Poshekhon cheese

“There is no prophet in his own country” – this aphorism is quite fair in relation to the products of Russian cheese makers. Gourmets admire Italian pecorino cheeses, grana padano and gorgonzola, extol the taste and aroma of British cheddar, French brie, Swiss emmental and gruyere. At the same time, the achievements of the Russian cheese industry are not so advertised. This, however, does not detract from their merits. Proof of this is Poshehonsky cheese.

General characteristics

Poshekhonsky cheese is a reliable and time-tested product. It belongs to solid rennet. In its manufacture, the minimum number of components is used, and therefore the cheese has a natural, traditional flavor – it is pronounced, sour, with a barely noticeable spicy note. Its color is light yellow, almost white.

This product is characterized by uniformity of mass and plasticity. On the cut, small oval and round eyes are clearly visible. However, their absence is also not considered a disadvantage.

Obligatory characteristic of Poshekhonsky cheese is fat content of about 45%.

History tour

The homeland of one of the most famous Russian cheeses is Poshekhonsky district of the Yaroslavl region. In the last century, a factory was opened here, specializing in the production of butter and cheeses. The author of the exact recipe for Poshekhonsky cheese is one of the employees of this enterprise – Pavel Antonovich Avdienko. He set out to create his own kind of cheese, which would have a short ripening period, but at the same time retained excellent taste. Avdienko studied ancient Russian and Dutch recipes, and also constantly consulted with a famous specialist in Dutch cheeses, a professor from Moscow R.E. Gerlakh.

Due to the shortage of products that the USSR experienced in the post-war years, it was decided to use pasteurized or normalized milk in the recipe for a new kind of cheese. Its fat content is slightly lower, as a result of which production costs are reduced.

Manufacturing technology

The recipe of Poshekhonsky cheese includes the minimum amount of ingredients:

  • normalized in fat cow’s milk;
  • rennet extract;
  • bacterial starters.

All ingredients are mixed in vats and boiled. Then the finished mass is poured into forms.

This cheese ripens 30 days. The finished product has a smooth crust and an unusually thin subcortical layer. In order to keep it better, the heads are coated with paraffin or film. Due to the fact that this product does not contain any chemical additives, its shelf life is no more than 90 days at a storage temperature from 0 to + 8 ° C.

Composition and nutritional value of Poshekhonsky cheese

A serving of Poshekhonsky cheese weighing 100 grams contains up to 26 grams of protein, 26,5 grams of fat and 0 grams of carbohydrates. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 31,71%: 40,15%: 0%.

The chemical composition contains essential amino acids (tryptophan, methionine, lysine), water and cholesterol. Mineral and vitamin complex is represented by a very solid list of nutrients:

  • vitamins of group B, A, E, D, PP, C, beta-carotene;
  • calcium.
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc;
  • potassium.

Calories 100 g Poshekhonsky cheese is 350 calories.

Cooking application

Poshekhonsky cheese is widely used in cooking. It is used not only as an independent snack, but also for the preparation of salads and in roasting meat and fish.

Poshekhonsky cheese at home

Due to the fact that the product contains only natural ingredients, with a certain amount of experience, you can make Poshekhon cheese at home.

On 10 liters of milk, you’ll need 1 / 2 a teaspoonful of mesophilic starter (dry) and 1 / 2 a teaspoonful of rennet.

Heat the milk over low heat to a temperature of 37º C. Pour the starter into the pan. Wait 2-3 minutes, then stir and cover with a lid. Leave the mixture on 20-30 minutes — during this time, the leaven bacteria are activated. Dissolve the enzyme in 50 ml of cold boiled water. Pour the solution into the milk, stirring constantly.

In order for the milk to curdle, a temperature of 32-35 ° C is required. In the event that the room is cooler, put a container of milk in a sink filled with hot water (45 ° C). Within an hour, pasteurized milk will curdle. To determine the readiness of the clot, examine the contents of the pan. A layer of serum 1-2 mm thick should appear between the wall of the container and the jelly. The milk itself should resemble elastic jelly.

Cut a clot into cubes, the face must be 1,5-2 centimeters. First make cuts along, and then across. Cover the contents of the pan with a lid and let it rest for ten minutes. After that, pour the serum tips.

Place the container on a slow fire and start mixing cubes. At first, this should be done slowly, gradually, to accelerate the pace. Begin crushing them into a cheese grain with a diameter of millimeters in 7-8. Carry out the first heating, bringing the mass to a temperature in 36-38º C. This should take about ten minutes. In that case, if the desired temperature is reached, and the time has not yet passed, turn off the gas and stir the grain already without heating.

Drain about 30% whey relative to the volume of milk used. Add boiled water (40º С) at the rate of 40% in relation to the resulting cheese crust. (For example: if you had 10 liters of milk, you poured 3 liters of whey, after which you have 7 liters of mass left, then you need to pour in 2,8 liters of water).

Conduct a second heating at a temperature of 39-40º C for 12-16 minutes. The grain size at the end of processing should be 4-5 mm. Drain the whey, add 13 teaspoons of fine salt to the grain and mix.

Put the cheese into the mold, cover with a lid and towel and leave on the 30-40 minutes. After 15 minutes, turn the cheese over. Swipe to remove free moisture. First use the weight in 1 kg (within an hour), then the weight 3 kg (within two hours).

Prepare the brine by dissolving 180-200 of iodized salt in 1 liter of boiled water. Drain the solution using several layers of tissue. For 10-12 hours, keep the cheese in the solution, turning it over and over.

At the final stage, dry in a refrigerator for 48-72 hours, turning the cheese three times a day. After the fat is released on the surface, the cheese should be put in a bag for aging.

Household Poshekhonsky cheese matures in the refrigerator for 18-20 24 hours at a humidity of 80-85%.

Benefits and harm to the body

Due to the absence of preservatives and harmful additives in the composition of the Poshekhon cheese, its benefit for the human body can not be overestimated.

First of all, it is a natural source of calcium, which has a positive effect on the condition of bone tissue and joints. An indisputable advantage is the complete absence of carbohydrates in it. This characteristic has turned this cheese into one of the main products of protein diets, which include the restriction of carbohydrates in the diet.

As part of the Poshekhonsky cheese, there is an easily digestible protein, which is a source of energy and has a beneficial effect on the work of the muscles and internal organs of a person.

Nutritionists also note a positive effect on the metabolism and hormones of a person of amino acids that make up the chemical composition of this product. They enhance immunity and increase the body’s resistance to disease.

In addition, cheese is recommended to be added to the diet for people suffering from anemia. This is due to the presence of vitamin B12 in the composition of this product, which helps to improve the blood formula.

At the same time, the use of Poshekhonsky cheese should be minimized as much as possible for overweight people and hypertension. It should be excluded from the diet in case of lactose intolerance, exacerbation of gastritis, as well as with increased acidity.

With caution it is necessary to use Poshekhon cheese for people with urolithiasis and pyelonephritis. Nutritionists also recommend not to feast on this product in the evening due to an increase in the level of tryptophan in the body. It is fraught with sleep disorders and nightmares.

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