Postpartum depression even in the Trumps

Postnatal depression does not choose. He touches anonymous mothers and women from the headlines. Recently, they were joined by the daughter of the 45th president of the United States – Ivanka Trump. Who else is on the break the silence list?

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1/10 Ivanka Trump

Recently, Ivanka Trump joined a group of famous women who admitted postpartum depression. Mother of three in the television program “The Dr. Oz Show ”talked about how difficult motherhood is. “It was a very demanding time for me. I did not fully prove myself as a mother, entrepreneur and boss. I consider myself a very ambitious person, I have a lot of interests. The new life situation in which I find myself affects all parents in our country in a similar way. “

2/ 10 Kayah

Typical symptoms of postpartum depression are irritability, appetite disorders, insomnia, lack of joy in contact with the baby and a feeling of incompetence. Kahay spoke openly about the difficulty of finding herself in the role of a mother. “It’s such a tear – on the one hand, great love and a sense of duty, and on the other, helplessness in the face of the eternal scream and a feeling of regret that such a decision was made at all,” she said in an interview with Viva. The singer was devastated by her own appearance. “The depression lasted six months. I gained a lot of weight while pregnant, suddenly I gained 30 kilos. I thought that when I give birth, it will go away somehow, but unfortunately not. It was then that the biggest boom in my career happened, Bregovic’s time. I didn’t feel well with my weight and just knowing that I was performing like this in front of an audience of five thousand was terribly depressing, ”she added.

3/10 Brooke Shields

“It still started in the hospital. As they held the Rowan to my breast, I turned my head, hiding my hands under the covers. I didn’t want to touch her, I didn’t want to look at her, I didn’t want to have anything to do with her “- this is how Brooke Shields wrote about the problem with accepting a newborn baby in her book” Down Came The Rain “. The American actress, whom viewers fell in love with for her roles in “The Blue Lagoon” and “Endless Love”, was the first star to speak openly about postpartum depression. After the birth of her daughter, she dreamed of one thing – to sink into the ground. “I was afraid of my own child. It seemed to me that I knew nothing and that I was going to hurt him in a moment. The more black thoughts I had about the Rowan, the more I thought she knew what was going on in my head and she would stop loving me. ” Psychotherapy and medication helped her overcome depression.

4/ 10 Kinga Rusin

A common symptom of postnatal depression is intrusive thoughts about harming yourself and your baby. The Polish journalist Kinga Rusin thought about suicide right after giving birth. “I’ve never said this before, but I think after having an older daughter, I experienced real postpartum depression. A day after giving birth, I returned to my Washington home with a little creature in my arms and no idea how to take care of it. Standing on the balcony, on the 21st floor of a skyscraper, I was wondering whether to jump »- she confessed in the book” What with this life? “

5/ 10 Katarzyna Cichopek

Postpartum depression did not spare the author of the book “Sexy mama. Eat, lose weight and enjoy yourself. ” Katarzyna Cichopek in an interview with the magazine “Live” admitted that motherhood simply surpassed her. “I had a nightmare after giving birth. It took a long time for me to regain my form – both physical and mental. What’s more, all the moms around assured me how beautiful and wonderful it is when a baby is already born and I, to my horror, didn’t feel it at all. I had a grudge against myself that it was not as it should be. I decided that I was just worse than others. “

6/10 Add Chest

The star of the series “Weronika Mars” and “Melrose Place” – Lisa Rinna did not want to die, but to kill the whole family. “I had terrible visions. I asked my husband (Harry Hamlin) to bring all sharp knives and weapons out of the house. I was convinced that I would kill everyone. Isn’t that scary? ” She said during the live TV program.

7/10 Hayden Panettrie

It wasn’t just Kayah who had trouble accepting her new self and finding herself in a new role. Hayden Panettrie, an American actress and singer, privately wife of the Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko, ended up in a psychiatric hospital eleven months after giving birth. “I also suffered from postpartum depression, so ladies are not alone or crazy. I weighed 100 pounds before pregnancy, and gained 153 pounds during pregnancy. I’ve always said that I want four children, but now I’m thinking deeply about it. Candy motherhood does not exist. ” – she wrote on Twitter.

8/10 Lena Headey

Research shows that postpartum depression affects up to 20% of women! There are many reasons: from hormonal changes in the body, through stress related to the new situation, to traumatic childbirth. Unlike “baby blues”, a period of transitory deterioration in mood after the birth of a baby, it can last for months or years. Lena Headey from the TV series Cersei Lannister found out that denial of depression will not help and that the help of a specialist is necessary. “When the doctor told me that I was depressed, I burst into tears. I couldn’t believe it – I was filming the first season of Game of Thrones and I didn’t have time for therapy. Later I realized that it is not always possible to combine work with motherhood, and therapy is the only solution. “

9/10 Chrissy Teigen

Researchers and clinicians emphasize that postpartum depression does not always appear in the first weeks after having a baby, and may even appear after a year. This was the case with the model and TV star, privately the wife of John Legend musician – Chrissy Teigen: “I was tired of living in pain, sleeping on the couch, waking up in the middle of the night, vomiting, throwing things on the wrong people. No joy in life, no meetings with friends and no energy to take your own child for a walk. “

10/10 Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow had a similar experience after giving birth to her son Moses in 2006. “When he was born, I thought that another period of euphoria awaited me, as it was two years earlier, when my daughter came to the world. Instead, I’ve lived one of the darkest and most painful chapters of my life. On the worst of days, I felt like a zombie – I couldn’t arouse my emotions. I thought I was a terrible mother. ” It was the actress’s husband, Coldplay band leader Chris Martin, who first noticed that Paltrow suffered from postpartum depression and talked her into therapy.

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