Postcoital cystitis

Postcoital cystitis – This is an inflammatory reaction that occurs in the cavity of the bladder of a woman after intimacy. This problem is faced by many women who begin to have an active sex life.

Most often, the disease manifests either immediately after intimacy, or after a few days.

Symptoms of postcoital cystitis

Among the symptoms characteristic of this type of disease, it is customary to single out:

  • Painful feeling in the pelvic area.

  • Increased urge to void. After the organ is emptied, the patient experiences a burning sensation and pain of varying intensity.

  • Increased body temperature, general weakness, sleep disturbance.

  • There may be blood in the excreted portion of urine. Most often, it appears at the end of the emptying of the inflamed organ.

A complex of symptoms begins to disturb a woman after the start of a regular sexual life, although earlier signs of cystitis might not have been observed. Therefore, a separate risk group is made up of girls who have recently married or have found a permanent intimate partner.

Causes of postcoital cystitis

Postcoital cystitis

Among the possible causes of the development of the disease are the following:

  • Anatomical features of the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system. When abnormalities such as displacement of the urethral opening or excessive mobility of the urethra are present, then the risk of developing cystitis after intimacy increases.

  • Neglect of the rules of intimate hygiene after sexual intercourse. Inflammation can occur if, after the perfect act, the woman was not washed away. An increased number of pathological bacteria on the genitals can lead to the development of the disease. Of particular danger in this regard is the alternation of anal and vaginal intercourse.

  • STDs are one of the causes of sexual partner infection with postcoital cystitis.

  • Illiterate use of contraceptives, insufficient release or application of lubrication becomes a common cause of injuries to both the genital tract and the urethra. As a result of this, it is much easier for infections to enter the bladder cavity and cause inflammation there.

  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina by bacteria that have passed from the partner. And not necessarily they will be absolutely pathogenic. The colonization of the vagina by opportunistic microorganisms of the sexual partner often leads to the development of an inflammatory process that can affect the woman’s bladder.

Treatment of postcoital cystitis

As for the treatment of the disease, it comes down to taking medications and following the doctor’s recommendations regarding lifestyle. In some cases, surgery may be required. It is advisable if the cause of the development of inflammation is anomalies in the structure of the genitourinary system. The effect of the operation will be positive if the urethra and the entrance to the vagina are too close. This intervention is carried out on an outpatient basis, hospitalization is not required. At the same time, the outer opening of the urination channel is slightly raised. This intervention is called transposition of the urethra. It allows you to eliminate the excessive mobility of the canal by suturing it. As a result, it moves closer to the clitoris.

In other cases, they resort to treatment using antibacterial agents. Most often, the course lasts no more than a week, although relief can come much earlier. However, if antibiotics have been started, the course should not be interrupted in order to prevent a recurrence of the disease.

To save the patient from postcoital cystitis, doctors recommend taking the following drugs:

  1. Monural. This drug has a wide antibacterial spectrum of action. Taken as a single dose, best at bedtime. For re-infection, a double dose may be given, a day apart.

  2. Protorgol. The tool is used for installations of the bladder. Effectively fights bacteria and quickly relieves inflammation. This is not a home procedure and you are unlikely to be able to carry it out on your own. First you need to insert a catheter into the urinary canal and release the accumulated urine. Then, using Janet’s syringe (this is not a simple syringe, but a special, wide one, for washing various cavities, it ensures the sterility of the procedure), the solution is injected until a desire to go to the toilet arises. After that, the syringe and catheter are separated and the fluid is released. And so on up to 10 times. Used in the chronic form of the disease.

  3. Furamag. Requires longer treatment, the course can reach 10 days. The advantage of the drug lies in its low toxicity and a small set of side effects.

As a rule, the treatment of this form of inflammation is not difficult. The prognosis for getting rid of the disease is favorable. During therapy, it is worth adhering to dietary nutrition and avoiding the use of foods that can irritate the diseased organ. With frequent relapses, it is worth undergoing additional examinations and eliminating the cause of the development of inflammation that manifests after intercourse.

Prevention of postcoital cystitis

Postcoital cystitis

Often simple preventive measures are enough to avoid the development of this form of the disease.

They come down to the following rules:

  • The use of a condom provides protection against most diseases. If there is no confidence in the partner, then this affordable method of contraception will help to avoid infection.

  • Compliance with elementary hygiene rules both before and after intimacy. Washing with soap will eliminate opportunistic bacteria that live on external organs, which will reduce the risk of inflammation.

  • If possible, alternating between anal and then vaginal intercourse should be avoided.

  • Sexual posture also plays a role in disease prevention. Thus, the missionary position leads to an increased risk of developing the disease.

  • It is advisable to use lubricated condoms, which will make it possible to avoid injury to the vagina due to excessive dryness.

  • Before sexual intercourse, you should empty your bladder.

  • It is important to stop using contraceptives with spermicides. They are the cause of the disruption of the flora. This leads to an increased risk of disease.

If necessary, the doctor can select an individual course of treatment using immunostimulating drugs.

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