Porziola – instructions for use

Porziola - instructions for use

The drug Porziola produced by the US pharmaceutical company SupraNaturalis, LLS belongs to the group of dietary supplements. It is produced in the form of transparent gelatin capsules, inside which is a polyacrylic acid carbomer. Once in a humid environment, this carbomer increases in volume. So, for example, getting into the stomach, particles of Porziol carbomer swell and increase in volume. They are able to hold liquid, the volume of which is a thousand times greater than their mass.

As a result of these transformations, a soft structural hydrogel is formed. It fills the stomach and stays in it for 4 hours. The hydrogel is absolutely inert, safe, does not enter into biochemical reactions with the internal environment of the digestive tract. It provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, allowing you to fill the stomach. The amount of food consumed immediately decreases, body weight decreases.

In addition to this effect, the body, receiving an insufficient amount of calories, is forced to take them in adipose tissue. There is a natural weight loss without negative emotions, feelings of hunger, without stress. Gradually, a habit is developed to saturate in small portions, which will remain for 2 months after the abolition of dietary supplement Porziola. To speed up the process of losing weight, you should initiate physical activity and dietary adjustments.

Since, while taking Porziola capsules, the intake of nutrients into the body has decreased, after consulting a doctor, you need to diversify your diet with a balanced healthy diet.


  • The main active ingredient is polyacrylic acid carbomer;

  • Auxiliary substances – gelatin, food L-leucine 5%.


The hydrogel, when it enters the stomach, does not cause any negative emotions, unpleasant sensations. It acts in the lumen of the digestive tract. After performing its function, the hydrogel passes through the digestive tract, is excreted along with the stool without negative and negative sensations. The gel has an extremely low level of absorption.

Hydrogel properties:

  • It has 0 calories, that is, it has absolutely no nutritional value;

  • It is not absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract, does not interact with the intestinal mucosa;

  • It does not have a carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic effect.

  • It cannot have a chemical or pharmaceutical effect on the body.

Indications for use

Bioadditive Porziola is used in patients with significant motivation in terms of weight loss. Capsules are not chewed, they are swallowed whole with boiled water.


  • Reducing excess body weight;

  • Control over excess weight;

  • Prevention of gaining excessive body weight;


  • Condition after surgery in the digestive tract;

  • Individual intolerance to the hydrogel and substances that make up the Porziola shell;

  • Childhood and adolescence;

  • Gastroesophageal reflux;

  • Exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer;

  • Obesity 3-4 degrees;

  • History of diabetes mellitus and other severe pathologies.

The use of Porziola capsules – dosage

The dosage of this drug is prescribed by a doctor. He takes into account contraindications, calculates the body mass index, and, depending on it, prescribes the number of capsules to be used.

Porziola – instructions for use

For one application, you can use no more than 4 capsules of Porziola. The maximum dose per day should not exceed 12 pieces.

Expected Efficiency

Clinical trials have shown that a 3-month course of taking Porziola capsules can reduce body weight by 3-5 kg ​​with a single use of 2 capsules before meals. Manufacturers insist on regular use of the drug so that the body gets used to getting by with small portions of food.

Features of use

So that the effectiveness of drugs and nutritional supplements taken simultaneously with capsules does not decrease, their use should be diluted in time. Medications and supplements are taken half an hour before the use of the hydrogel, or half an hour after that. To make up for the amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements not received with food, you need to use specialized vitamin-mineral complexes.

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