Postpartum fears

The fear of not loving your baby and of change
The fear of not loving your baby
A baby turns the life of a couple upside down, so some people wonder if they will be able to love this little being who will turn upside down their rhythm of life and their daily habits. Over the course of pregnancy, future parents begin to form emotional bonds with their unborn baby (caresses on the belly, talk to the baby through the belly). Already, a strong relationship is being created. Then, it is when their baby is born, as soon as they see it and the very second they take it in their arms, that the parents feel love for it.
However, it happens that some mothers do not feel love for their child and reject it at birth. But often, these cases are particular and refer to a specific life story for the mother: an unwanted pregnancy, loss of a partner, rape, a disturbed childhood, an underlying pathology, etc. Whatever the cause, the young mother will benefit from psychological help that will help her overcome this state and discover and love her child.
The fear that the arrival of a child will disrupt their lifestyle
Some women fear that they will no longer be free because having a baby brings with it many new responsibilities (ensuring its well-being, feeding it, helping it grow, taking care of it, educating it, etc.), while respecting their needs and the time constraints that this generates. The life of a couple is then governed by all these imperatives, so it is sometimes difficult for young parents to find a moment of intimacy, to go on romantic outings, or to go on weekends unexpectedly.
The couple must learn to organize themselves and babysit if they want to plan a date. But it can be learned and then becomes a habit after a few weeks, especially when parents take pleasure in taking care of their baby and experience moments of pleasure with him: falling asleep with him, cuddling him, doing it. laugh, hear him babble, and later say his first words and see him take his first steps.