Posture defects in children – to treat or prevent?

A posture defect is a disturbance of the precise system of levers and stresses, which is the body. If persistent, it worsens the appearance and increases the risk of difficult-to-treat overload, pain, discopathy and osteoarthritis syndromes.

Habitual posture of the body while standing, walking, activities related to work or leisure proves the efficiency of the muscles, nervous system, sense organs, coordination, as well as the state of our emotions. Correct posture prevents static and dynamic overload of the locomotor system and enables economic performance of various activities.

Doctors sound the alarm by pointing to the increasing percentage of children with posture defects. The reason is the increasingly widespread habit of living in a sitting position, watching TV for many hours or sitting in front of a computer, which has replaced exercise in the fresh air.

The lack of daily physical activity, stress and overload with duties cause the muscles that guard the correct posture to weaken. These include the abdominal muscles, buttocks, the extensor of the thoracic spine and the muscles supporting the arches of the foot. At the same time, the muscles that maintain the incorrect posture are shortened.

Examples of posture defects

Spinal curvature abnormalities are often a consequence of lower limb joint defects.

Flat foot: flattening or lack of formation of the foot arch, most often coexisting with valgus position of the heel, affects not only the foot’s efficiency while standing and walking, but also other parts of the musculoskeletal system.

Clubfoot: lifting and shortening of the inner edge of the foot with a tendency to invert the heel. The most common congenital foot defect.

Knee lopsided: deviation of the axis of the lower limbs leading to an increase in the distance between the ankles in an attentive position.

Varus knees they do not touch each other in an attentive attitude. The reverse of valgus.

Funnel chest: narrowing and collapse of the lower chest. Concomitant weakening of the trunk muscles may lead to respiratory problems.

Round back: consequence of weakening of the spine extensors. Contracture of the pectoral muscles strengthens the incorrect alignment of the spine. The rounding of the back is sometimes a symptom of a trophic disorder of the vertebral bodies called Scheuermann’s disease, which is common among children.

Concave back: the result of the weakening of the gluteal and abdominal muscles, the positioning of the pelvis in an excessive forward tilt. It is accompanied by contracture of the hip flexors and the paravertebral muscles of the lumbar region.

Lateral curvatures of the spine: neglected and advanced deformity may cause significant disability.

The origin of the defects

Postural defects may result from congenital deformities of the musculoskeletal system, focal trophic disorders during bone growth (so-called sterile necrosis), chronic diseases, immobilization, and operations. However, most cases of poor posture are the result of neglect and bad habits and misbehavior, the most important of which are:

• improper nursing in early childhood

• sedentary lifestyle

• performing daily activities by the child in harmful positions (lack of adaptation of learning stations to the needs of the child)

• unjustified dismissal of a child from PE lessons

• overweight

• neglected sight and hearing defects

Suspicion of incorrect posture, especially asymmetry in body structure, should be a signal for the child to be examined by a doctor.

Counteracting posture defects

Regular exercise is the key to proper development. However, one-sided activity (e.g. limiting movement only to football training, gym) may be insufficient and even harmful for children with marked posture abnormalities. Sometimes it is necessary to expand the child’s activity with preventive and corrective gymnastics. It is worth developing a habit of daily exercise that maintains full range of motion in the joints and strengthens the most important muscles.

Correct sitting is also an important factor influencing posture. Prolonged sitting in an incorrect position may result in back problems. In these cases, it is worth using the Curble correction seats, which can be purchased at Medonet Market – buy them and take care of your child’s spine. Such a habit is of invaluable value as an effective prevention of troublesome ailments in adulthood. You should take care of the correct body posture throughout your life.

Text: Piotr Tederko

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