Postpartum period with breastfeeding: advice from a practicing gynecologist
Menstruation after childbirth with breastfeeding usually occurs after the end of feeding. This is a period from 6 to 24 months. But it often happens in a different way, and the restoration of the cycle begins at the same time as breastfeeding. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and conditions.
When should your period return?
During lactation, the hormone prolactin is produced in a woman’s body. It blocks the activity of the ovaries, and ovulation and egg maturation does not occur. This is the normal and natural state of affairs.
Menstruation after childbirth with breastfeeding may occur due to hormonal disruption
But for a number of reasons, this law established by nature can be violated. These reasons are:
- Decrease in frequency or duration of feedings.
- Transfer of the baby to mixed food.
- Introduction of complementary foods.
- Taking hormonal contraceptives.
- Stress, unfavorable environmental conditions, intoxication.
If this happens, you do not need to stop breastfeeding. This is considered a variation of the norm.
If you experience severe pain or health problems, ask for advice from a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist. The restoration of the normal cycle can be long, 2-3 months or more. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. It may be different from what you were used to before giving birth. Its duration, accompanying sensations and abundance of discharge, may change.
Effects of menstruation on breast milk
There is an assumption that after the period begins, the taste of breast milk should change. There are also observations of nursing mothers that the baby began to refuse to breast, be capricious and behave anxiously during feeding. But there is no official confirmation of this, so it should be assumed that the reasons for the changes in the child’s behavior lie in something else.
But the beginning of the menstrual cycle can affect the amount of milk. Due to hormonal changes in the woman’s body, it is produced less, and it flows slower when sucking. This may be the reason for the restless behavior of the infant during lactation. This problem is quickly solved by itself, and the amount of milk produced is quickly restored, provided that the baby is regularly applied.
A nursing mother may feel tired and sleepy when her period starts. This condition usually goes away after 1-2 days. You may experience premenstrual chest pain during and after breastfeeding. This can continue until the onset of menstruation and in the early days of the cycle. At the same time, the chest feels full, firm and especially sensitive to touch.
It also happens the other way around – after the completion of breastfeeding, menstruation does not come. But you shouldn’t wait for them right away, before menstruation resumes, 6-8 weeks should pass after the end of lactation.
If, after this time, your period has not yet come, you need to contact your gynecologist. Possible causes are hormonal disorders, illness, or a new pregnancy. If you did not use contraception during breastfeeding, the latter option is quite likely.