Potato Red Lady

In Our Country, potatoes are respectfully called “second bread”. Every gardener involved in the cultivation of vegetables allocates considerable areas for this crop and wants his work to be productive and lead to a rich harvest. Since the potato occupies a special place in the nutrition of every family, the requirements for culture are significant.

Potato Red Lady

Potatoes must:

  • To be not only tasty, but also aesthetically attractive;
  • Well kept;
  • Have high yields.

Among the rich variety of potato varieties, you can choose one that will meet all the stated criteria.


Potatoes of the Red Lady variety were obtained by breeders in Germany and entered into the State Register of the Federation in 2008. The climatic conditions of the Central Black Earth, Far East, Middle Volga, Caucasus regions are suitable for growing the Red Lady variety. Gardeners who have had experience in growing this variety share only positive feedback.

  • Potato variety Red Lady – early ripe. Only 2 months pass between planting and getting the first young potatoes, but the vegetative period is extended, potatoes intended for storage are harvested after 90 days;
  • The variety is suitable for cooking a variety of dishes, has an amazing taste;
  • The tubers are quite large, weighing up to 150 g, colored reddish, pale yellow on the cut, oval in shape and of the same size, the yield of small non-marketable potatoes is minimal;

    Potato Red Lady

  • Each potato bush is capable of producing approximately 15 tubers;
  • The skin is thin but tough. It protects tubers from mechanical damage, so Red Lady tolerates transportation well and is perfectly stored without losing its presentation;
  • There are few eyes on potatoes and they are superficial, which greatly facilitates peeling potatoes;
  • Starch content 12,5-16,8%;
  • Medium-sized shrub, erect or semi-erect;
  • Productivity from 165 to almost 300 centners per hectare;
  • The variety is resistant to most potato diseases (viruses, bacteria, scab, nematodes, late blight).

The plant has a good list of virtues. Therefore, it is worth trying to grow it on your site. To do this, you will need to comply with simple agrotechnical conditions.

Potato Red Lady

Features of agricultural technology

The Red Lady variety loves warmth, light and light sandy and sandy loamy soils. In your garden, choose flat, well-lit areas for potatoes.

It is worth remembering that sandy and sandy soils are poor in humus. And potatoes need a sufficiently large amount of nutrients to form tubers. Therefore, the Red Lady variety actively responds to regular fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Potato Red Lady

As an organic fertilizer, use herbal infusion or infusion of slurry and bird droppings, diluting the infusion with clean water at the rate of 1 part to 10 parts of water. But such dressings should not be carried away, since an excess of organic matter in the soil leads to an increase in green mass by the plant to the detriment of the growth of the underground part.

Advice! Apply fresh manure and superphosphates to the soil in the fall when digging.

During the winter, organic matter and mineral fertilizers will turn into a convenient form for assimilation by potatoes and will be as useful as possible.

In the spring, when planting potatoes, apply ash (a handful per 1 hole) or complex fertilizers ready for use, for example, Kemira. Carefully read the instructions for the amount of fertilizer to be applied. On the features of the use of ash, see the video:

Ash. Features application of ash

Potato Red Lady

Advice! Apply fertilizer pointwise, directly into each hole. This method of fertilizing is more useful for the plant and profitable from an economic point of view.

Plant Red Lady potatoes when the soil is warm enough (up to +10 degrees). Planting pattern: approximately 60 cm between rows and 35-40 cm between future plants.

Seed material must be taken care of when harvesting. Choose medium-sized tubers: no more than 90 g. They should be even, without visible damage. Small potatoes are not suitable for the formation of a future crop.

Before seed potatoes are put into storage, they should be dried very well and subjected to forced gardening. Then the tubers will endure wintering without negative consequences. The temperature regime during storage should also be observed, potatoes are stored at a temperature of slightly more than zero degrees.

In order to get early Red Lady potatoes, experienced gardeners advise sprouting tubers before planting. For this, the seed material is placed in the light 3-4 weeks before planting.

Potato Red Lady

Regular care of potato plantings consists in removing weeds, top dressing and hilling. The variety tolerates a lack of moisture. But to improve the yield, the plants must receive watering at least 3 times per season. This is especially important during flowering, when the process of tuber formation begins.


The Red Lady variety is recommended for growing in both small and large farms producing potatoes for sale. The grade has an attractive trade dress, excellent taste, high productivity, is steady against illnesses and a drought. Retains its qualities under adverse climatic conditions.

Potato Red Lady


Evgenia Zvonareva, 48 years old, Voronezh region
After long experiments with different varieties of potatoes, we settled on Red Lady. Arranges everything. Delicious, not watery, slightly yellowish when cut, does not turn black. The skin is thin. Potatoes keep perfectly. I especially like the fact that it ripens very early. In summer, always with their fresh potatoes.
Anton Efremov, 59 years old, Rostov region
The Red Lady variety was planted for several years in a row. Everything seemed to suit. A decent harvest. Enough for myself and for sale. Then the yield began to drop. Empirically, I found out that it is necessary to change the potatoes in places with other plants. Grows very well after corn. Conclusion: crop rotation has not yet been canceled!

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