Postpartum hormones – concentration, lactation, first menstruation
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After giving birth, hormone levels in your body change rapidly. The body gradually returns to its pre-pregnancy state. Some hormones begin to be released in higher concentrations to help with the lactation process. Some of them affect the mother’s mood and mood swings, and even depressive states after childbirth. How does the hormonal economy change after pregnancy?

The concentration of pregnancy hormones

Placental lactogen is a hormone produced by the placenta. Its concentration helps in assessing the functioning of the placenta and plays an important role in monitoring pregnancy. During pregnancy, its concentration increases gradually to about the 34th week, then its concentration decreases. The concentration of placental lactogen hPL drops to undetermined values ​​during the first few days after delivery.

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Chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) begins to be released when the embryo is implanted in the uterus. It reaches its highest level in the 80-90 day of pregnancy. In the second trimester of pregnancy, its level drops to low values. Its task is to stimulate the yellow body to secrete estrogens and progesterone. The level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) decreases gradually. One week after delivery, it is below 100 IU / ml. It is not detectable in the blood between days 11 and 16 of the puerperium.

Postpartum hormones – estrogens

During pregnancy, the concentration of estrogens gradually increases, the highest levels are reached at the end of pregnancy. Estriol is the most abundant, it is produced by the fetal-placental unit. Its concentration can be tested in the urine of a pregnant woman, which is used to monitor the course of pregnancy and illustrate the condition of the fetus. Already three hours after childbirth, the level of estrogen in the body drops sharply. At the end of the 1st week, they reach pre-pregnancy concentrations. In nursing women, the recovery of estrogen levels to normal is delayed.

The role of estrogens is, among others, improving mood, counteracting depression, supporting memory and libido, regulating blood pressure, reducing inflammation, increasing insulin sensitivity, and improving metabolism. Estrogens in a reduced concentration will not fulfill their functions sufficiently.

FOR A NUTRING WOMAN – herbal tea that you can conveniently and safely order on Medonet Market has a relaxing and supportive effect on lactation.

Also read: How does the body recover from birth?

Postpartum hormones – prolactin and lactation

The lactation process begins during pregnancy. Placental steroid hormones during pregnancy, as estrogens, progesterone and placental lactogen block the secretory activity of the mammary gland. The rapid reduction of their concentration enables the lactation process to begin. In lactating women, the concentration of prolactin in the blood increases significantly. If feeding is done about 6 times a day, high prolactin levels persist for up to a year. It promotes lactation, without it this process would not be possible. If milk is flowing from the other breast by itself when you are feeding your baby, try to avoid wasting milk. Use the Magic Neno Leite bottle or the Neno Claro Milk Collector Set, which collect the outgoing food even while walking. Just put them in a bra.

During feeding, the stimulation of the nipples induces the reflex release of oxytocin. Its presence in the body of a young mother is essential. It is released during childbirth and is responsible, among other things, for contracting the uterus during the puerperium and for creating a mother-child bond.

To increase lactation, try breast pumps, which will help to stimulate the nipples between feedings. At Medonet Market, you can buy Neno breast pumps at promotional prices.

You can successfully store your expressed milk in the fridge or freezer using the Neno food storage and freezing bags. Then you can warm them up in the Neno Vita 2-in-1 Sterilizer and Bottle Warmer at Medonet Market. Buy Neno brand bottles now:

  1. Neno Bottle 150 ml,
  2. Neno Bottle 240 ml,
  3. Neno Bottle 300 ml.

Check it out: What can you eat while breastfeeding?

Postpartum hormones – menstruation

The first period occurs at different times after giving birth. Its appearance depends on the method of feeding, its frequency and individual factors. A high level of prolactin remains in a woman’s body during breastfeeding. It distorts the process of producing sex hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg and ovulation. Thus, in a nursing woman, there is the so-called lactation infertility. The first bleeds are usually anovulatory. It happens, however, that even a nursing woman develops an egg capable of fertilization within a few weeks after giving birth. Therefore, breastfeeding is not a reliable method of contraception. In mothers who do not breastfeed or supplement their babies with artificial formulas, menstruation often begins around the 6th week after giving birth.

Postpartum hormones – progesterone

Another hormone that drops dramatically after childbirth is progesterone. It is practically undetectable 72 hours after giving birth. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum during the first 70-80 days of pregnancy. Then, its production is taken over by the placenta. It supports the maintenance of pregnancy, facilitates the growth of the pregnant uterus, prevents uterine contractions and prepares the body for childbirth.

Progesterone levels usually return to normal during the first menstrual cycle, which means that if the mother is breastfeeding for a long time, it may take up to a year.

If you have recently had a baby, check your body’s vitamin and mineral levels and your overall health. At Medonet Market, you can buy the Post-Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Test Package with the option of blood collection at the patient’s home or at a selected facility.

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