
I came up with a remedy for hair loss. Why is hair falling? Because they hang down. And you need to take a stick and put it on your head so that the hair curls around it like ivy. They curl up, but it’s impossible to fall up, here! This is my own invention! You can use it if you want!

White Knight L. Carroll — Alice

Film «Charlie and the Chocolate Factory»

Inactive or with a strange, inanimate expression, the face of a schizoid.

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From childhood, a child who likes to play alone, does not reach out to peers, avoids noisy amusements, prefers to stay among adults, sometimes listens to their conversations in silence for a long time, strikes. To this is sometimes added some kind of coldness and unchildish restraint. An inactive, as if frozen face … This is a schizoid.

Nature froze out feelings for the schizoid and inserted one intellect, and, as a rule, without guidelines. The vague and dense world of experiences, the shadow of forebodings and the flame of passions, the joy and shame of sensuality, all that is so close to poets and women — all this is not his world. He may be interested in it, but learns it only as a foreign language. His world is a world of concepts, schemes and calculations.

And what should he do with this among people, that is, what is not calculated?

He can decompose and analyze. And to seduce and seduce is just as impossible for him as to go through the wall after a house ghost: he has nothing to do this with, he simply does not have the organs for this. He lacks intuition, and it is difficult for him in the company, as well as the company with him, where he is always a «white crow» and almost always «inopportunely». He cannot catch “subtle things” in relationships: when to say something or remain silent, when to leave or stay.

So he usually leaves.

As a result, this is a person, as if always fenced off from others by some kind of invisible, as if glass, wall. He cannot, and rarely wants to, open his loneliness and go out to people, but he lets him into his inner world extremely reluctantly. A schizoid is a hermit, a person «not of this world.» Most often, he is taciturn (“I don’t know what else to talk about”), but with half a turn he “loads” a suitable interlocutor with his theories, for example, about the structure of the world. Schizoids are great theorists.

Unable to support the most elementary secular chatter, they deeply systematize and generalize the process of communication; in life they will simply be circled around the finger, but they will write a work on the psychology and philosophy of human relationships. In life they are helpless, but in theory they are omnipotent.

And their scientific works are called something like this: «The most general theory of Everything.»

If the schizoid is not touched, it is completely harmless, but at the same time it is not tamed and remains a “thing in itself”. Close people next to him are calm, but uncomfortable: the schizoid will not give them warmth, love or gratitude, and some of his actions may look cruel. In fact, he is not cruel, but simply analytical, and his coldness is rather an inability to feel the soul of another, a lack of emotional resonance. Nevertheless, he is still a person, and if his “shell” cracks, he discovers vulnerability that is unexpected for those around him.

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