Potato Spring

Description of the potato variety Spring, photos and reviews of experienced gardeners indicate that the culture is very popular among land owners due to its excellent characteristics. To obtain a high yield, growing potatoes Spring has its own characteristics.

Potato Spring

Characteristics of the potato variety Spring

Potato Vesna is an early ripening variety for table use. The plant is a shrub consisting of several stems with large bright green leaves of a light shade of a significantly pronounced pinnately dissected shape.

The culture has a fibrous root system without a central root. The depth of placement in the ground is 30 – 60 cm from the outer layer.

Tubers are formed by transformation of shoots on underground stems, at the ends of stolons. Ripe spring potatoes are white or pink, oval in shape with axillary buds on a smooth surface. The mass of tubers is about 90 – 140 g.

The plant culture of this variety does not tolerate weather fluctuations with minus marks on the thermometer. The most favorable temperature for a short flowering of potatoes is 17 – 23 ° C.

Despite the fact that the variety is not yet included in the State Register, its cultivation in individual plots of Our Country has become actively spread due to positive assessments of the main characteristics of the crop.

Potato Spring

Taste qualities of potatoes Spring

Spring potatoes have positive nutritional characteristics. The pulp does not disintegrate during boiling, retains its color. Tubers are successfully used for cooking various everyday and festive dishes, snacks, chips. At the same time, the Vesna variety has excellent taste characteristics, which is why it has gained popularity.

Pros and cons of the variety

Growing potatoes of the Spring variety by gardeners has characteristic positive aspects. These include:

  • rapid maturation of tubers;
  • low vulnerability to disease;
  • high percentage of yield;
  • preservation of taste and external characteristics;
  • high nutritional value: potatoes supply the human body with potassium and phosphorus, contain a large amount of nutrients, including magnesium; B vitamins and others.

The minus is the possible response of sprouted shoots to fluctuations in air temperature, including frost.

Planting and caring for potatoes Spring

Potatoes of the Spring variety need timely attention and the necessary care actions from the moment of planting. To achieve sufficient air intake into the inner layers of the soil, the beds with potatoes are recommended to be periodically loosened and freed from weeds. There is an effective way to control weeds – covering the top layer of soil with mulch.

In addition, caring for potatoes involves the implementation of agrotechnical measures:

  • systematic watering;
  • performing hilling;
  • introducing useful elements into the soil.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Planting a variety is recommended to be carried out on land plots on which this crop has not been grown for 2-3 years. Spring potatoes are good to plant after legumes, cabbage, root crops, cucumbers, pumpkins. Conversely, planting a crop is highly undesirable after sunflower, sorghum, tomatoes and other plants of the Solanaceae family. The soil before use is prepared in advance, in the fall. To do this, it is dug up and fertilized.

With high acidity of the soil, lime material or chalk is used. To increase the fertility of clay soil, sand, peat, or complex organic fertilizers are additionally added.

Attention! Immediately before planting, it is necessary to carry out secondary digging, enrichment with ash and other nutrients in order to improve the chemical composition of the soil.

Preparation of planting material

Tubers for planting are prepared after harvest in the fall. To do this, mainly medium-sized root crops are selected, placed in a dark, cool place, for example, in a cellar. Approximately 20 – 30 days before planting, the material is transferred from the basement to a place with direct access to light. Potato tubers are sorted, getting rid of spoiled and unsprouted tubers.

Potato Spring

Rules of landing

When planting spring potatoes in the soil, certain recommendations should be followed. The depth of the holes depends on the composition of the soil: on heavy, dense soils, the depth is 4–6 cm, on sandy and light soils, 8–12 cm.

Among the basic landing rules are the following:

  • only selected healthy tubers with sprouts are used;
  • 2 – 4 weeks before the procedure, planting raw materials are transferred from the basement to a warm, bright place;
  • tubers are planted only in warm, loosened soil with a temperature of at least 10 ° C;
  • provide regular watering mainly in the evening;
  • after irrigation of the soil, loosening is performed.

Watering and top dressing

The need for watering and feeding potatoes Spring is due to the individuality of climatic and atmospheric conditions, as well as the composition of the soil. During the growing season, there are three main watering periods:

  • after germination of seedlings;
  • before bud formation;
  • in the flowering phase.

Unscheduled soil moistening is carried out during a prolonged drought.

Apart from the enrichment of a plot of land with organic substances, before planting, throughout the entire stage of growing potatoes of the Vesna variety, it is recommended to produce 3 root dressings:

  • manure after 25 – 35 days from the start of the process;
  • mineral mixtures or ash when buds appear;
  • organic fertilizers at the end of the flowering phase.
Important! Watering is carried out directly into the furrows, or by drip.

Loosening and weeding

Loosening of potatoes of the Spring variety is carried out in order to enrich the earth with oxygen, improve air circulation, and also to eliminate weeds. To do this, the soil is treated with a hoe or rake at various stages:

  • before germination of shoots;
  • as the beds are overgrown with grass;
  • after precipitation – to remove hardened areas of the earth.

Loosening the soil is desirable to carry out after watering.

Potato Spring


Spring potatoes need hilling, which consists in heaping wet soil under the base of the bush. This agricultural technique is used when necessary:

  • protect plants from the harmful effects of weather changes;
  • stimulate the growth of additional tubers;
  • ensure natural air exchange;
  • accelerate the process of natural solar heating of the earth;
  • protect plants from pests, infections, weeds.

Hilling is carried out as needed at least 2 times during the season.

Diseases and pests

Variety Vesna is highly resistant to diseases such as cancer, macrosporiosis, medium – to viral diseases and relative – to late blight. In order to avoid infections, it is recommended to take a number of preventive actions. These include:

  • the use of carefully selected material for planting;
  • treatment of the plant with biological preparations during the flowering period and after 15-20 days;
  • timely elimination of spoiled parts of the culture;
  • sowing aromatic plants next to potatoes, such as mustard, horseradish, garlic, lemon balm.

The Colorado potato beetle is the most common pest, Corado, Typhoon-plus and others are used to combat it.

The crop may also suffer from wireworm infestation. Preventive measures for insect control:

  • placing traps in the ground in the form of plastic cups or bottles with potato peels – shortly before planting;
  • planting along the perimeter of the legume plot;
  • eggshell additives directly into the hole when planting, you can also use onion peel, wood ash, mustard powder.

Potato yield

With proper care of the crop, 7-15 tubers are harvested from one bush per season. After reviewing the description of Spring potatoes, and also, judging by the photo of ripened tubers, we can conclude that the root crops are in a good presentation and the variety has high taste qualities.

Potato Spring

Harvesting and storage

Digging up ripe potatoes Spring is recommended to be done 1,5 – 2 months after planting, depending on the impact of climatic conditions and the implementation of all necessary measures to care for the crop. Harvesting tubers is desirable to carry out in dry weather. Leaves and weed residues are destroyed to prevent the spread of viruses and other diseases.

After 2 – 4 weeks, dried and folded in boxes or bags, the tubers are additionally sorted out in order to reject damaged and diseased fruits, and placed in the basement for further storage.


Taking into account the description of the Spring potato variety, photos and reviews of gardeners, we can draw conclusions about the advantages of the crop: early ripening of tubers, high yields, as well as good disease resistance and excellent taste characteristics. In connection with these advantages, Spring potatoes are becoming increasingly popular in growing on individual plots.

Reviews about the variety of potatoes Spring

Elena Miroshnichenko, 36 years old, Chelyabinsk
We have been planting Spring potatoes for the third year already and are very pleased with the variety. After 40 days, we are already starting to dig up a young potato. At the end of August we harvest, there are a lot of tubers from each bush. Anyone who has not tried, I recommend this variety of potatoes.
Veniamin Goncharov, 55 years old, Aprelevka
Planted several types of potatoes. Variety Spring really liked its unpretentiousness, ease of care, high yield, good taste. I advise everyone.
All about growing potatoes. TYPES AND VARIETIES OF POTATOES. Part 1

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