Gastroenteritis: diarrhea and fever as symptoms
Your child curls up with his hands on his stomach. Her selles are liquid and foul-smelling, vomiting, feverish, no longer hungry? No doubt, he is also a victim of the epidemic of gastroenteritis, which rages regularly throughout the year. Take him to the doctor. If the baby is under 6 months of age, promptly give her every 10 to 15 minutes oral rehydration fluids (ORS), in sachets to be diluted in 200 ml of mineral water. If your child is older, choose a diet based on rice, carrots, baked apples, quince and bananas, and always a lot of water.
Baby has gas and squirms: infant colic
Almost inevitable in infants, these unpleasant spasms are due to immaturity of the digestive system. Between feedings, your baby cries a lot, especially at the end of the day, he wriggles, turns red, folds his legs over his chest, screams and only calms down when he gives off gas. Then the pains seem to start again. As trying for adults as for children, this colic will gradually disappear around the age of 3 months. In the meantime, be patient and keep calm. Massage his stomach, carry him against your shoulder, rock him while holding him straight against you, or by stretching it on your forearm. The use of pacifiers with anti-colic valves is recommended to limit the absorption of air by the baby, because this promotes bloating and pain.
Be careful, however, not to put all the crying of a newborn baby on the back of colic. Sometimes baby just need attention, hugs, to be hugged or in contact with his mother, or on the contrary, he suffers froman underlying pathology that it is a question of treating (gastroesophageal reflux, allergic reaction,…).
Urinary tract infection: fever and burns on the program
Baby is feverish, has pain in the lower abdomen, often has the urge to pee and complains of burns when urinating. Urinary tract infections are especially common in young girls because of their anatomy and in all children who do not take the time to completely and regularly empty their bladder. When the urine test has identified the causative organism, your child should take antibiotic treatment for ten days.
Stomach ache in babies: inguinal hernia
This small noticeable lump in the groin is common, including in infants. Parents often notice it when changing their baby or when the baby cries or coughs. In fact, inguinal hernia is a loop of the intestine that slides between two muscles in the abdominal wall. In addition to the pain, the child may vomit, be constipated and he cries intermittently.In all cases, consult his doctor, because this anomaly can heal spontaneously, but in some cases, especially when it is permanently protruding, a slight surgical intervention is necessary.
Food allergies sometimes involved
Stomach pain and diarrhea are associated with a deterioration of the general condition: the child is no longer gaining weight. A number of babies are so allergic with cow’s milk protein, but the first signs do not appear until several days after ingestion of the bottle. Talk to your doctor or the pediatrician who follows your child: if there is the slightest doubt, he will submit your child to a screening test. If the allergy is confirmed, he will advise you to replace the usual baby’s milk (most often infant milk made from cow’s milk) with infant formulas devoid of cow’s milk protein.
Constipation and its pains
Your baby has not had a bowel movement or has not filled his diaper for three, four or five days, and his intestines are contracting to pass faeces. Hence these unpleasant and persistent spasms. Rest assured: intestinal obstructions are rare, but your child will not be relieved until he has passed his stool. To help him, give him a drink often: water, orange juice, apple juice. Food can also help: make him eat prunes in compote for example. Massages can also help, in the sense of transit, ie clockwise on baby’s belly when the baby is facing you, lying on his back. If this constipation is really rebellious, know thatthere are also glycerin suppositories and drinkable liquid laxative sachets (Forlax) to help eliminate bolus. A small course of probiotics, available in pharmacies, can also help restore baby’s intestinal balance and ultimately relieve it.
Appendicitis: a sharp pain on the right
During the past two days your little one was feverish, he may have vomited once or twice, has little appetite and now he is sore right side, lower abdomen. Do not press on her stomach, give her food or drink, and make a doctor’s appointment for medical advice. He will examine it and order an ultrasound, then a blood test to confirm the inflammation of the appendix. In this case, your child will be hospitalized and then operated on, generally under laparoscopy.
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