Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

The nutritional value and special taste of potatoes have made them very popular among residents of many parts of the world. Currently, this culture is given an impressive part of the daily human diet. Therefore, it is not surprising that many decide to grow potatoes on their own land, providing their family and loved ones with this indispensable product. And, although at first it may seem that there is nothing complicated in planting potatoes, this process has many subtleties, the neglect of which can seriously affect the size of the future crop. Moreover, it is important to know not only how to plant a crop, but also when, because the timing of planting potatoes in the regions varies significantly. Careful preparation will provide you with a collection increased many times over and will allow you to use the sown area more efficiently.

How are landing dates determined?

Many, according to a long-established tradition, are planting potatoes in the first half of May. Unfortunately, this solution is far from universal. Potatoes need to be planted in warm soil. If you plant it earlier, it will not warm up, and the tubers will germinate poorly. It is also important to consider soil moisture – an excess of this indicator will lead to disease and decay, as a result of which the entire bush may be lost. By planting tubers too early, you can run into frost.

Overdoing potatoes before planting is just as dangerous as rushing them – if the soil dries out as summer approaches, the crop will be low. The statistics are strong evidence of the correctness of all of the above: a deviation from the optimal potato planting dates by 10 days in any direction will reduce your future harvest by 20%.

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

It is not difficult to determine the time for planting potatoes on your own. It is important to remember that as soon as the frosts have passed and the soil has warmed up to + 8 ° C at a depth of 10-12 cm, planting can begin. To accurately determine this period, you can use the popular or analytical method to choose from, or draw conclusions based on both:

  • analyze the weather forecast for the period of interest, based on information from several sources;
  • pay attention to the flowering of bird cherry, the appearance of leaves near the birch – the difference between these events is usually 10 days and marks the beginning of the planting period.

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

When to plant potatoes in different latitudes

As already mentioned, the timing of planting potatoes is based on warming up the soil. The process proceeds differently in different regions, which means that the timing will also be different. The third decade of March is suitable for planting early varieties in the south of Ukraine and in the Krasnodar Territory. For planting mid-season varieties in these areas, the beginning of April is optimal. Following the southern regions, the heat reaches the middle zone – the third decade of April is suitable for planting potatoes in the Moscow region, Leningrad region. This period also covers the rest of Ukraine and Belarus. Siberia and the Urals are characterized by the latest dates for planting potatoes – only in the first decade of May the required temperature is set here.

Secrets of landing

It is the planting process that largely determines the size of the future crop. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the factors that can influence this stage of growing potatoes. First of all, you should pay attention to the size of the tubers – it is better to choose medium ones that are not affected by diseases. Their weight should be in the range of 50-70 g.

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

Pre-germination can significantly speed up the emergence of seedlings, and for early varieties it is completely indispensable. In the course of germination, the tubers are exposed to a high-temperature effect, which awakens them and contributes to the accumulation of various nutrients, growth substances that favor the further appearance of buds. Planting pre-sprouted potatoes allows you to get seedlings 1-2 weeks earlier than usual, respectively, the remaining stages of growing potatoes also begin earlier. An additional factor that testifies in favor of the use of such tubers is the increased resistance to possible cold snaps. In total, germinated tubers can win up to three weeks at harvest by increasing the size of the crop by identifying diseased samples at the germination stage.

There are 5 most common sprouting methods:

  • In the light in rooms with a high temperature (+12-20 ° C): a month before planting, the potatoes are distributed over even planes in several layers, after which the tubers are periodically turned over and the humidity is maintained at 80-85%.

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

  • In open areas with free access to sunlight: they choose a dry, level place on the ground, closed from the wind, and cover it with peat or straw (10-15 cm), germinating potatoes from two to three weeks. If the temperature drops, the tubers should be covered with plastic wrap. The advantage of this method is the special structure of the resulting sprouts – they are dense and short, therefore they do not deform during planting.
  • In an environment with high humidity: the necessary conditions for the process are temperature +14-16°C, humidity 70-85% and fresh air. The tubers are laid out in several layers for up to three weeks, sprinkled with sawdust and peat. It is important that the environment remains moist, not wet.
  • In the pits. With heating – it is necessary to dig a pit 40 cm deep, covering the bottom with heated compost and covering it from above with a thin layer of earth. The potatoes are laid out in two or three layers. You can use a pit without heating – you will need a pit 20 cm deep. The germination process lasts a month, subject to the periodic shifting of the upper tubers down and vice versa.
  • Combination of wet and light method.

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

If the selected potato variety is in short supply, or there is simply a need to save raw materials, the potatoes are cut into 2 or 4 parts. This trick is relevant for early and mid-early varieties. The procedure is carried out with pre-dried tubers treated with special growth stimulants. Ash will protect the already cut material from various diseases and decay – it is enough to cover the cut surface with it.

A transverse incision on the tuber will increase the number of germinating buds. It is enough, when cutting, to leave 1 – 2 cm undivided and perform the procedure until the “eye” appears. The reception is especially effective when planting in soil treated with fertilizers.

As you can see, the role of pre-treatment in the process of planting potatoes is extremely important. However, no less important is the choice of the type of landing – a mistake at this stage can level all previous efforts. There are 4 traditional methods of planting tubers (the necessary one is selected based on soil and climate analysis):

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

  • Bed – before planting, ridges are formed 20 cm high. Each should accommodate two rows of tubers, therefore the width reaches 160 cm. Subsequent placement of potatoes shallow in the ground accelerates germination and provides good air circulation. Seedlings are immediately covered with soil. The procedure is repeated once a week, thereby not only intensifying the germination process, but also preventing the appearance of weeds.
  • Ridged – the higher the excess soil moisture – the higher the ridges should be. Ridges of 22-25 cm are poured over the planted tubers for five days, while the distance between the rows is 50-70 cm, and between the tubers – 15-20 cm. The advantage is the rapid heating of the earth and air circulation.
  • Smooth – characterized by a flat soil surface at the end of planting, which prevents excessive evaporation of moisture. The disadvantage is the complexity of further planting care. Not suitable for clay soil.
  • Row is the most popular landing method. Rows are formed, the distance between which is 70 cm, and between the tubers inside – 20-45 cm. The disadvantage is the uneven use of space.

Potato planting dates: how to determine so as not to miss

When planting potatoes and other crops, many are guided by the lunar calendar. This is due to the influence of the moon on the growth and development of various plants. There are a number of favorable days for planting potatoes, and suitable ones can be selected in any month, which means that residents of any latitude will be able to appreciate the positive effect of the lunar phases on their crops. In turn, you should beware of unfavorable days – having planted potatoes on one of them, be prepared for its slow ripening.

As you already understood, the process of planting potatoes is not as simple as it seems. However, using the information you learn will definitely help you grow your best crop.

Video “When and how to plant potatoes”

The video tells how to choose planting material, how to determine the timing of planting and how to plant potatoes correctly.

When and how to plant potatoes

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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