Azhur is a young variety that was bred to replace some European varieties of potatoes. It is rapidly gaining popularity among gardeners, as it has an attractive appearance and excellent taste. And the result of the work can be assessed in July.
History of origin
Potatoes Openwork brought breeders. The originator of this variety is the agricultural company Sedek. In 2017, a new variety was added to the state register of the Federation. Gardeners began to actively propagate and sell it.
Openwork is recommended for cultivation in the Central region of Our Country. This includes Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga, Bryansk and other regions. In the southern parts of the country, potatoes can be harvested twice a season.
Openwork – medium early, table varietywhich brings a good harvest. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to the full ripening of potatoes takes 75-85 days. But you can start digging it 20-25 days earlier.
The plant forms a sprawling, vigorous shrub that can reach up to 45-55 cm in height. Large dark green leaves grow unevenly on it. They have a wrinkled structure and a slightly wavy edge. At the top of the bush are inflorescences of large, light lilac flowers.
Azhura tubers are medium in size and oval in shape. The thick skin is dyed dark pink color. The surface of the potato is smooth, the eyes are small and shallow. The pulp contains a large amount of carotene, so it has a straw color. The taste is rich, with a pronounced aroma.
The mass of tubers is in the range of 100-120 grams. One bush can bring 8-15 root crops. From one hectare gardeners on average receive 45-50 tons of crops. Small potatoes are rare, almost all potatoes are the same size.
Potatoes of this variety are characterized high starch content (about 14-16%), so it is widely used in cooking. Ideal for frying, salads and soups.
Advantages and disadvantages
Potatoes of this variety are very young, but promising. Openwork is characterized by a number of advantages:
- early maturation. Potatoes for food are dug up already at the end of June – the first half of July.
- Excellent presentation and taste. Suitable for sale.
- High yield.
- The keeping quality of root crops is 95%. When favorable conditions are created, potatoes of this variety can be stored for a long time without spoiling.
- It tolerates drought well and does not require frequent watering.
- Unpretentious to the composition of the soil.
- Not affected by potato cancer and scab, has an average resistance to late blight.
The disadvantages of potato Azhur include it susceptibility to golden nematode. Landings are often attacked by Colorado beetles, wireworms and moths. For the prevention of diseases, it is recommended to treat the bushes with special preparations. Young tubers are subject to mechanical damage, as they have a thin and delicate skin.
Potato varieties Azhur planted in April-May, when the earth warms up to +12 degrees. With landing it is undesirable to delay. High or low air temperature has a negative effect on the germination of tubers. Potatoes are planted on a flat, well-lit area. The best crop predecessors are winter crops and legumes. Planting potatoes of the Azhur variety should not be near tomatoes and apple trees.
In autumn, humus or peat is applied to the site at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m2. Mineral fertilizers are also added: superphosphate, potassium sulfate and wood ash. After fertilization, the soil is disinfected, dug up and weeds are removed. Lumps do not need to be broken. In the spring, the earth is loosened and leveled with a rake. The procedure facilitates the access of water and air to the roots of the plant.
15 days before planting, Azhur potatoes begin to germinate. The tubers are sorted out, sick and damaged are discarded. Then they are cleaned and washed, as bacteria can remain in the soil. The selected seed material is disinfected in a solution of boric acid (1 tablespoon of powder per bucket of water). To activate the growth processes, the tubers are sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 10 l of water) or infusion of ash (2 cups per 4 l of water). The potatoes are dried and cleaned in a bright place. The air temperature in the room should be from +12 to +16 degrees.
Azhur tubers are planted in holes or grooves to a depth of 5-10 cm. The interval between bushes should be about 25 cm, and between rows – 55-60 cm. If fertilizers were not applied during autumn digging, they must be separately poured into each hole. This potato variety loves potash top dressing.
Potatoes of the Azhur variety are unpretentious, so it is enough to provide him with minimal care. It includes hilling, watering, loosening and removing weeds.
Watering and loosening
Despite the fact that this variety tolerates a lack of moisture well, watering in dry and hot summers will only benefit. Irrigation is carried out during the period when the sun shows the least activity – in the early morning or late evening. Average per 1 m2 about 45-50 liters of water are required. Usually the culture is irrigated every 10-14 days, and during a drought every 4-5 days. With sufficient rainfall, limited to three waterings per season.
A few days after irrigation, the soil must be loosened, otherwise a crust will form on the surface of the earth. Gardeners also recommend mulching between rows. The procedure will help retain moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.
Azhur potatoes require at least two hillings with an interval of 21 days. In some cases, the number of procedures can increase up to four times. Work is carried out in cloudy weather, while the ground should be moist.
Bushes begin hilling when they grow up to 8-12 cm. Repeat hilling is carried out when the shoots reach 25 cm in height. But before the planting procedure, they are cleaned of weeds.
Additional fertilizing
Variety Azhur has a positive attitude towards fertilization. In order to achieve the desired effect, potatoes need to be fed at each stage of its ripening. After germination, organic matter is added to the soil. Manure or bird droppings are diluted in water in a ratio of 1:15 and infused for two days.
Before flowering, potatoes are fertilized with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate, 3 tbsp. l. wood ash and 10 liters of water. Some gardeners prefer to spray the bushes with a solution of urea (300 g per 10 liters of water).
During the flowering period, the soil can apply both mineral and organic fertilizers. You can apply this composition: two tablespoons of superphosphate, a bucket of water and mullein.
Diseases and pests
Variety Azhur is resistant to potato cancer and scab. But it can be affected by the golden nematode and late blight.
The photo shows a potato affected by a golden nematode.
Consider in the table the most common diseases of Azhur potatoes:
Disease | Evidence | Control measures |
golden nematode | Bushes turn yellow and lag behind in development. The leaves dry and curl. Many adventitious roots are formed. The tubers are small. | The infected plant is dug up together with an earthen clod and destroyed. Planting potatoes is alternated with rye, beans, marigolds and calendula. With a strong lesion, chemicals are used – thionazine. |
Fitoftoroz | The appearance of brown spots on the leaves and stems. At high humidity, a white coating forms. Depressed spots are found on Azhur potato tubers. | Of the chemicals used Quadris, Ridomil Gold or Bordeaux mixture. From biological – Trichodermin or Fitosporin. The plant is sprayed according to the instructions. |
Alternaria | Dry, brown spots appear on leaves and stems. Tubers are covered with large depressed spots. | Before planting, the tubers are sprayed with Integral or Bactofid. During the growing season, the following drugs are used: Profit, Abiga-Peak, Thanos, Novosri and Metamil. |
Of the pests, Azhur potato bushes usually infect Colorado beetles, wireworms, common bears and moths. Against them, drugs such as Aktara, Prestige, Corado and Regent are most effective.
Early potatoes for food are dug up at the end of June – the first half of July. During this period, the bushes fade, and the foliage fades. The mature crop is harvested in August. Potatoes are fully ripe when the tops wither. When harvesting, the bush is carefully dug up with a pitchfork and pulled out by the tops.
Before storage, the tubers are sorted out, rotten and diseased are thrown away. Then potatoes cleaned in a cellar or in a special pit, lined with boards. The air temperature must be +2 to +4. If it is higher, the tubers will germinate. Azhur potatoes can be stored for a long time.
Azhur is a young potato variety that is easy and unpretentious to grow. Gives a good harvest on any soil. Great for both private gardeners and mass production. The tubers have an attractive appearance, and the taste and aroma of potatoes will not leave anyone indifferent.
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