Postpartum depression: symptoms and treatment of the disease

🙂 Hello dear readers! The article “Postpartum Depression: Symptoms and Treatment of Disease” provides basic information on this problem. Causes of depression, its manifestation and what needs to be done.

What is Postpartum Depression?

After giving birth, a woman’s life changes dramatically. Although the appearance of a child brings joy, a young mother can be overtaken by deep depression.

This mental disorder occurs against a hormonal background and, to one degree or another, visits every woman in labor. Women who give birth for the first time are most susceptible to emotional changes.

Not coping with the child, the mother becomes whiny, unbalanced and angry. It seems to her that she has become ugly and useless.

Postpartum depression: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Postpartum depression: causes

Fatigue. Throughout pregnancy and after childbirth, a woman is morally exhausted, her emotions go out of control. There are many cases of young mothers committing suicide. Sometimes it happens that a mother refuses a child or, even worse, throws her child into the trash!

Difficult childbirth. Particularly difficult can be the consequences of childbirth, in which a dead or sick child was born.

Infectious diseases. Due to infections, serious diseases develop that fail, both the body and the psyche.

Unpreparedness for motherhood. Not every woman in labor is ready to immediately show maternal feelings for a newborn child. Many girls are afraid of small children and caring for them.

Postpartum depression: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Genetic predisposition. If the mother has relatives who have been ill or are suffering from mental disorders, then the risk of developing such pathologies in her significantly increases.

Unhealthy family relationships. Lack of attention, husband’s jealousy of the child, lack of help lead to despair.

Alcoholic drinks. Wanting to forget and relax, some take alcohol as a sedative. But it has the opposite effect.

Hormonal adjustment. During pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal background changes greatly. This can cause hair loss, break nails and deteriorate teeth. The young mother suffers greatly from this.

Before planning a pregnancy, every girl should familiarize herself with special literature. It is advisable to go to courses for young mothers. There she will not only acquire knowledge of childcare, but will also be ready for the consequences after childbirth.

Depression of a woman in labor causes colossal harm not only to her health, but also to the family as a whole. The mental disorder of the mother affects the child and his psyche. Close people should pay attention to the slightest changes in the behavior of a young mother.

Symptoms of Depression

  • very sharp and frequent mood swings occur;
  • lack of appetite and refusal to eat;
  • the woman in labor shows a neutral attitude towards the child or declares that he has ruined her whole life. Caring for him only makes her angry and irritated;
  • Mom started having suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, out of anger and fear of the future, a woman can resort to extreme measures;
  • the woman in labor constantly demonstrates selfishness. In her opinion, everyone should fulfill her requirements and desires;
  • the woman is tormented by insomnia. She is angry with the baby for not letting her sleep;
  • apathy, lethargy, melancholy.

If a woman in labor shows at least two or three signs, she needs immediate help. Responsibility for the mental state of the wife, in the first place, lies with the husband. He must show himself as a real man and take responsibility for all family problems on himself.

How to help yourself?

Drug therapy + psychotherapy = healing

Postpartum depression: symptoms and treatment of the disease

  • First, try to get enough sleep. Use the opportunity to sleep during the day when your baby is sleeping;
  • do not try to redo everything around the house, simplify life;
  • ask your husband, mother, mother-in-law, sister for help. Let them help you cook and go shopping (every other day);
  • find a housekeeper for a couple of hours a day, if possible;
  • take vitamin C and calcium. It can help as well as antidepressants;
  • do not accumulate emotions in yourself, do not become isolated! Talk to your husband or close friend more often;
  • spend more time outdoors.

Postpartum depression: symptoms and treatment of the disease

  • yoga classes, exercise help.
  • make time for yourself every day. Just 1 hour for yourself! Reading a book, soothing bath, home manicure. A short meeting with friends.
  • remember that the child gave you a second life! 😉 With him you will go through another life path again!
  • if you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you need to contact a psychotherapist or an experienced psychologist.

If a woman is raising a child alone, she will need the help of her parents and other relatives. Someone must move to live with her to help in a difficult period of life.


See this video compilation for more information on Postpartum Depression Symptoms and Treatment.

How to get out of postpartum depression? | Azhar Sultanova | TEDxAbayStWomen

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