Potassium pyrosulfite (E224)

Nutritional supplements are now widely used in various areas of life. One of them is a preservative – potassium pyrosulfite, marked with the E224 mark. How safe is it to eat this substance and what consequences can this entail for the human body? This is what will be discussed in this article.

Features of food preservative

Potassium pyrosulfite has the molecular formula K2S2O5. And it is an inorganic compound that not only has the properties of a preservative, but is also used as a bleach, color stabilizer and antioxidant. Its other names include: potassium pyrosulfite, potassium sulfite, potassium metabisulfite, potassium pyrosulfite, E224, Potassium Metabisulphite, potassium bisulfite meta.

Potassium metabisulphite is commonly seen in powdered or granular form, and also as flakes or crystals. It is easily distinguished from other additives by its characteristic sulfuric smell.

This substance in humid air is oxidized, transforming into sulfate. And it decomposes under the influence of high temperatures, more than one hundred and ninety degrees Celsius. Potassium pyrosulfite is highly soluble in water, ethyl alcohol and various ethers, but is completely insoluble in fatty and oily liquids.

To obtain such an additive, sulfur dioxide is added to a boiling solution of potassium sulfite. It is also possible to obtain when exposed to potassium carbonate with sulfur dioxide. Often the finished substance contains impurities and additives: sulfates or sulfites, carbonates or alkalis.

Application of food additive Е224

On the territory of the Russian Federation, in many European countries, such a food additive is officially allowed by law for use in the food industry. It can be used alone or in combination with various sulfites.

The most common use of potassium pyrosulfite is in winemaking, where it is actively used as a preservative and exhibits antioxidant properties. It also helps to preserve the taste and color of the wine during final processing. However, there is a significant drawback of its use in the wine business: this synthetic preservative significantly affects the level of potassium in wine, due to which tartaric acid turns into tartar, changing the taste of the drink for the worse.

As a stabilizer that prevents fermentation processes, it is widely used in brewing.

In addition, food additive E224 is used in the following products:

  • frozen seafood: crayfish, lobsters, shrimp;
  • grated horseradish, fruit jelly, dried cabbage;
  • ice cream, jams, marmalade;
  • dry breakfasts;
  • soft drinks;
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • juices on tap: apple, grapefruit, pineapple;
  • dried and pickled mushrooms and vegetables;
  • salted and dried fish;
  • in molasses, sugar and syrups;
  • in vinegar obtained during the fermentation process.

Potassium metabisulphite is also used in other industries:

  • as part of filters for water purification;
  • for dyeing fabrics in the textile industry;
  • widely applicable in photography, as a developer or acid fixative for photographs;
  • in laboratories in the study of various substances.

Dangerous properties of food preservative E224

Potassium pyrosulfite is a very dangerous substance for the human body. Immeasurable passion for this product leads to unpleasant negative consequences. When abused, it causes narrowing and severe irritation of the airways, resulting in asthma attacks. Such a substance, with increased sensitivity to it, often causes allergic reactions: skin rash, redness of the skin, swelling, and others.

Another unpleasant consequence of ingesting a large amount of potassium metabisulfite is cyanosis. Also, against the background of this, severe dizziness often occurs and can even reach loss of consciousness.

The maximum safe dose at which there are no negative reactions is 0,7 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. When ingested, the food additive E224 breaks down into simple substances, is metabolized and excreted through the urinary system. Sodium pyrosulfite and potassium pyrosulfite are interchangeable, but it is still preferable to use E224 in the food industry, since this does not change the sodium balance in the human body.

It is undesirable to use such a preservative in food for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Summing up

Potassium pyrosulfite is a synthetically derived substance that has the properties of a preservative, brightener, stabilizer and antioxidant. Due to this, it has found wide application in various industries and is even used in the manufacture of various products as a food additive. However, its excessive use is fraught with unpleasant negative consequences for the body and can lead to allergic reactions, cyanosis, and loss of consciousness. On food products, the inclusion in the composition of such a substance is marked with the sign E224.

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