Potassium diet

A diet for replenishing potassium is well known in diet therapy and cardiology. This is one of the few popular techniques that is based on rigorous scientific evidence. A special diet is prescribed for children and adults, used for complex recovery and weight loss. Read more about what you can eat on a potassium diet, how this will help, and what to prepare for a child for the prevention of heart disease.

Who is suitable for diet

First of all, this diet was developed for patients with impaired blood circulation and blood pressure. Specially formulated diet allows you to fill the lack of potassium, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes blood pressure. For patients with diagnosed diseases of the heart and blood vessels (tachycardia, hypertension, hemorrhages, migraines, etc.), the potassium diet is prescribed as an adjunct against the background of medication treatment.

After the approval of the therapist, absolutely everyone can use this diet. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases is useful for both adults and children. This technique allows you to “kill several birds with one stone at a time”: lose weight, improve your health, carry out prevention of heart disease and blood circulation. For a healthy person, it is better to use this practice no more than once a year, since abuse can lead to increased blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. Before starting a diet it is better to evaluate all the risks.

Children can also be prescribed a potassium diet for treatment and prevention. Unlike the adult menu, the baby should contain more useful ingredients. The duration of the technique should be determined by the doctor, but the diet should not last longer than 10 days. If the child is completely healthy, it is recommended to enter the potassium menu only after approval by the doctor.

Losing weight on a potassium diet occurs by reducing the total calorie content, eliminating harmful foods and salt. Weight loss acts as a side effect of the wellness program. If the main goal is just to lose weight, you can choose this technique and lose up to 4 kilograms for the entire course. But, if the plans are for more serious weight loss, it is better to choose a technique designed exclusively for weight loss: diet ABC, Seldereeva, Mirkina, Japanese and others.

Diet rules

The whole essence of the diet is to replenish potassium reserves. This macrocell is in every organism in a stable amount, but requires replenishment, since it is washed out with the excretion of urine and sweat. The natural removal of fluid from the human body also removes a lot of useful substances. Lack of potassium affects the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys, heart. Potassium is involved in metabolism, supports water-electrolyte balance and heart contractions.

Dietitians and cardiologists suggest balancing the necessary level of this macroelement with the help of a healthy diet. Due to the products and dishes included in the potassium diet menu, the body will also make up for the lack of magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine.

What foods are recommended for potassium diets:

  • lean fish;
  • potatoes;
  • porridge;
  • dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  • sea ​​kale;
  • beans: beans, lentils, peas;
  • nuts: cashews, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts;
  • mustard.

For the children’s menu, it is recommended to add protein-free low-fat food: rabbit meat, chicken, turkey fillet. You can dilute the menu with healthy drinks and foods: carrots, cabbage, sour-milk ingredients. Disruptions to the diet are not terrible, but are not recommended for prescribed therapy.

What can not eat with a potassium diet:

  • fast food and fast food;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • fatty, canned, salty;
  • caffeinated drinks: natural coffee, green tea;
  • roast.

To preserve the beneficial components, in particular potassium, vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw. During cooking or soaking, potassium goes into water, so nutritionists recommend eating soups with a yushka, cereals, raw ingredients.

Salt in the diet menu is reduced to a minimum. Cardiologists call her one of the main enemies of health. Retaining water in the body, salt increases the risk of developing hypertension. For those who have already been diagnosed with this disease, it is recommended to reduce its number to 5 g per day.

Be sure to abandon fatty and fried during the diet and significantly reduce it after a treatment course. This will reduce cholesterol, which is the cause of hypertension, migraines, hemorrhages. This component is extremely undesirable for a healthy person and dangerous for a patient with cardiovascular diseases.

Drinking regimen will also require attention. Unlike many other therapeutic and preventive diets, this technique slightly limits the amount of water. To maintain the required potassium level, no more than 1,5 liters of liquid are allowed. Not only clean water is counted, but also teas, infusions, soups, etc. Since potassium has a diuretic effect, an additional burden will be required on the kidneys and bladder.

Eat often, portions should be small. It is important to focus on personal physical needs and avoid starvation. In order to minimize weight, it is not recommended to focus on the amount of food, since there will be no benefit from the course. It is better to focus on low-calorie foods, plant foods, natural fresh juices.

The diet has two options. One was painted by experts and is assigned unchanged to children and adults. In it 6 meals every day. The entire course consists of four stages: the first and second days last for 1-2 (depending on the destination), the third and fourth days – for the day 2-3.

For those who want to simply carry out prevention or lose weight on a potassium diet, the classic version or their own menu will do. From the list of allowed products you can make an individual diet. Extend the course more than a decade is impossible.

Menu for potassium diet

Approved by the doctors menu is used for the diet of an adult and a child. It is made specifically for maximum benefit from nutrition. This menu is applicable for the prevention, treatment of chronic diseases and treatment of exacerbations.

The menu for the first stage (1-2 of the day):

  • 7: 00 – 2 potatoes baked in peel, black tea or freeze-dried coffee with milk;
  • 10: 00 – a glass of fresh carrot (optionally replaced with cabbage);
  • 13: 00 – a portion of potato cream soup, carrot puree and fruit jelly;
  • 16: 00 – 200 g of rosehip decoction;
  • 18: 00 – a portion of mashed potatoes;
  • 20: 00 – a glass of fresh carrot.

If the diet is scheduled for 10 days, this stage lasts for the 2 day, and the menu is repeated. The same thing happens in the second stage.

The menu of the second stage (1-2 of the day):

  • 7: 00 – 2 potatoes baked in their skins, tea or freeze-dried coffee;
  • 10: 00 – a portion of wheat porridge, a glass of fresh fruit;
  • 13: 00 – cream soup from potatoes and cabbage, 2 potato dumplings, jelly;
  • 16: 00 – half a cup of dogrose broth;
  • 18: 00 – plov with raisins, half a cup of rosehip broth;
  • 20: 00 – natural juice.

The menu of the third stage (2-3 of the day):

  • 7: 00 – a portion of millet porridge in milk, some dried fruits;
  • 10: 00 – mashed potatoes, 250 ml of natural juice;
  • 13: 00 – vegetable soup with oatmeal, 2 cutlets of carrots, a glass of bacon;
  • 16: 00 – half a cup of broth from the hips;
  • 18: 00 – mashed potatoes with a piece of boiled fish;
  • 20: 00 – vegetable or fruit fresh.

The menu of the fourth stage (2-3 of the day):

  • 7: 00 – buckwheat with milk, fresh vegetable salad, hot drink;
  • 10: 00 – a handful of dried fruit, a glass of fresh carrot;
  • 13: 00 – vegetable soup, rice porridge with pieces of boiled meat, compote;
  • 16: 00 – baked apples;
  • 18: 00 – potato dumplings, a piece of boiled chicken or rabbit, a glass of compote;
  • 20: 00 – vegetable fresh.

For the child, you can add fruit jelly, fresh fruit, homemade stewed fruit. Prescribed meals can be replaced by other low-calorie foods, if the diet is used for weight loss. Soups can be salted quite a bit, for salads it is allowed to use greens and vegetable oil. Meat for the adult menu is recommended to replace vegetarian dishes. For children, be sure to leave protein foods, introduce more boiled or baked fish.

Recipes for Potassium Diet

All dishes in the classic menu are quite simple, do not require special ingredients and skills in cooking. Those who have decided to adhere to such nutrition on their own can dilute the diet, adding dietary dishes, casseroles, soups, and mousses to it. Consider a few recipes that will suit any category of people: losing weight, adults, children.

Carrot Cutlets

Grate two large carrots or grind in a food processor. Add one chopped onion to it and put out everything in a pan with a small amount of water. After 5-7 minutes, pour tablespoons of semolina or oatmeal into 3 carrots, mix, hold on fire for a couple of minutes. Form cutlets from the cooled mixture and send to the oven or double boiler until cooked. Carrot cutlets are great for any low-calorie diet, for adults and children.

Potato dumplings

On 250 g of mashed potatoes (without salt and oil) add a tablespoon of corn or oatmeal, one egg white. Mix the whole mass or beat with a blender. You can add a little finely chopped greens to the potato mince. From the resulting mass, form oblong knels, place in a slow cooker or a double boiler and stand them until ready. You can cook knels in the oven: place them on parchment and grease them with water or egg white.


Uzvar can be prepared from any dried fruit. In the classic recipe, it uses ready-made complex compounds: dried apple, pears, prunes. You can make it from one favorite component, raisins are not suitable for these purposes. Rinse the selected dried fruits several times in cold water. Place in a saucepan, add water and cook over low heat. After boiling, you need to boil the Uzvar for another 5 minutes, then add honey and lemon juice (or a pinch of citric acid) to it if desired. You can drink it hot or chilled, for gourmets it is recommended to add a little cloves or allspice.

Prevention of potassium deficiency

The right amount of potassium is always controlled by the body itself. The excess of this component with all other useful substances is excreted naturally through urine. Signs of its excess in the body are: excessive irritability, excessive urination, loss of sensation in the limbs, pallor of the skin. Per day potassium is displayed as much as was consumed. If a person does not consume the right amount of this macro element, there may be a shortage of potassium.

Signs of potassium insufficiency are: apathy and drowsiness, frequent constipation, anorexia of appetite and stool, rare urination, weakness in muscles (sometimes cramps and arrhythmia). If a potassium deficiency occurs, you can follow the described diet or simply add more potassium-containing ingredients to the menu: nuts, beans, dried fruits, etc. It is recommended to drink a complex of vitamins to fully restore all the necessary vitamins and beneficial components.

To prevent a lack of potassium, nutritionists recommend reducing the amount of salt. In addition, the causes of many health problems are canned foods, their quantity also needs to be reduced. Products with sodium also lead to leaching of potassium, they must be present in the daily menu, but in moderation.

Drinks that contain a lot of caffeine and alcohol provoke an even greater withdrawal of beneficial components from the body. Natural coffee can be replaced with broths and black tea, and alcohol should be minimized.

Another reason for the mass of diseases and potassium deficiency is stress. Constantly excited nervous system can provoke a number of diseases. In addition, sodium is retained in the body under stress, which is dangerous for health in general. If this aspect is often present in everyday life, experts recommend natural soothing teas and tinctures.

A potassium diet is the best way to quickly bring potassium levels back to normal, to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases. The universal method is suitable for children and adults, works equally well for men and women. In addition, a healthy person is waiting for a small figure correction. For weight loss, this diet is good because it burns fat, but does not remove water, so the built waist will please for a long time. Since diet refers to medical practices, consult your doctor before starting a course.

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