Postoperative hypothyroidism

What is postoperative hypothyroidism?

Postoperative hypothyroidism is a pathological condition that occurs as a result of surgical intervention in the thyroid gland. As a rule, the disorder occurs after the surgical removal of the entire gland or its significant segment.

Disease prevalence

Such a disease as hypothyroidism is recognized as very common. According to studies, it occurs in 20% of women and 16% of men who have undergone thyroid surgery. The risk of developing pathology increases in direct proportion to the age of the patient.

Risk group

Postoperative hypothyroidism

Individuals already suffering from such diseases as have an increased tendency to develop pathology:

  • diabetes;

  • anemia;

  • goiter;

  • renal insufficiency.

Reasons for surgery

The main reason for removal of the thyroid gland is carcinoma of the papillary or anaplastic type. Also, the need to get rid of the gland arises with the development of a progressive follicular tumor, which poses a threat to the life of the patient.

The reason for surgical intervention is often a mechanical injury, which creates increased compression in the neck. Goiter and toxic adenoma, which contributes to the occurrence of intoxication, are also usually treated with an operative method.

Why does hypothyroidism occur after surgery?

The main cause of the pathology is the inhibition of the functions of the thyroid gland. The human body can experience iodine deficiency. Usually newborn children and pregnant women suffer from iodine deficiency.

Symptoms of the disease

Postoperative hypothyroidism

When the disease develops, it affects all body systems. That is why the signs of the disease are complex complex. This means that the person will suffer from a large number of negative symptoms at the same time.

Among these symptoms, it is worth noting the following:

  • violation of metabolic processes, which is expressed in an increase in body weight. Weight gain can adversely affect the circulatory system, cause violations of the walls of blood vessels, worsen their permeability, provoke atherosclerosis and exacerbate the risk of cardiovascular pathologies;

  • failures of thermoregulation mechanisms;

  • intradermal disorders in the face and body. Most often, external manifestations can be noted on the lips, eyes and tongue. They arise due to the delay of intercellular and intracellular fluid, causing swelling. There is dry skin, thickening of the nail plates, as well as the appearance of a yellowish tint of the skin;

  • violation of sensory functions, expressed in the dullness of smell, taste, vision and hearing;

  • neurological disorders in the form of a reduced background of mood, irritability or lethargy, increased drowsiness, fatigue, decreased concentration and ability to memorize. Signs of a depressive disorder develop, psychosis occurs, a coma may occur;

  • violation of the cardiovascular system, namely, sharp jumps in blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbance;

  • pathologies of the digestive function, that is, stagnation of bile, enlargement of the spleen and liver, enzymatic dysfunction, nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, vomiting and flatulence;

  • sexual disorders, for example, menstrual irregularities, infertility in women or decreased potency in men;

  • disorders of the respiratory system, expressed in violation of the process of inhalation during sleep;

  • anemic disorders, for example, a decrease in hemoglobin levels and a deterioration in blood clotting;

  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system in the form of muscle atrophy and weakness, as well as disorders of the process of skeletal formation in children.

How is the disorder diagnosed?

It is rather difficult to accurately establish the development of postoperative hypothyroidism due to the many diverse symptoms that can be attributed to various types of disorders. Nevertheless, thanks to innovative developments, modern medicine is able to accurately identify pathology.

The main purpose of the examination in the establishment of hypothyroidism is to identify violations of the thyroid gland. To establish these violations in humans, first of all, check the level of substances such as:

  1. TSH, that is, thyroid-stimulating hormone;

  2. T4, that is, thyroxine.

Treatment of postoperative hypothyroidism

Postoperative hypothyroidism

Treatment period

Hypothyroidism is considered a common complication after thyroid surgery. Medical specialists note that the treatment of this disease should occur constantly. The patient will need to take medicines throughout his life.


The main drugs that can eliminate the symptoms of the disease are thyroid hormone substitutes. Therapeutic treatment involves taking a course of hormone analogues that are secreted during the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Features of L-thyroxine

The drug L-thyroxine is a hormone replacement substance that closely resembles the natural human hormones produced in the thyroid gland. The tool effectively restores the work of the affected thyroid gland. The effect of the drug taken can be felt 1-2 days after taking it.

The attending physician may adjust the dosage of the hormonal drug depending on:

  • changes in body weight of the patient;

  • the onset of pregnancy;

  • need for other medications.

General forecasts

Physicians give positive forecasts for persons suffering from postoperative hypothyroidism. Patients who constantly take medications according to the prescription of the attending physician do not experience significant negative signs of the disease. They are not limited in any way in their normal life.

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