Post-workout complexes

At different times, depending on the degree of activity, the body needs different nutrients. And this should not be forgotten by people involved in sports. Eating the right nutrients before, during, or after your workout is important to achieve the desired results. The post-workout complex was created in order to improve the appearance of the athlete, speed up recovery and increase the efficiency of the body.

What is a post-workout complex

Researchers seem to have learned everything from the composition of carbohydrates to the exact combination of amino acids the body needs after a workout. However, scientific experiments continue, experts make new discoveries in the field of sports nutrition and improve post-workouts.

As a rule, post-workout complexes should perform three tasks:

  • replenish glycogen levels;
  • reduce the breakdown of proteins;
  • activate protein synthesis.

In other words, thanks to these supplements, athletes can:

  • replenish energy supply;
  • increase the volume and strength of muscles;
  • restore the body as soon as possible.

Who needs post-workout supplements

If you are serious about lifting weights and want to achieve the best results, it is important to take into account the advice of nutritionists about proper nutrition before and after training. Many novice bodybuilders face the problem that despite intense training, they still do not gain muscle mass. And the reason for this is the wrong nutrition program.

The rule says that any body after a certain physical activity needs post-workout products. Post-workout is a supplement in the sports nutrition category and is formulated specifically for athletes. Daily physical activity does not require recovery with the use of sports nutrition products. Although some sports supplements for sedentary people can serve as sources of nutrients for beriberi, lack of proteins or carbohydrates due to malnutrition.

Benefits of a good post-workout supplement:

  • faster recovery after exercise;
  • reduction of muscle pain;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • improved immune function;
  • increasing the strength of bone tissue;
  • improving the body’s ability to use subcutaneous fat as a source of energy.

And these benefits, as practice shows, work for all athletes, regardless of their gender or age.

Why Post-Workout Nutrients Are So Important

During the performance of strength exercises at the micro level, damage occurs to muscle tissue cells that the body uses as fuel. This ultimately makes the body stronger, leaner, healthier and more muscular. But in the short term, after such a process, the body needs to be “repaired”. After the breakdown of old damaged proteins, new ones must be produced (so-called protein synthesis). Together, these processes are called protein turnover.

After training, the rate of protein synthesis either remains unchanged or slightly increases, while protein breakdown increases dramatically. The relationship between these two parameters (speed and breakdown of muscle proteins) is the metabolic basis for muscle growth. Muscle growth is possible only when protein balance is restored during rest. In other words: when the body receives enough protein to synthesize new cells. And studies show that a certain type of diet stimulates protein synthesis and inhibits the breakdown of muscle cells after exercise.

However, in addition to protein, carbohydrates are no less important for athletes, the balance of which also needs to be restored after training. If glycogen stores in the body are not restored, muscle loss continues. One of the functions of glycogen is to promote muscle hydration. Without a sufficient amount of fluid, the muscles do not receive the required amount of nutrients, which as a result has a bad effect on its growth.

Thus, it turns out that in the period after sports activities, the body needs at least two components – proteins and carbohydrates. And the so-called post-workout complexes are used as a source of these substances.

Nutrition requirements after training

As already mentioned, post-workouts should perform at least three functions. But to get the maximum benefit, it is important to observe two more points. And they will be discussed below.

Bioavailability of components

The bioavailability of glucose and amino acids greatly affect their absorption and transport. In other words, in order for the body to be able to use the substances necessary for recovery, these substances must, firstly, simply be present in the body, and secondly, be in a biologically available form.

And this accessibility can be increased in two ways:

  • by accelerating blood circulation in skeletal muscles, which contributes to faster transport of nutrients throughout the body;
  • by supplying the body with amino acids and glucose, which ultimately accelerates protein synthesis.

“Window of Opportunity”

The “window of opportunity” is when muscles are most likely to absorb the nutrients they need to repair and grow muscles. This means that, for example, the proteins obtained at this time will go into muscle tissue, and will not accumulate in skin or hair cells. This window opens immediately after a workout and then closes fairly quickly. Studies have shown that in order to maintain protein levels in the body, it is necessary to take a complex of certain nutrients (known as a post-workout complex) within 2 hours after a strength program (while the “window of opportunity” is open). Otherwise, after a couple of hours after class, the accumulation of glycogen and protein synthesis will drop sharply.

Therefore, many athletes are advised to use a post-workout immediately after the last exercise performed.

After strength training, the body immediately needs two substances: proteins (for protein synthesis) and carbohydrates (for the accumulation of glycogen). Of course, these components can be obtained from food, but this method is not the most effective and, moreover, practical.

Firstly, many do not feel hungry at all after a workout and force themselves to eat during the “window of opportunity” for them to become a real challenge.

Secondly, it will take some time for the body to digest food, and this again suggests that, most likely, the body will not have time to break down the food into useful components and absorb them in the allotted time.

On the other hand, consuming food in liquid form, especially when the necessary components are contained in the product in a special form (carbohydrates in the form of glucose, dextrose or maltodextrin, and proteins in the form of protein hydrolysates), you can count on a more effective result. In addition, most people after sports training are easier to tolerate food in the form of a liquid, which is also digested faster, and useful components from it are very quickly absorbed by the body.

What and how much

Research data show that to restore and maximize muscle protein synthesis, the body needs approximately 20 grams of protein. The first hour after a workout is the time to drink a cocktail of 30 g of carbohydrates and 15 g of protein diluted in 500 ml of water. This is the most common version of the cocktail, but the recipe may vary depending on the weight of the athlete and his goal.

If the main goal is to break down as many lipids as possible, it is important to drink a cocktail only from BCAAs within an hour after exercise. Moreover, if the body weight is from 90 kg or more, then approximately 15 g of BCAAs should be taken. With a weight of less than 90 kilograms, a cocktail is prepared from 5 g of powder.

More experienced athletes create their own recipes for post-workout cocktails. But for this it is important to have extensive knowledge about why certain components are needed.

Diet after training: what to eat, when and in what quantities

And to begin with, it is important to note that post-workout nutrition usually consists of two meals. Some substances the body should receive immediately after exercise, and some can be consumed within an hour and a half after training.

Post-workout complex immediately after training

It is extremely important that immediately after strength training, the body receives its well-deserved portion of food. At this time, it is very important to quickly give the body enough proteins and carbohydrates. But in this case, we are not talking about a large piece of meat, but about a more easily digested meal – a cocktail. It is known that the body absorbs liquid food much faster.

Rapid replenishment of glycogen stores

A quick recovery of glycogen stores is one of the most important things the body needs after an intense workout. Now the body requires its portion of carbohydrates.

The two carbohydrates that work best are dextrose and maltodextrin. Both substances break down at a high rate and quickly restore glycogen stores. And immediately a note especially for those who associate carbohydrates with the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Carbohydrates after a workout will not make the body fatter. And that’s why.

During training, the body loses calories, that is, energy is burned, glycogen stores are consumed. And it is very important to restore these reserves so that the muscles are ready for the next workout, when they need energy again. Therefore, carbohydrates taken immediately after a strength program are always deposited in the body in the form of glycogen, and not fat. Secondly, with a healthy diet and proper exercise, the body will spend more kilocalories than it receives (of course, if your goal is to get rid of body fat).

The second important role assigned to carbohydrates in the post-workout complex is to activate the production of insulin. When the body receives simple sugars, such as maltodextrin or dextrose, insulin levels rise in the bloodstream, stabilizing blood glucose levels. In addition, insulin is known to be anabolic, meaning that it is beneficial for muscle growth and preventing protein breakdown after exercise.

But all the positive properties of carbohydrates are leveled if the wrong portion of the substance is taken after training. In this case, the concern about the possible deposition of subcutaneous fat is justified. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to healthy dosages of the substance. In addition, if you provoke too frequent (more than 2-3 times a day) and high bursts of insulin, over time the body may lose sensitivity to it. And one more thing: a surge of insulin promotes muscle growth only in one case – after intense strength training. In other cases, this is not the healthiest shake for the body.

“Not!” destruction of protein cells

Stopping the breakdown of proteins is pretty easy. And that’s what insulin does. Thus, it turns out to kill two birds with one stone: the insulin surge is also useful for stopping the breakdown of muscle cells. But for the efficiency of this process, the presence of proteins is also important. Plus, taking protein and carbs together can double your insulin spike (compared to carbs alone).

Increase protein synthesis

And the last thing that is important to do immediately after the strength program is to activate protein synthesis. This is an extremely important part of the recovery process. Once again, insulin comes into play. But in addition to it, essential amino acids must be contained in sufficient quantities in the body. You can restore their reserves with the help of BCAA supplements, which are very important for protein synthesis.

And now some interesting statistics. If insulin itself is able to increase protein synthesis by 50%, and BCAA supplements alone activate protein production by 200%, then working together, both substances give a result of 400%.

What can you take immediately after a workout

Whey Protein

It is an extremely effective form of protein and is excellent as a post-workout supplement. This supplement is important for creating an insulin spike. The optimal serving is 0,4 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Meanwhile, there is no unambiguous opinion about dosages. Some advise to use more, others argue: anything more than 0,4 g per 1 kg of weight is already a wasted product.

Dextrose and maltodextrin

These substances are necessary for the rapid restoration of glycogen stores. For optimal results, it is advised to take a mixture of these two substances in a 1:1 ratio. The total post-workout serving is 0,8 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight.

VSAA supplements

Promotes protein synthesis, so should be taken as soon as possible after sports activities.


If creatine is present during the insulin surge, it reaches the muscles faster. In addition, creatine is important for the restoration of ATP reserves.


These supplements are important in protecting muscle cells from free radicals. Among the most powerful and affordable antioxidants are vitamins E and C, coenzyme Q10, zinc.


And although this substance is often called in the list of important components of the post-workout complex, there is no unequivocal opinion on this issue among specialists. Some consider it superfluous, especially against the background of the use of whey protein.


Many call this nutrient useful for the body after a hard workout. A pinch of salt added to your post-workout shake will help restore electrolytes and improve hydration.

Post Workout Supplement Ratio

The right ratio of protein and carbohydrates is an important factor for improving muscle tissue growth. Athletes typically consume a mixture of two parts carbohydrates and one part protein. In addition, it is important to observe a certain amount of liquid used to make a cocktail. Experts say that ideally, you should get an 8% carbohydrate solution (that is, 8% carbohydrates and 92% water), to which the remaining ingredients are added.

An example of a post-workout shake

If you take into account all the above tips, you can independently create a cocktail recipe that should be drunk immediately after the workout. Let’s take an 80 kg man as an example. So, his personalized post-workout shake would look like this:

  • 20 g of whey protein;
  • 20 g dextrose;
  • 20 g of maltodextrin;
  • 5 g of creatine;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 500 ml water.

In addition, some advise to improve the effect 15-45 minutes after power loads, drink another cocktail. It is an extended version of the first recipe, so to speak, and consists of:

  • 20 g of whey protein;
  • 20 g of maltodextrin;
  • 20 g dextrose;
  • 5 g of glutamine;
  • 5-10 g VSAA;
  • vitamin C (or other antioxidant);
  • pinches of salt;
  • 500 ml water.

This recipe is also made with the same 80kg lifter in mind.

What to Take Within 2 Hours of a Workout

At this stage, the source of nutrients should be food. And again, the main focus is on carbohydrates and proteins.

If it is important to consume complex carbohydrates before training, then the post-workout complex should include fast-acting simple substances. It is also better to give preference to carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (GI of 70 and above).

Everything is simple and with protein food. Chicken breast, nuts, fish, eggs, lean beef are good choices for the second phase of post-workout recovery. It is better if these are animal proteins, low in fat and cholesterol. A good choice is beef, as in addition to proteins, it also contains creatine, iron and zinc, which are necessary for athletes. However, the fastest and most digestible protein is whey protein. In general, with food, the body should receive 30-50 g of protein (anything more will slow down digestion).

But fats after training will have to be avoided. They slow down the digestion process, which means they interfere with the adequate absorption of the necessary proteins and carbohydrates.

Menu options after training

Option 1:

  • banana;
  • milk;
  • Whey Protein;
  • oats;
  • sweet potato;
  • salmon.

Milk, whey protein, banana and oatmeal make an excellent protein-carbohydrate shake. And sweet potato and salmon are suitable as a main dish.

Option 2:

  • crushed oatmeal;
  • whey protein;
  • egg white powder.

It is enough to mix all the ingredients and drink a drink within an hour after training.

Option 3:

  • lean turkey meat;
  • milk;
  • whey protein;
  • black rice.

Option 4:

  • whey protein;
  • chicken breast.

By the way, this carbohydrate-free option will serve as an ideal food after cardio. If you supplement the menu with oatmeal, sweet potatoes or rice, you get a menu for athletes after strength training.

Some notes

In addition to the main components – proteins and carbohydrates, creatine can also be included in the post-workout.

The combination of carbohydrates and amino acids in the form of a post-workout complex activates the release of growth hormone and increases testosterone levels. But here it is important to emphasize that the effect of such a cocktail is possible only after training. If at other times of the day, lying on the couch, drinking a post-workout, there will be no effect from this.

When choosing carbohydrates for post-workout, you should understand that glucose is absorbed faster than fructose. In addition, fructose shakes sometimes cause gastrointestinal distress, increase cortisol levels in the body, and contribute to feelings of fatigue.

And when choosing amino acids for a mixture, it is important to give preference to essential ones – they are more important for maintaining the required level of nitric oxide.

Post-workout complexes: what the market offers

It is widely believed among many trainers that buying ready-made post-workout complexes is money thrown away, since all components can be bought separately and you can make a cocktail yourself at home. But still, many athletes do not want to waste time selecting components and calculating portions, but rely on professionals in this matter.

Mixtures intended for use after training are produced by many manufacturers. The rating is headed by well-known companies such as Optimum Nutrition, BSN, Weider, MHP, MuscleTech. Also popular are post-workout complexes from BioTech USA, Olimp Labs, GAT, Nutrabolic. The composition of some post-workouts, in addition to carbohydrates and proteins, also includes BCAAs and a mineral-vitamin complex. So the choice of post-workout complexes is quite wide and, if desired, you can choose a product from different price categories and with different composition.

Objectively speaking, post-workout supplements are not as popular on the market as pre-workout supplements. However, the importance of these supplements is very high if the main goal is a beautiful and strong body.

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