Potato inhalation when coughing; breathe over potatoes when coughing
If you are tormented by a cough, but you do not want to resort to the help of pills, you should use folk remedies that are always at hand. For example, cough potatoes are a great helper. Its healing steam will help thin phlegm and soothe spasms.
Cough potatoes are not a substitute for medication
Hot potato steam has a beneficial effect on the bronchi and nasal cavity, improves the absorption of phlegm and its excretion, reduces spasms that occur during coughing.
How to properly inhale potatoes when coughing
For inhalation, you need to either boil 3-4 medium root crops and breathe over a saucepan, or use a potato broth poured into a separate bowl. You can also boil and clean.
For the best effect and safety, observe the following rules:
- never inhale the steam from boiling water: you will burn the mucous membrane. The broth for inhalation must be allowed to cool slightly;
- breathing over potatoes when coughing should be about 1,5 or 2 hours after eating, best before bedtime;
- clothes for the procedure are selected loose, not tight-fitting;
- to inhale the vapor, you should completely cover yourself with a blanket, it is advisable to do this while sitting on the bed;
- the head above the container with the broth does not need to be tilted close – keep it at a safe distance so that the steam warms, but does not burn the nostrils;
- breathe with the mouth or alternately nose and mouth for no more than 10 minutes.
After that, you should lie down and not talk for about an hour.
Such inhalations should not be carried out at elevated temperatures, angina, pneumonia, heart problems, and also if there is a risk of nosebleeds. Children who are less than a year old should not breathe over potatoes. If the child is older, be sure to consult a pediatrician about such inhalations before performing them.
How potatoes can help with dry coughs
Usually inhaled potatoes are used to remove phlegm. But even with a dry cough, such a procedure will bring relief, reducing the antispasmodic effect and warming up the mucous membranes.
For this, boiled potatoes, peeled, sprinkled with salt and baking soda (pinch) before cooking. After cooking, the broth is poured, the tubers are mashed and breathed over it.
In such simple ways, you can alleviate your condition.
Remember that potatoes help with a cold cough, without fever, inflammation of the lower respiratory tract and lungs, and the appearance of purulent formations in the nose.
In these cases, self-treatment is contraindicated and a doctor’s consultation is required. You can learn how potato steam works from the video.
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