The birth of a baby is one of the happiest moments in the life of every woman. But along with joy sometimes irritability coexists, fatigue and even apathy arise. learned how to cope with postpartum depression.
Postpartum depression is an emotional disorder characterized by low mood, melancholy, and, in general, the loss of the ability to experience joy. This condition can occur both immediately after childbirth, and some time after them and last several months or even a year.
It is especially unpleasant that the mother’s depression can negatively affect the baby, the formation of a sense of security in him, the internal mechanisms of self-defense, as well as the development of speech and concentration. The child, feeling the experiences of the mother, begins to get upset with her, which can affect not only his growth and development, but also the future relationship between the mother and the baby.
Read next: How to recognize postpartum depression
How to recognize postpartum depression
The first sign of depression is bad mood
Maria Evgenievna Baulina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, tells how to recognize postpartum depression and how to deal with it.
• Severe nervousness, feelings of anxiety and fear
• Fear of harming the child
• Fear of the coming new day
• Apathy, drowsiness or vice versa, insomnia
• Lack of appetite
• Capriciousness and tearfulness
• Fear of loneliness, waiting for help and support
• The desire for solitude
• Refusal to breastfeed the baby
Maria Evgenievna Baulina, Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Psychological and Social Faculty of the Russian State Medical University, member of the JOHNSON’S® BABY Expert Council.
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Depression can be caused by psychological and physiological causes. In the latter case, an emotional decline can occur as a result of a sharp decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone – hormones that ensure optimal blood flow in the vessels of the placenta and the ability of the uterus to contract during childbirth. Similar hormonal changes occur in all women, but this does not mean that each mother will thus be provoked a depressed emotional state, because the body’s reaction to a change in hormonal levels is individual.
Such depression usually occurs on the third or fifth day after childbirth and usually lasts no more than 48 hours. To alleviate your condition at this time, share your experiences with loved ones, treat yourself with attention and love.
Another common cause, which has both physiological and psychological roots, is fatigue. It’s no secret that after the appearance of the baby, a young mother changes her lifestyle, daily routine. Now her day and night largely depend on the baby, who requires a lot of attention and care. In addition, fatigue is often multiplied by irrational planning of affairs, when, for example, during the first daytime sleep of the baby, the mother walks with him in a stroller, and during the second she tries to have time to redo all the household chores. As a result, by the evening she really wants to relax, put herself in order, but the baby does not always provide such an opportunity.
Read next: Coping with Postpartum Depression
The stronger the connection between you and your baby, the faster the first troubling days and nights will be forgotten.
How to beat depression
1. Get more rest. A baby sleeping in a stroller will be equally comfortable on the street and on the balcony, so sometimes you should choose a balcony. The main thing is that you can see and hear the baby. Do not grab unwashed dishes or cleaning in the morning. You can devote time while the baby is asleep to yourself or relax with him. And do your household chores when you feel refreshed.
2. Do something with your baby. Position yourself so that the baby can see and hear you, talk to him or sing a song, tell him what and why you are doing. After all, for a kid, everything in the world is new and interesting, and even cooking dinner can be a real discovery.
3. Take time to clean up yourself. When a woman likes herself, and her husband does not get tired of complimenting her, there is no room for a depressive state.
4. Do not hesitate to ask loved ones for help, because they may simply not understand what is happening to you, or not know what they can do for you.
5. Enjoy your time with your baby. The main remedy for any depression is your baby, emotional closeness with him. Research has shown that attachment and bonding with your baby affects the same pleasure centers in your mom’s brain as eating chocolate. Therefore, touch the baby more often, hug, spend as much time with him as possible, and you will notice that this has a calming and relaxing effect not only on him, but also on you.
6. Remember, the stronger the connection between you and your baby, the faster the first troubling days will be forgotten and
7. You have just felt the joy of motherhood, do not hide your feelings from loved ones. Feel free to ask for help and advice. So that communication with your beloved baby brings only positive emotions, and the baby feels your love and care.