Pork? Why not! Why is this so? – Dietetics – Articles |

Pork = vitamin

Obvious is that pork has its drawbacks, but eating it is also associated with many advantages. New ones are still being discovered thanks to them on a regular basis conducted research on this subject, and the most recent of them are pork in even more favorable light. Probably the most important change in the perception of this meal it concerns the content of vitamin E. Well, it turns out that there is as much as twice as much in pork than previously believed! The richest its source is bacon.

Oczywiście There are definitely more vitamins in meat from pigs. In the neck there is a lot of vitamin B6, which supports the functioning of the nervous system, work of the heart and muscles and proper blood pressure. But also very much Vitamin B1 abundantly available in pork is not present in any other meat in such quantities. About the grill – it is especially needed smokers and people who consume alcohol in significant amounts.

No However, only vitamins are delivered with the most commonly consumed meat in Poland. It is also a good supplier of iron which, very importantly, is in in this case, perfectly absorbable, as much as 20 – 50%! In products however, the bioavailability of this element is only 1 – 8%. The liver is rich in iron, and the liver provides the most of it pork neck, as much as 6,25 mg / 100 g.

The porker is not that fattening at all

Together with Economic development often also improves the value of the food consumed food. Fortunately, this also applies to pork, and it has a lot to do with it significant reduction in caloric content of pigs. It was due to an increase muscle growth of these animals, which has been led by their better nutrition and maintenance in accordance with the requirements of welfare. Thanks to this, 100 g of pork loin is now only 152 kcal, and 100 g of ham – 118 kcal!

Very Fat is always important in terms of calories, no it is different in this case. It turns out that there is even fat in pork twice less than previously thought, which applies in particular the fattest parts – bacon and ribs. Twenty years ago, only half of the bacon it consisted of lipids, but now, due to the selection of animals and improving their meat content, this indicator has decreased significantly – by as much as 15% to be exact!

Good fats in hog

Fats in pork is also very positive on its own. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 10: 1, while the case is in poultry it is 20: 1. The cholesterol content was also significantly improved the described meat. Its level is admittedly similar in all elements pork carcass, but compared to American standards, Polish meat falls out excellent: bacon by 41%, ribs by 57%, and ham, pork loin and shoulder blade by 31 – 35% less cholesterol! The most interesting, however, is the comparison of cholesterol in pork and poultry – the former has less than the latter meat (0,54 vs 0,58 g / kg).

People With hypertension, pork can also be recommended. In the face of This ailment is very harmful to the overuse of sodium in the diet, and meat from pigs, it contains little of this element (0,35 – 0,58 g / kg). Therefore, it compares perfectly with beef (0,74 g / kg) i again with poultry (0,77 g / kg).

Jak you can see pork has many advantages, even over other types meat. This does not mean, of course, that we should make it the basis of ours nutrition, but grilled pork neck can benefit our body greatly more benefits than just delicious taste and memories of a nice evening with friends.

Photos: 1. https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-of-man-preparing-food-in-plate-332784/

2. https://www.pexels.com/photo/pork-and-sausage-on-the-grill-6013/ 3. https://www.pexels.com/photo/barbecue-bbq-beef-cook-out-604656/

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