting material

Important! Potato tubers Izyuminka can be planted after the soil warms up to +10 °C.

Preliminary preparation consists in germinating tubers. Various sprouting methods can be used:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • combined.

During dry germination, Raisin potatoes are laid out in boxes in 1-2 layers and suitable conditions are created: light and temperature. The first 10 days to awaken the eyes, the potatoes are kept at +18 ° C, then the temperature is lowered to +14 ° C. Such a decrease in temperature does not allow the sprouts to stretch and grow vigorously, this is an additional hardening for them.

Wet germination is considered more effective, but it will require boxes with wet sawdust or peat. Potatoes are placed in a container and covered with a wet substrate. The room should be dark, the temperature is maintained at +15 ° C. With this method of preparation, the tubers give sprouts and roots, which speeds up the process of germination in the ground. Preparation of tubers by this method takes from 15 to 20 days.

Attention! To increase the yield of Zyuminka potatoes and improve the quality of planting material, tuber dressing is used.

Before planting, the potatoes are treated with the Poteitin growth stimulator. To process 50 kg of seed material, 1 liter of water and 1 ampoule of the drug will be required.

For pre-planting processing, complex products containing microelements necessary for the full development of potatoes are used. For example, the Mikom preparation used for spraying tubers includes boron, zinc, copper, manganese and molybdenum.

From soil pests and diseases, they use the treatment of tubers with insectofungicidal agents – “Prestige”, “Maxim”.

Rules of landing

Метод посадки картофеля зависит от качества грунта и погодных условий в регионе выращивания. Существует три классических способа посадки:

  • smooth (under a shovel);
  • ridge;
  • trench.

The ridge method is used in those areas where groundwater passes close to the surface. The ground in the beds is too wet, so they make ridges with a tractor, into which potatoes are buried.

The trench method is used where the land dries up quickly. If you make ridges in sandstones, they will have to be watered daily, and moisture does not evaporate so quickly in trenches.

Potatoes are planted under a shovel in small areas of sandy and sandy loam soil. In clay soil, planting under a shovel does not give a good harvest.

Important! Planting depth is calculated depending on the quality of the soil.

On light soils, they deepen as much as possible – up to 12 cm, on loams – up to 10 cm, and in clay soil they bury no deeper than 5 cm. The distance between rows should be about 70 cm, between adjacent holes in a row – 30 cm.

Large harvest of potatoes. Part 1

Watering and top dressing

The amount of watering must be adjusted based on weather conditions. If there is no rain, and the earth is dry, the potatoes require moisture, but if it rains and the beds are wet, watering should be delayed.

General watering recommendations:

  • good time for watering – evening, if watered in the morning, the moisture from the leaves may not have time to evaporate, which will lead to sunburn on the tops;
  • each bush requires at least 3 liters of water;
  • choose the irrigation method that is most convenient in a particular situation. In a small area, root irrigation is used, in large fields, drip irrigation and furrow irrigation are used.

Potato variety Izyuminka

Top dressing can be root and foliar. As root use:

  • птичий помет, разведенный с водой в соотношении 1:10. Смесь выливают в борозды между лунками;
  • urea is dissolved in water. For 10 liters of water add 1 tbsp. l. substances and contribute 0,5 l under each bush;
  • mullein is also bred with water. A bucket of water will require 1 liter of liquid mullein. After fermentation, the aisles are watered with the mixture;
  • infusion of weeds. The grass is crushed and soaked in water for several days, after fermentation, the solution is used to water potatoes;
  • mineral supplements – nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

Foliar top dressing for potato variety Izyuminka:

  • carbamide (5 l of water, 0,1 kg of carbamide, 0,15 kg of potassium monophosphate and 5 g of boric acid). The first time top dressing is carried out 14 days after the appearance of sprouts. The plant is sprayed with a solution diluted 2 times. After 2 weeks, the procedure is repeated, but the liquid is used undiluted. Processed only before flowering;
  • phosphorus top dressing increases yield and affects the amount of starch in tubers. To process bushes on an area of ​​10 m², 10 liters of water and 100 g of superphosphate will be required.

Loosening and weeding

Loosening with a rake on the 6th day after planting allows you to accelerate the germination of potatoes. In the future, loosening is carried out after rains and irrigation in order to break the crust formed on the ground.

Прополка необходима для удаления сорной травы с грядок. Процедуру проводят несколько раз за сезон по мере подрастания травы.


The first hilling is recommended to be carried out as early as possible. The height of the tops can serve as a guideline. If the greens stretched 15-20 cm above the ground, they start hilling.

The second time the event is held after 14 days. It is believed that two hilling per season is enough for potatoes, but if the tubers are visible above the ground, repeated hilling is indispensable.

Diseases and pests

According to the description of the variety and reviews of vegetable growers, Izyuminka potatoes are highly resistant to cancer, alternariosis, rhizoctoniosis and potato nematode, show an average resistance to late blight, phomosis. The variety is susceptible to scab. Prevention of diseases consists in pre-planting treatment of tubers.

Of the insects, Colorado potato beetles, bears, wireworms and false wireworms can harm potatoes.

To combat insects, chemicals are used, and it is also recommended to observe crop rotation and dig up the ground in the fall.

Harvesting and storage

The first signal for harvesting is the withering of the tops. Harvest times vary by region, but potatoes must be dug up before the ground freezes. Dig up potatoes in dry weather. Each bush is carefully dug up with a pitchfork or a shovel and pulled by the tops.

Before being sent for storage, the potatoes are weathered in a shady place, then sorted and sorted. You can store in the basement at a temperature of 2-4 ° C. The room should be dark and dry. There must be a ventilation system, otherwise the potatoes will get wet and begin to rot.

To keep potatoes longer, they are treated with copper sulphate. For 10 liters of water, 2 g of dry vitriol is required. The collected root crops are sprinkled with this solution and dried well before lowering into the cellar.


Izyuminka potato is a drought-resistant variety suitable for growing in the southern regions and central Our Country. The tubers are distinguished by their high starch content and excellent taste.

Reviews about potato Raisins

Inessa Pavlovna, 52 years old, Krasnodar Territory
I saw a new potato variety Izyuminka at my neighbors’ dacha. At harvest, there were about 20 pieces in each hole. I decided to plant this variety in my area. Gathered a decent harvest of delicious potatoes. I will definitely plant this variety again.
Stanistav Sergeevich, 58 years old, Belgorod
I decided to update the potato seed material, read on the Internet about the Zizuminka variety and decided to purchase it for planting. He harvested three times more potatoes than he planted. I am satisfied with the harvest, the potatoes are large, tasty.
Adelaida Markovna, 65 years old, Bryansk
The children brought a new potato variety, Izyuminka, from Krasnodar for testing. I liked the taste and appearance of the tubers, so I left two buckets for planting. In the spring I prepared the tubers, germinated them and planted them. Potatoes have risen together and bloomed wildly. Harvested at the end of August. We managed to take about 2 kg of potatoes from each bush. I will definitely select 2-3 buckets for planting, the potatoes are tasty and fruitful. Due to their high starch content, the tubers are best boiled and used in soups. And for frying, I grow other varieties.

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