Potassium sulfate (E515)

Potassium sulfate, unlike numerous other nutritional supplements, can be found even in the natural environment. We are talking about deposits of potassium salts, or in the water of lakes with high salinity.

Features and Application

For the first time, potassium sulfate was talked about back in the 14th century, and since then, technologists have regularly come up with new ways to use it for good purposes.

The external distinguishing features of the salt substitute indicate white or completely colorless crystals. Selected powder has a slightly bitter taste against the background of general salinity.

The main feature that the food additive received is the ability to quickly dissolve in water. But it is “not friendly” with ethanol and various types of alkaline concentrated liquids, dissolving very slightly in the listed media.

On food labels, the substance is labeled with the short designation E515. If we talk about natural methods for obtaining sulfate, then a number of foods rich in elements are distinguished here. Most of all it can be found in beets, seaweed, spinach, almonds, cheese and oil, germinated wheat grains. There is substance in most citrus fruits, beef, exotic bananas and vegetables, which are topped with rich greens.

Technologists use the salty taste of the product to regulate the level of acidity in drinks. It is also actively used as a nutrient medium for growing yeast, if the final liquid consistency is provided. By the same principle, it is used to create rye sourdough, because the additive is an excellent source of nutrition with useful minerals.

But much more often the mention of the acidity regulator can be found on the packaging of valuable fertilizers. In agriculture, they prefer to use it if it is necessary to cultivate soddy-podzolic soils. Such lands are not able to boast of a rich content of potassium, as well as other trace elements necessary for normal crop production.

In the industrial field, E515 becomes almost the main character when glass or dyes are made. Even chemists do not bypass it, preferring to use a substance to convert sparingly soluble synthetic combinations and more easily soluble ones.

Effects on the body

People who have heard about the dangers of various chemical additives are wary even of the relatively safe potassium sulfate. But without it, it will not be possible to supply oxygen at the cellular level, which guarantees the maintenance of energy balance at a stable level.

If a person has an acute shortage of this compound, then this is indicated by hair loss or the appearance of dandruff, fatigue, dry skin.

Despite the beneficial qualities, experts recommend extremely careful use of products that include an acidity regulator. Also, increased vigilance should be shown to those who work in enterprises with direct contact with the powder.

Upon contact with the eyes, microscopic crystals almost instantly provoke mechanical irritation, which guarantees the development of the inflammatory process. Almost the same can be traced if the powder accidentally gets on the skin. It causes great irritation. No less dangerous is the additive for the respiratory system, since when inhaled, it provokes irritation of the bronchopulmonary system.

If you exceed the recommended daily dosage, taking foods with sulfate inside, then the likelihood of a disorder in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract increases significantly. Even a one-time overdose guarantees irritation of the digestive tract, to say nothing of the systematic disregard of medical recommendations.

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