The contractions of the uterus occurring a few hours to a few days after childbirth, whether it is a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section, are called “trenches”.
By extension, we also designate the pain associated with these uterine contractions such as trenches.
Postpartum pain: what are the trenches due to?
Having become a mother, you thought you had got rid, at least for a while, of the contractions of the uterus and other rather unpleasant menstruation pains. Only here, if nature is well done since it allows the uterus to expand at leisure during pregnancy, it also implies a return to normal afterwards. The uterus must return to its original size!
And this is what the trenches are for. These uterine contractions act in three stages:
- they allow close the blood vessels that were connected to the placenta, in order to avoid bleeding;
- they help the uterus return to its original size in the abdominal cavity, only 5 to 10 cm;
- they gradually rid the uterus of any last clots, resulting in bleeding and loss called ” lochies ».
In medical jargon, we speak of “uterine involution” to refer to this transformation of the uterus causing these trenches. Note that the trenches affect more multiparous women, having had several pregnancies, than first-time women, for whom it is the first pregnancy.
It is estimated that the uterus regains its size in two to three weeks, but lochia usually does not appear until 4 to 10 days after childbirth, while the trenches last for a whole week. What is called the “little return of diapers”, A bleeding phase that can last a month.
Uterine pain particularly present during breastfeeding
The uterine pain and contractions that follow childbirth, or cut off, are triggered, or even increased by the secretion ofOxytocin, hormone of childbirth and attachment, but which also intervenes during breastfeeding. Sucking the baby induces a secretion of oxytocin in the mother, which then sends a contraction signal to the body to eject the milk. Feeding is therefore often accompanied by trenches during the days following childbirth.
Trenches after childbirth: how to relieve them?
In addition to medication, there are some tips for reduce pain in the trenches : urinate often to avoid the pressure of a full bladder on the uterus, use a hot water bottle, lie on your stomach with a pillow in the lower abdomen, or manage contractions with breathing exercises taught during childbirth preparation sessions …
To relieve the pain of the trenches, midwives and gynecologists usually prescribe antispasmodics to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) associated with paracetamol. It is obviously advisable to do not self-medicate without medical adviceeven for what appear to be simple pains in the trenches. It is important to confirm the diagnosis so that you do not miss out on another condition or complication in the aftermath of childbirth.
It is therefore particularly advisable to consult in case of :
- heavy bleeding (more than 4 sanitary napkins in 2 hours) and / or not decreasing over the days;
- abdominal pain that persists over the days;
- smelly discharge;
- unexplained fever.