Postpartum depression: how to treat, photo

We usually broadcast exemplary images on social media. And no one realizes that each of them can have such a wrong side – unsightly and alarming.

Postpartum depression has been talked about out loud relatively recently. And until now, this topic is considered some kind of awkward and even embarrassing. Like, what kind of fiction, some kind of depression. You’re just a lazy person and a bad mother. To change the attitude of society to the state of women after childbirth, the stars began to talk about depression. Many admitted that they managed to recover only after contacting specialists. Some even needed medication. Adele, Gwyneth Paltrow, Elle MacPherson, even Kate Middleton urged women not to hush up their problems. After all, the mental health of a young mother is no less important than physical.

Katie di Vincenzo is the mother of a four-year-old daughter and a six-month-old son. She, just like most of us, hid her true feelings that motherhood brings. I hid it, and then I got tired of doing it. And she decided to show what is really hiding on the other side of the almost glossy photos that mothers broadcast to social networks.

Katie posted two pictures. One is a typical social media site. A beautiful mother, combed, tinted and neatly dressed, smiles clearly into the lens. The same neat daughter sits next to him, the baby lies on his rug, the room is neat, as if it had just been tidied up. In the second picture, my mother looks like a pale moth: a bun on her head, stretched home pants and a bra with a strap pulled down after feeding. The room is a mess, the daughter is dressed “in all the best at once”, the little son is lying next to him on the floor. Much more like everyday reality, right?

Photo Shoot:
@ / DanielleFantisPhotography

“Both of these photographs are reality. They both reflect my life. It’s just … there are different moments. Sad I try to hide from everyone, because I’m afraid. I’m afraid to seem like a weak, crazy, bad mother. I’m afraid to put you in an awkward situation “, – says Katie.

The woman is sure: it is necessary to stop imposing on young mothers the idea that they must be euphoric about the birth of a child. Parenting is not only about love, but also about hard work that cannot always be endured alone. Sometimes you need support.

Katy’s post got applause: her photo was reposted more than 70 thousand times. 14 thousand people thanked her for the fact that she voiced their thoughts and removed the burden from the soul: after all, the fact that you feel bad and hard does not mean that you are a bad mother. You’re just a mom who needs a little help.

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