Potassium alum: use in cosmetics and traditional medicine
Alum is a naturally occurring mineral. In cosmetics and medicine, they are used in powder form. This is not an innovative solution; back in the XNUMXth century, doctors successfully used them in the treatment of various diseases, mainly external ones. Particularly popular were potassium alum, which has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and enveloping properties.
Potassium alum in cosmetics
The use of alum in medicine
In official medicine, such a property of potassium alum is used as their destructive effect on pathogenic bacteria, as well as the ability to have a drying and astringent effect. So, mineral powder, which can be bought at any pharmacy, will help in case of external bleeding. To do this, dilute 1/3 tsp. alum in a glass of water, moisten a napkin and apply to the affected area. Under the influence of the mineral, the surface of wounds or damaged vessels dries up, contracts, and the blood stops.
If nosebleeds have opened, a cotton wick (turunda) can be moistened in the same solution and inserted into the nose. In this case, you need to throw your head back and turn it to the side
Potassium alum is used in the treatment of varicose veins and varicose ulcers (Dr. Zalmanov’s prescription). Treatment consists in patients taking general or only foot baths. For a foot bath, take 70 g of potassium alum and 200 g of baking soda and dilute the mixture with 10 liters of water heated to 37-38 ° C. Keep your feet in the solution for 15 minutes, after which, to enhance the therapeutic effect, stand for 5 minutes on the Kuznetsov iplikator.
Alum also helps to cope with such a problem as hemorrhoids. The traditional method of treatment requires preliminary preparation in the form of cleansing (emptying) the intestines. That is, you need to take a laxative or do an enema. Further actions are as follows: dilute 400 g of ordinary crystalline alum (or 40 g of burnt, i.e. dehydrated) in 7 liters of water and heat the solution until steam appears. Then just sit over the container with the solution and sit while the steam rises. Then blot the problem area with a soft napkin, grease with oil or petroleum jelly and take a laxative. Carry out baths no more than 1 time in 7-8 days.
Instead of steam baths, you can make lotions. Dissolve a teaspoon of alum in a glass of warm water. Then moisten a soft napkin in the solution and apply to the hemorrhoids
Healing mineral powder also works well for the following problems:
Toothache, stomatitis, bad breath. Dissolve 0,4 tsp in a glass of warm water. burnt alum and rinse your mouth, or moisten a cotton pad and wipe your gums.
Gynecology: leucorrhoea, cystitis, vaginitis, fibroids in women; venereology: gonorrhea. Douche with a weak solution of alum (0,5 tsp / 1 l of water) 2-3 times a week.
Festering wounds, trophic ulcers. Moisten a soft cloth in a solution of alum (1/2 tsp / 250 ml of water) and treat the affected skin.
The use of alum in cosmetology
Potassium alum is widely used in the production of antiperspirant deodorants, because have properties:
- reduce the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands without disrupting their work, i.e. without clogging pores
- destroy bacteria, the vital activity of which is the main source of unpleasant odor
- eliminate excess moisture in areas of increased sweating due to high adsorption capacity
At a certain point in the development of the beauty industry, potassium alum was undeservedly forgotten, but in the last decade, deodorants from a natural mineral are gaining popularity all over the world as a natural remedy again. They are known as freshness crystals.
Women – opponents of chemistry have learned to independently manufacture antiperspirant agents based on potassium alum.
For homemade deodorant you will need:
- hydrolat or water – 100 ml
- potassium alum – 100 g
- citric acid powder – on the tip of a knife
Hydrolat is a product of steam distillation of medicinal herbs. Recipe: pour the herbs with water, put a grid with a bowl on top, close the lid. When boiling, steam accumulates on the lid, and then drips into the bowl in the form of drops. This is hydrolat
Pour alum and citric acid into the hydrolat, mix. Put in a water bath for one and a half to two hours so that the excess liquid evaporates. Within an hour, you can see the formation of a hard crust on the surface. After 2 hours, the solution will turn into a viscous viscous mass. It must be poured into a silicone mold and wait until it hardens (at least 20 hours). The resulting solid crystal is a hypoallergenic and absolutely harmless deodorant.
Potassium alum is also used in cosmetology in the manufacture of lotions, gels, tonics intended for skin prone to irritation and acne. The natural mineral is also often a component of medicated shampoos indicated for use in oily seborrhea, powders and anti-aging creams. The alum in aftershave balms prevents skin tightness and inflammation.
Then read about ultrasonic peeling.