Potatoes are grown in almost every garden today. In order to get an excellent harvest, it is necessary that the potato cultivation technology be observed. Our article will tell you about it.
Site selection and tillage
All varieties of potatoes cultivated in Our Country require a properly selected growing area to obtain a good harvest. It is this parameter that largely determines the size of the crop (seed and regular), as well as its quality.
Potato cultivation takes place on a plot that is well protected from the northern winds. The slope should act as protection from the southwestern, southern and southeastern sides. From the soil, sandy or sandy loam is best suited. The soil should be light and dark in color. In this case, the thermal regime improves. In addition, the site should be well lit throughout the day.
Potato cultivation always begins with soil preparation. Soil cultivation begins in April (in the second half) and at the beginning of May. This will enable an early landing. All varieties of potatoes require the creation of a loose, powerful and moist soil layer. This is the most important condition for growing, especially seed potatoes.
The area for potatoes must be dug up twice. In autumn, digging is carried out on a spade bayonet, after which fertilizers are applied. This minimizes the risk of disease. Also, for this, it is necessary to remove all plant residues from the site. If potatoes are grown in this area for the second year, then autumn digging is not carried out, but simply the area is cleared of plant debris.
In the spring, digging is done to accumulate moisture in it. For this purpose, the soil is loosened a little with a rake. For light soils, digging to a depth of 14 cm is permissible, for heavy and medium soils – up to 20 cm. In the presence of heavy soils, organic fertilizers are required. At this site preparation is considered complete.
Ridge technology
Today, there are several technologies for growing this vegetable. The ridge technology of potato cultivation is especially popular today, as it improves the aeration of the soil. It has advantages when planting potatoes on loamy or clay soil. It is especially effective in wet growing conditions. But for the drier regions of our country, a smooth landing is used. Many varieties of potatoes cultivated in Our Country are grown using this technology.
Ridge technology involves three types of cutting:
- autumn. It is used when planting early varieties of potatoes. Such cutting is organized on flat fields. It is held at the end of October. This will reduce soil subsidence. A week before cutting, it is necessary to loosen the soil. Ridge cutting is carried out by 6- or 8-row cultivators;
- spring. This type of cutting is often used in moist areas for gray forest and soddy-podzolic soils. The cutting of the ridges is carried out according to the same principle as the autumn one;
- in the process of landing.
The use of ridge planting technology makes it possible to qualitatively loosen the soil and almost completely destroy weeds even before the first shoots of potatoes appear.
How to fertilize
To obtain high-quality seed and ordinary potatoes, plantings must be fertilized. Many gardeners do not always know how to fertilize potatoes. For this plant, you can use fertilizers of the following types:
- fresh manure. However, remember that it can lead to a deterioration in the taste of the crop;
- peat, if applied in its pure form, does not affect the yield. The only exception is peat, which contains a lot of vivianite in its composition;
- compost. The most optimal type of fertilizer, especially if it contains peat and manure in equal proportions. It is not recommended to use chicken manure and fresh manure, as this can lead to infection of the potato with scab. But if you add peat to it, then it can be used in the garden.
You can also use mineral fertilizers or low-value manure for potatoes. The main thing here is to correctly observe the proportions in the preparation of fertilizers.
Cooking tubers for planting
The most crucial moment in the cultivation of potatoes (especially seed potatoes) is the preparation of tubers. The quality and abundance of the crop directly depends on this.
The preparation of tubers requires a sorting of planting material. Here, defective tubers affected by diseases, with a dry or wet putrefactive structure, should be selected. Also, small and ugly tubers, as well as too large ones, are not used for planting. It is these tubers that give low-quality and low yields. Planting material must be carefully selected, leaving only beautiful, healthy and medium-sized tubers, which, with proper care, will allow you to get a high-quality and plentiful harvest.
Video “Planting potatoes on a farm”
Planting potatoes is possible in three ways:
- comb technology;
- smooth landing;
- trench landing.
Each of the landing methods is suitable for specific cases. Arbitrary choice of tuber planting method can lead to negative results and, as a result, a low yield.
But all these methods have a few things in common:
- the location of the landing should be done on the south side, towards the north. This will create uniform lighting conditions for plants;
- maintaining the proper distance between neighboring plants and beds;
- fertilization. Usually, compost and ash are added from fertilizers at the time of planting.
In addition, for better germination in trenches or holes, it is good to add onion peel. It will protect plants from the main pest – the Colorado potato beetle.
The distance between adjacent tubers should be:
- for late varieties – 70 cm;
- for early varieties – 60 cm.
The distance between rows must be:
- for late varieties – about 26-30 cm;
- for early varieties – about 31-35 cm.
These distances are given for tubers that have a standard size (their size is about the size of a chicken egg). If the tubers are smaller, then the distance between them and the rows decreases proportionally.
The optimal depth for planting is determined by the type of soil:
- for loamy and heavy soils – 8-10 cm;
- for clay soils – 4-5 cm;
- for light soils – 10-12 cm.
These parameters are also equated to a standardized size. Therefore, if the tubers are small, the depth must be reduced. But experts do not recommend deviating more than 3 cm.
Once the potatoes have been planted, the plants must be properly monitored. All varieties of potatoes cultivated in Our Country are distinguished by rather similar conditions of care. Deviations from the general cultivation scheme are typical only for some varieties.
Landing care involves the following actions:
- loosening the soil. To get an excellent harvest, the soil under the potato bushes must be moist and loose. The dryness of the soil is contraindicated, but the plants do not need to be flooded, otherwise the tubers will begin to rot;
- hilling must be carried out after each watering. Hilling should be done in the early morning or evening. For the first time, hilling is carried out when the bushes reach 12-15 cm, and the second time – after 20 days;
- laying drainage to ensure the necessary soil moisture;
- timely feeding. It is held for the first time a month after planting. The second time – after the appearance of the buds, and the third – after the completion of flowering.
Please note that watering potatoes is organized depending on weather conditions, the state of the land and the region of growth. During one season, only three waterings may be enough:
- the first – after the emergence of shoots;
- the second – when the first buds appear;
- the third – after flowering.
Such care will allow you to get an excellent harvest. Follow the above rules, and your potatoes will definitely grow tasty and large.
Protection against pests
To protect potatoes from pests, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive actions:
- autumn and spring deep digging of the soil;
- collection from plants of larvae, beetles and their pupae;
- ensuring timely feeding;
- planting on the site of tubers of early varieties that have already sprouted;
- adding onion skins to the wells.
When pests are detected on plants, it is necessary to treat them with special ecological or chemical solutions.
Compliance with the rules of planting, growing, care and preventive measures will allow you to minimize the risk of getting a poor-quality crop. To top it all off, a properly selected growing site will allow you to grow a quality potato crop that will be perfectly stored at minimal physical cost.
Video “Potato growing technology”
From the video you will learn everything you can about the process of growing this crop. The video will be useful for both farmers and gardeners.