Potassium tartrate (E336)

The natural antioxidant cream of tartar or potassium tartrate E336 is able to regulate the acidity of foods, act as a stabilizer, acidifier and emulsifier in many types of food products.

Physico-chemical characteristics

Potassium tartrate food supplement is a mixture of substances of organic origin, which are similar to each other in their physical and chemical properties. Varieties of the antioxidant E336 are potassium tartrate or the average salt of tartaric acid and potassium bitartrate in the form of an acid salt of sulfuric acid.

The formation of tartar is a process known to many. It is obtained at the moment when a precipitate forms during the preparation of wine – during periods of alcohol fermentation, during aging of wine and under the influence of additional treatments. Precipitation occurs when shaking the drink or under the influence of a sharp decrease in temperature. That is why any wine must be stored in cool rooms before bottling.

Tartar has a crystalline structure. These are white crystals that are perfectly soluble in water, but practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol, fats and other organic solvents. This food additive is used as a basic raw material in the process of creating tartaric acid.

Areas of use

In the food industry, potassium tartrate can be used as an antioxidant, emulsifier, acidity regulator or food stabilizer. Very often you can find E336 in marmalade, instant soup, jam, juice, all kinds of concentrates and jelly sweets. Potassium tartrate can act as an excellent baking powder when added to baked goods and flour products. And, of course, the main industry of using tartar is winemaking.

But the food industry is not the only industry that needs potassium tartrate. The additive is also involved in heavy industry in the processes of galvanic tinning. Cream of tartar can perfectly dye fabrics and various materials, more precisely, the additive in this process will act as a synergist of antioxidants and a stabilizer of dyes.

In most countries of the world, the use of potassium tartrate is allowed in all types of industry.

Effects on the human body

The natural basis of the origin of the antioxidant E336 potassium tartrate makes the substance practically safe for human use. The benefits of tartar can be considered a direct effect on the cardiovascular system, when there is a decrease in venous blood flow and, accordingly, a decrease in exacerbations with hemorrhoids or varicose veins.

The substance has a diuretic, choleretic action, promotes a mild laxative effect.

Potassium tartrate food supplement prevents premature aging of human body cells, has a positive effect on tissue cells, forming a multi-level protection against all external negative influences.

Food products containing tartar in their composition are contraindicated for those who are prone to diarrhea, flatulence, as well as small children.

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