Positive and negative character traits of a real man

Good afternoon, dear readers! The main character traits of a man determine his behavior in society, a team, a family, and in general, in dealing with women.

So today I want to talk about what they are. So that you can make the right choice, and also be informationally prepared for what you can expect next to such a person.

Positive features

The image of a real man usually includes

  • Self-confidence without waiting for approval. He simply acts as he sees fit for the benefit of himself and his loved ones;
  • Unbending will. It is almost impossible to break him and discourage him from acting. Endures all difficulties as natural phenomena of life;
  • Strength of mind. If you don’t want to do something, but you need to, you will be able to pull yourself together and complete what you started;
  • Frankness. You can talk with him about anything heart to heart, he will not dissemble;
  • Honesty. Such a person will not betray, will not lie under any circumstances;
  • Diligence. He loves to work, he does not need to ask for help many times. Since he does everything at once, as soon as he sees the need for it;
  • Good sense of humour. It is fun, easy and relaxed with him. In companies, such people, as a rule, are always in the spotlight;
  • High level of intelligence. This is an educated person who knows what and when to say and do, but at the same time does not show off his skills;
  • Equilibrium. It is almost impossible to piss him off, he is able to calmly relate to any trials. Even when he feels complete inner emptiness, he does not lose his sanity;
  • Restraint. In extraordinary situations, he does not turn to insults and shouting, I am sure that everything can be resolved within the framework of a conversation by choosing the best solution for all parties;
  • Discretion. Next to him, every woman feels safe, as if behind an unbending support, regardless of any circumstances;
  • Independence. He does not wait for approval and commands from others, he does not blame anyone and relies only on himself in life;

Positive and negative character traits of a real man

And a bit more

  • Keeps his word. People close to him know for sure that if he promised, it will certainly be fulfilled, and in the shortest possible time;
  • Respects other people’s opinions. If it contradicts its own views, does not get upset about it and knows that everyone has the right to be different;
  • Purposefulness. Always knows what he wants and how to achieve it;
  • Sociability. Open to communication, both with relatives and friends, and with strangers. Therefore, you can safely go with him to unfamiliar companies;
  • Ability to make important decisions. Does not wait for advice, but makes decisions himself, even if he is not very sure of his choice;
  • Stress tolerance. Ready for difficulties and unexpected twists of fate, taking it for granted. And responds to such events appropriately;
  • Bravery. If inside he feels hopelessness and fear, he does not sow panic, but continues to move on;
  • Loyalty. If he fell in love for real, then this is forever, despite the lightning-fast number of beauties, he will be faithful to one single girl;
  • Creativity and originality. Differs in the ability to surprise relatives and friends with unexpected decisions;
  • Initiative. Takes on any task with enthusiasm and always brings it to the end;
  • Accuracy. It manifests itself in everyday life, in clothes, in statements;
  • Openness to the new. He understands that each of us is imperfect. And that we have room to grow, so we tirelessly work on our development;
  • The ability to forgive. He knows that no one is perfect, so he can forgive if a person was wrong and sincerely repents of this.

By the way, if you are wondering how you fit the image of a “real man”, you can take an online test. By answering the questions, you will receive not only a complete interpretation of the results, but also individual recommendations that will help you cope with your limitations.

Negative features

Since there are no ideal people, let’s look at what negative character traits can be found among guys. It is only important to understand that they are present in each of us.

Therefore, they should not be perceived as bad, but as ones that you can work on in order to advance in life, to realize your dreams and desires.

Positive and negative character traits of a real man

List of negative character traits

  • Selfishness. Self-confidence often goes hand in hand with selfishness. At the first meeting, this is imperceptible. Weeks or even months pass, and in certain situations a person makes it clear that he and his interests are in the first place for him. With such people, over time, it becomes difficult to communicate, speak, find compromises, and the girl’s “rose-colored glasses” fall after a lot of scandals, reproaches and proving her case.
  • Envy. This quality manifests itself when a young man notices that someone is doing something better than him. As a rule, envy is closely related to anger, because someone «jumped» him. And even if it is not so important, it will not be possible to get away from a bad mood.
  • Irresponsibility. Sometimes hardworking and sympathetic good guys can be completely irresponsible, in any area of ​​life. For example, at work, they happily and painstakingly carry out any order from their superiors, and they don’t care about anything related to household chores. They often act as if the problems don’t exist at all. Although their close people may not find a place for themselves at this moment. Trying to find the best way out of this situation. They may also remain unemployed for a long time, because they believe that they cannot find a decent job for themselves. And financial issues at this time remain on the shoulders of relatives.

And a bit more

  • Greed. In an effort to earn a lot of money for the family and loved ones, such men may not notice how they turn into greedy and petty. Sometimes the situation comes to the point that he limits spending not only for himself, but also for those close to him. Therefore, there can be no talk of any entertainment, pleasant pastime. The situation is heating up, with it the level of emotional tension, and then, most likely, quarrels and partings will follow.
  • Emotional instability. Such a man is interesting in communication, but is not intended for a quiet family life. He can get upset several times during the day, get angry, and then behave as if nothing had happened. He will easily make anyone laugh, but if something, even some trifle, does not go according to his plan, he becomes furious, can be rude, insult and even hit. It is dangerous to enter into any discussion with him.


As already mentioned, we are not all perfect. Even the best people at first glance can be unbearable in certain situations.

But it is worth paying attention to what character traits prevail in the chosen one. After all, it depends on how comfortable and amicably your relationships and family life will develop.

Dear readers, be careful! Do not rush to make a choice — and then everything in your life will be calm and measured. And finally, I want to recommend you an article that lists character traits that cause admiration and respect not only among women, but also in the world of men. It is located at this link.

See you for new conversations!

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich

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