Potato Madeleine

Description of the potato variety Madelina, photos and reviews characterize it as an early ripe crop with high commercial and taste qualities. Potato varieties Madelina are suitable for private and farm cultivation. The tubers are not damaged by mechanical harvesting and are suitable for sale washed. Potato Madeleina adapts well to soils and is a promising, high-yielding variety.

Description of the Madelina potato variety

Potato varieties Madeleina belongs to the Dutch selection. It was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2011. It is recommended for cultivation in the Central, Volga-Vyatka, East Siberian and Far East regions. The bush is formed semi-erect, from medium to high size. The leaves form large, light green in color with a medium or strong waviness of the edge. The flowers are white.

Potato Madeleine

Variety Madelin – early ripe, the ripening period passes from the emergence of seedlings in 80 days. The first digging can be carried out after 45 days, getting about 1 kg of potatoes per 1 square. m. When digging after 3 months of cultivation, the maximum yield is 3,2 kg per 1 sq. m. m.

The tuber forms an oval shape, with a light yellow skin. The eyes are small to medium. The pulp is creamy-yellow, dense. The mass of a marketable potato is 84-118 g. The size is 9-14 cm in length, 7-8 cm in diameter. Commodity indicators – 80-93%, keeping quality – 91%.

The taste of Madeleine potatoes

Madelin potatoes contain a low amount of starch – 11,6-14,7%. This indicator allows you to keep its shape during cooking and is especially suitable for preparing soups and salads. The tuber does not change color during processing and does not darken when cut. Appointment grade table.

In the characteristics and reviews of the Madeleine potato variety, the taste is from good to excellent, depending on the growing conditions. The aroma is weak. The tubers contain an increased amount of useful micro and macro elements, antioxidants and amino acids.

Pros and cons of the variety

Variety Madelina is well acclimatized and widely zoned on the territory of Our Country. Resistant to temperature extremes and slightly whimsical to soils.

Advantages of the variety:

  • early maturation;
  • aligned root crops with high commercial characteristics;
  • productive, with good yield;
  • well transported;
  • not subject to damage during various types of cleaning;
  • for early culture has good storage performance;
  • resistance to certain diseases.

The peculiarities of the variety include the need for planting, in heated soil and pre-planting preparation of tubers. The disadvantages include instability to infection with late blight tops.

Planting and caring for Madeleine potatoes

The early potatoes of the Madelina variety contain several times more vitamins than the varieties of later ripening periods. To obtain useful tubers, potatoes are grown on fertile soil in compliance with crop rotation. Madeleina potatoes grow well after vegetables, the fruits of which appear above the ground, for example, peas, zucchini, corn.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Early potatoes are best planted in open areas on the south and southwest sides. You should not choose places, even partially shaded by trees, on the north side and areas where melt water lingers for a long time.

Growing a crop on heavy and clay soils will not bring a high yield due to the inability of the roots to push apart dense soil layers and develop properly. For planting, sandy, loose soils with neutral acidity are preferred. The landing site is enriched in advance. To do this, green manure is planted on the field in the fall of the previous season or fertilizers are applied.

Advice! Lime for soil deoxidation is applied during autumn digging.

In autumn, deep plowing of the site for planting is recommended – to a depth of 28-30 cm. In the spring, after thawing and drying of the soil, loosening is carried out. The soil for planting should not get dirty, it should be warm and crumbly.

Potato Madeleine

Preparation of planting material

In the spring, when positive temperatures begin, the preparation of planting material begins. Proper preparation accelerates the germination of tubers in the soil and reduces the overall development of the plant. This allows you to get the harvest in the earliest possible time.

Tuber preparation scheme:

  1. Sort. Planting material is checked and sorted out for specimens with signs of bacterial and viral diseases, as well as with the presence of rot or mold.
  2. Calibration Seed potatoes are sorted by size. Medium and large fractions are subsequently planted separately from each other to obtain even shoots. Small-sized potatoes are not recommended for early harvest. A small supply of nutrients in such tubers slows down the emergence of seedlings.
  3. Germination. The tubers are laid out in the light in a warm room. When germinating, it is important to observe the thermal regime, a long stay at a temperature of +20 ° C causes the accumulation of substances that retard growth, which reduces the quality of planting potatoes. Therefore, the temperature of +18… +20°С is maintained only in the first week, and during the next two weeks the temperature is reduced to +10°С. Humidity in the room also matters. Proper development of tubers is obtained at an air humidity of 85-90%. Dry air will cause a loss of moisture in the tuber, which is necessary for the germination of plants in the open field. The room where the potatoes are germinated should be periodically ventilated.
  4. Tuber processing. To protect against diseases and attack by pests, especially in the initial phase of growth, the tubers are treated with insecticidal and fungicidal preparations. Processing is carried out a few hours before planting, so that the tubers have time to dry slightly.

During the preparation and germination of seed potatoes, there is an additional opportunity to detect infected tubers. In such potatoes, the end of the sprouts becomes black. They are not suitable for landing.

Rules of landing

With the onset of constant positive air temperatures above + 10 ° C, planting of potatoes begins. In different regions, this is the beginning or middle of May. The usual way of disembarkation is row. For an even fit, the rows are marked with a stretched cord. The distance between the tubers depends on the size of the planting material and the nutritional value of the soil. The early Madeleina potato variety can be planted more often than later varieties. The usual planting pattern assumes a distance in a row – 25-30 cm, and row spacing – 70 cm.

Watering and top dressing

The culture is demanding for watering. On dry soils, the Madelina variety produces a weak crop. The first watering is carried out after the growth of the green above-ground mass to a height of 5-10 cm. Before this phase, the plant receives enough moisture from the mother tuber. Also during this period, the culture needs to form a strong root system.

With further growth of the bush, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal amount of precipitation and moisten the soil, preventing it from drying out. In order for the potatoes to have the correct shape, watering must be leveled. At a time, use 2-3 liters of water per bush. Drip irrigation and pouring into furrows using heated water is considered the most effective.

Potatoes during the growing period consume a large amount of nutrients from the soil. But mineral fertilizers are best applied in the previous season.

Important! The Madeleina potato variety does not respond well to excessive application of nitrogen for fertilization.

Potato Madeleine

When nitrogen is used during the growing season, the element does not have time to decompose into a form accessible to the plant and accumulates in the root crop in the form of nitrates. The best organic fertilizer for potatoes is rotted manure. For top dressing, an infusion of grass and bird droppings is used.

Loosening and weeding 

Potatoes take a long period from planting to the exit of the vegetative mass. At this time, weeds quickly appear on the field. Grasses take a large amount of moisture and nutrients from the soil. Therefore, weeding begins from the 5th day after planting, they are combined with loosening for better soil aeration.

Further harrowing is repeated at weekly intervals. Loosening helps to break up the soil crust that forms after watering or rainfall.


Hilling is the pouring of soil from row spacing to potato bushes with the formation of high ridges. Agrotechnical reception is necessary so that additional formation of tubers occurs in the soil, and the leaf mass does not lie down. At the time of hilling, additional loosening of the soil and removal of weeds also occur.

Hilling is carried out several times during the growing season, to a lesser extent on sandy soils. The first hilling helps to protect plants from recurrent frosts, it is carried out during the period when the aerial part comes out by 5-10 cm.

Important! During the flowering of potatoes, soil is not poured.

The second hilling is carried out a few weeks after the first, each time adding soil to the plants by one third. The hilling process can be replaced by mulching plantings with cut grass or growing potatoes in green manure plantings.

Diseases and pests

The description and reviews of the Madeleine potato variety indicate its susceptibility to the attack of the Colorado potato beetle. Spraying with infusions with pungent odors, such as garlic, helps from an insect. As well as planting odorous herbs and spices next to the potatoes. Beetles prefer to attack plants with softer, weakened foliage, including those overfed with nitrogen.

The Madelin potato variety is resistant to such diseases and pests:

  • potato cancer;
  • golden potato cyst nematode;
  • striped mosaic;
  • late blight of tubers.

The tops of potatoes to late blight are unstable. To combat fungal infections, preparations containing copper are used.

Potato yield 

The yield of the Madelina variety, taking into account the early ripening period, is high. On a bush, 8-10 even-sized potatoes are formed. At the time of full ripening, the yield is 2,5-3,2 kg per 1 sq. m.

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting of the Madeleine variety can take place several times: in the middle and at the end of the growing season. Only fully ripened potatoes are stored for storage. It becomes mature after withering of the tops and compaction of the peel. The culture is stored in dry ventilated rooms at a temperature of about + 2 … + 5 ° С.


Description of the Madelina potato variety, photos and reviews show a productive crop for growing in personal and farm households. Leveled potatoes with smooth skins and shallow eyes are well suited for sale and storage. The variety is distinguished by early ripening with the possibility of the first digging after 45 days. It adapts well to the soil and climate in the growing area.

Planting potatoes in trenches 🌿 Growing according to the Gordeev technology

Reviews about the Madeleine potato variety

Olga Benaeva, 41 years old, Bryansk
Madeleina first bought potatoes for food, but I really liked the variety and now I use it for self-planting. Modern selections like the evenness and neat appearance of the tubers. The fruit of the Madeleine variety does not darken and does not boil when the peel is cut. In addition, there is the possibility of ultra-early assembly in a month and a half. Late blight does not have time to hit the variety, because I dig it out earlier, I don’t use it for storage, but only as an early potato for food.
Lev Kostin, 55 years old, Novomichurinsk
The Madelin potato variety is not the most common in our region, but it is considered promising. This is a Dutch selection, well adapted to growing conditions in Our Country. The variety is early, but it can be laid for storage. To do this, I grow it in a full cycle so that the peel thickens. And I start early harvesting from the 45th day of cultivation. The taste of potatoes is very pleasant, not boiled soft. The tubers are even, of good mass – about 100 g.

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