Potato Breeze: variety characteristics

Potato is the most common vegetable in our country. It is grown in almost every area. Therefore, every gardener wants to choose for himself the most fruitful and tasty variety. Breeders, knowing this, are constantly developing and improving potato varieties. Every year there are more and more of them. In such a variety it is difficult to determine the best option. In this article we will consider one of the favorite varieties of many gardeners – “Breeze”. Below you will see a detailed description of the Breeze potato variety.

Potato Breeze: variety characteristics

Characteristic of the variety

Potato variety “Breeze” is classified as mid-early varieties. From the moment of planting to the full maturation of the tubers, it takes from 60 to 80 days. It is not necessary to delay the harvest, as soon as 2–2,5 months have passed, you can safely start harvesting.

The plant has a rather thin stem with a pale color. But the leaves of the Breeze potato are large and bright. They have a rich green color with dark veins and edging. From above, the leaves are slightly wavy and rough. The flowers of this variety are medium in size. The petals are white both inside and out. In general, the bush is unremarkable and moderately sprawling.

The stems are semi-erect type, which is very convenient, since the bush will not lie on the ground. The bushes themselves are low, but quite productive. On average, about 395 centners of potatoes can be harvested from one hectare. The tubers are oval in shape. The peel is pleasant to the touch, smoothness – medium. The eyes are not very deep. The weight of one tuber can reach up to 150 grams. The photo below shows the color of the tuber in the context. As you can see, the potato has a slightly yellowish color. The concentration of starch in fruits ranges from 10 to 16%.

Potato Breeze: variety characteristics

Advantages and disadvantages

The characteristic of the Breeze potato variety contains both advantages and disadvantages. But still, the advantages in this case prevail. So, Breeze potatoes received the following positive reviews:

  • high and stable yields;
  • good fruit taste. In boiled form, the variety received 7 points out of 10 possible;
  • good commercial qualities;
  • high resistance to potato cancer and golden nematode;
  • banded and wrinkled mosaic does not affect this variety;
  • leaves do not curl;
  • fruits are easy to clean.

Such tubers lend themselves to any kind of processing. They prepare all kinds of dishes. The fruits are quickly boiled and fried. Given all this, it becomes clear why it is so difficult to find bad reviews about Breeze potatoes.

Potato Breeze: variety characteristics

Cultivation of potatoes

Tubers for planting are selected in autumn. They store well in a cool room throughout the winter. Potato preparation begins a month before planting. It definitely needs to be sprouted. Some put the tubers in polyethylene and leave it like that. Others simply take the boxes of potatoes to a warm place.

Attention! Large tubers are best cut in half or into several parts.

At this stage, prevention of various diseases is carried out. For example, planting material can be treated with a solution of manganese. It should be slightly pink. Also, many gardeners spray the tubers with a special preparation that accelerates germination.

Next, proceed to the preparation of the soil, which also needs to be processed. The site has been dug up since autumn. Grass, leaves or food waste can be added to the soil. It’s all dug up along with the ground. During the winter, the process of decay will pass, and the waste will turn into excellent fertilizer.

Potato Breeze: variety characteristics

In the spring, immediately after it gets warmer, you can start planting tubers. First you need to dig holes, the depth of which is at least 9 cm. Fertilizer and prepared potatoes are placed there. You can put 2 or 3 tubers in one hole, this will significantly increase the yield. If you believe the reviews, then the Breeze potatoes are best planted at a great distance from each other. Some gardeners leave at least 0,9 m between the bows. This way you can protect the bushes from the spread of diseases. In addition, the bushes will not interfere with each other, and block the sunlight. This will allow you to harvest a more generous harvest.

The most dangerous diseases

The description of Breeze potatoes warns that this variety is prone to golden tuber shell disease. Given that many gardens are infected with such a virus, you should be very careful. If your site is infected, it is better not to plant “Breeze” in your garden. But everything is not so bad, this variety has a high resistance to many common diseases. Namely, like this:

  1. Striped mosaic.
  2. Potato cancer.
  3. A pile of leaves.

According to the characteristics, potatoes of the Breeze variety have good resistance to rhizoctoniosis and black leg. Potato Alternaria is caused by a fungus called Alternaria. As you know, potatoes are often infected with fungal diseases. Therefore, gardeners will have to treat with special preparations, which are called fungicides.

Potato Breeze: variety characteristics

Keep in mind that potatoes need time to show themselves. Do not draw conclusions only from the harvest of the first year. It will take 2-3 years to appreciate the potato variety. Of course, the yield largely depends on the climate and soil composition. Therefore, you should look closely to choose the right variety for yourself.

Proper care

To harvest a good crop of large potatoes, you need not only to plant the tubers correctly, but also to provide them with quality care. The first and most important thing is regular loosening of the soil. Do not allow a crust to form on the surface of the soil. Moreover, this procedure is necessary both before the emergence of seedlings and after the germination of potatoes. When the potatoes grow a little, it will be possible to loosen only the aisles.

Advice! Hilling the bushes is carried out after they grow up to 20 cm in height.

Reviews and characteristics of the Breeze potato variety show that bushes need fertilizers for good growth. For this, both organic and mineral fertilizers are used. This will increase the yield and make the bushes stronger. It is better to carry out such procedures after rains or watering. As an organic, an infusion of bird droppings or a solution of mullein is suitable.

Potato feeding is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. The first top dressing is necessary during the beginning of the growth of green mass. To do this, in one container, combine a spoonful of urea and 10 liters of pure water. Then this solution is used to water the potatoes. For one bush, half a liter of the prepared mixture will be enough.
  2. The second top dressing is carried out during the formation of buds. To prepare fertilizer, 10 liters of water, a spoonful of potassium sulfate and a spoonful of wood ash are combined in one container.
  3. The third top dressing is necessary during the active flowering of potatoes. This time, 10 liters of pure water should be mixed with a glass of mullein and two tablespoons of superphosphate.

Potato Breeze: variety characteristics

If during flowering it is hot outside, you will have to water the bushes. At this time, they especially need strength. You don’t need to feel sorry for the water, from 2 to 3 liters of liquid are poured under each bush. The best time to water is in the morning or evening when the sun is not as active. But do not get too carried away with watering. For the whole season, potatoes are watered no more than five times. Excessive moisture will only contribute to the reproduction of pathogens.


Taking into account all the considered photos, reviews and description of the Breeze potato variety, we can safely say that this is one of the best varieties for growing at home. It has a great taste and high yield, and also does not lend itself to most diseases. It is a pleasure to take care of such bushes.


Victoria Sergeevna, 38 years old, Arkhangelsk
According to the characteristics, Breeze potatoes belong to medium-early high-yielding varieties. The tubers really ripen very quickly, in early August we were already digging young potatoes in our garden. The whole family liked the taste of the fruits. We are very satisfied, we will grow “Breeze” in the future.
Victor Alexandrovich, 42 years old, Volgograd
Potato “Breeze” chose according to the characteristics and reviews from the Internet. I’ve been growing it in my garden for 3 years now. The fruits ripen quickly, the taste is excellent. Bushes do not get sick with proper care. The soil must be fertilized before planting. I’m using a regular grinder. The harvest is quite generous, the tubers are large.

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