Potato scab is a fungal disease that tends to spread quickly, while it does not manifest itself in any way during the growing season and is hardly noticeable to the inexperienced eye. The infection can live and spread in the ground for several years. If you do not take any control methods, continue to plant infected potatoes, then the commercial quality is greatly reduced, which can lead to the loss of most of the crop.
The causative agents of the disease can be in the soil for a long time, enter the potato tubers through the pores and wounds that insects can leave. It is imperative to somehow treat the scab on the potatoes, because such a crop is not stored for a long time, and rot quickly forms in it. It is necessary to correct this situation using an integrated approach.
Potato scab is a fungal disease that can ruin most of the crop.
The danger of scab contamination is possible when fertilizing with fresh manure, since spoiled potatoes are often used to prepare livestock feed. There are several types of potato scab:
- Common – the causative agent of the infection is a fungus, it lives in dry, sandy soil that has an alkaline reaction. It manifests itself in the form of small ulcers of a red-brown hue, and the surface of the root crop becomes rough.
- Powdery – appears after prolonged rains on heavy, waterlogged soil. Brown ulcers of various sizes form on the tubers, and a white bloom forms on the near-ground part of the bush.
- Black is the most dangerous type of scab. The infection affects the plant completely, begins with root crops, they become covered with black spots, and soon the bush itself begins to turn black. Such a plant must be destroyed immediately, since it will not be possible to save it.
- Silver – manifests itself in the form of small sores of a silvery color with a black dot in the middle, they have the ability to grow rapidly, affecting most of the tuber, appears with an insufficient amount of manganese boron in the soil.
Potatoes infected with scab can be eaten, since they do not pose a danger to humans. The damaged part of the root crop is simply cut off and discarded.
To reduce the risk of developing an infection and create conditions under which pathogens will be uncomfortable, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of how to properly deal with potato scab:
- change the planting site for potatoes every year;
- treat planting material with fungicides;
- disinfect contaminated land with special means;
- fresh manure must not be introduced.
2 weeks before harvesting, the tops must be mowed, this helps the tubers to get stronger. If you sow the site with green manure, it will help to improve the soil and saturate the earth with useful microelements.
Scab is not a particularly dangerous disease and can be dealt with if you follow the basic recommendations for planting. With proper care of the site, scab infestation can be avoided and a good potato crop can be obtained.