- How to cook aspic from pork tongue
- How to cook pork tongue for aspic
- Classic pork tongue aspic recipe
- Aspic of pork tongue with gelatin
- Delicious pork tongue aspic in clear broth
- How to make jellied pork tongue in a bottle
- How to cook aspic from pork tongue with eggs
- Aspic with pork tongue and vegetables
- Recipe for portioned aspic from pork tongue
- Pork tongue aspic recipe with gelatin and carrots
- Recipe for pork tongue aspic with peas and olives
- Jellied pork tongue in a slow cooker
- Aspic of pork tongue without gelatin
- A few ideas on how to decorate pork tongue aspic
- Conclusion
Aspic of pork tongue – a chic appetizer. The dish is tender, tasty and looks festive.
How to cook aspic from pork tongue
Gelatin is used to prepare the filling. It is poured into the broth in which the offal was cooked. To make the decoction transparent, the tongue:
- washed thoroughly;
- soak for several hours;
- remove all unnecessary.
Only after such preliminary preparation is the product boiled. The first broth is always drained. Fill again with clean water and boil until tender.
With the help of a fork, the tongue is taken out of the broth and sent to ice water. A sharp temperature drop contributes to better skinning. The finished product is cut. The plates are made thin. For greater nutritional value, as well as the beauty of the aspic, mushrooms, vegetables, herbs and eggs are added to the composition.
Prepared components are poured with broth, in which gelatin was previously dissolved. Sent to the refrigerator until completely solidified.
Selection rules:
- it is better to purchase a chilled rather than a frozen product;
- at the base of the tongue is bright pink. If the color is dark, then it is stale;
- the aroma of the delicacy should resemble the smell of fresh pork meat;
- tongue is small. The average weight is 500 g.
How to cook pork tongue for aspic
To make the aspic tasty, you need to know how to cook pork tongue. It is cooked raw. The first broth after boiling is always drained.
When the liquid begins to boil, add bay leaves, onions, carrots, spices and seasonings. Thus, after boiling, the offal will become not only soft, but also very fragrant.
The age of the pig directly affects the boil time. The tongue of a young piglet is cooked for 1,5 hours, but the offal of a mature pig must be boiled for at least 3 hours, otherwise it will be too tough.
In the process of cooking, be sure to remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
Classic pork tongue aspic recipe
It is customary to decorate transparent aspic with bright elements – carrots and greens.
- pork tongue – 800 g;
- cloves – 2 bud;
- onion – 10 g;
- salt;
- carrots – 180 g;
- bay leaf – 2 pcs .;
- gelatin – 45 g;
- water – 90 ml;
- pepper;
- allspice – 7 peas.
Step-by-step process:
- Rinse pork tongues. To fill with water. Leave for an hour and a half.
- Change water. Put on minimum fire. Boil and drain in a colander.
- Fill with fresh water. Throw in peppercorns, bay leaves and cloves.
- After an hour, salt and add peeled vegetables. Cook until the product becomes soft.
- Pour gelatin over with cold water. Set aside.
- Get the offal and send it to the ice liquid. Cool and remove the skin.
- Strain the broth and combine with swollen gelatin. Put on minimum fire. Constantly stirring, wait until complete dissolution. You can’t boil. Cool down.
- Pour some broth into small bowls. Send to the refrigerator compartment.
- When the workpiece hardens, distribute the sliced uXNUMXbuXNUMXbpork tongue and pieces of carrots. Pour in the remaining liquid. Send the filling to the refrigerator.

You can decorate the dish with lemon slices.
Aspic of pork tongue with gelatin
In the proposed preparation, no additives are used. The dish comes out nutritious and tasty.
- water – 2,3 l;
- salt;
- carrot;
- pork tongue – 750 g;
- spice;
- bay leaves;
- gelatin – 20 of
Step-by-step process:
- Combine all ingredients except gelatin. Boil for half an hour. Take out the orange vegetable and cut into slices.
- Cover the pot with a lid and cook for another 1,5 hours. Take off the foam.
- Pour the fastening component according to the instructions. Leave to swell. Mix with broth. Strain.
- Spread the slices of the tongue in an even layer in the form. Decorate with carrots. Pour in broth.
- Remove filling from refrigerator.

For a brighter look, canned peas can be added to the composition.
Delicious pork tongue aspic in clear broth
The transparency of the dish does not affect its taste in any way, but when serving it is quite important. Preparing a beautiful aspic takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
- pork tongue – 700 g;
- greenery;
- Onion – 1 units;
- egg white – 1 pcs.;
- bay leaves – 2 pcs.;
- salt;
- gelatin – 10 pcs.
Step-by-step process:
- Rinse the pork tongue, place in a container and then fill with water. Boil and drain immediately. Re-introduce filtered liquid.
- Throw in the peeled onion and bay leaves. Cover with a lid and cook for 2 hours on the minimum burner setting. Salt and cook for another half hour.
- Throw the offal into ice water. Clear.
- Pour gelatin into 100 ml of water. Set aside for half an hour.
- Cool the broth. With a spoon, carefully remove all the fat, then strain through cheesecloth.
- Salt the protein and beat it into a fluffy foam. Pour into broth. Stir. Boil.
- Cool completely and bring back to a boil. The protein will curl up and become white lumps.
- Pass through the filter. Boil clear broth again. Measure out 500 ml and combine with gelatin. Salt.
- Cut the pork tongue into portions.
- Distribute along the bottom of the form. Fill with prepared liquid. Decorate as desired. Leave the filling in a cool place.

Looks beautiful in jellied carrots, cut in the shape of stars
How to make jellied pork tongue in a bottle
The original filling is obtained in a plastic bottle. You can use containers of any volume, in which the upper part is cut.
- boiled pork tongue – 900 g;
- French mustard beans;
- greenery;
- salt;
- gelatin – 40 g;
- broth – 1 l.
Step-by-step process:
- Peel and then cut offal into thin plates.
- Mix the broth with gelatin. Leave for half an hour, then warm until dissolved.
- Put the meat pieces in the bottle. Add chopped greens. Pour in broth.
- Send to refrigerator. When the workpiece hardens, remove the aspic from the bottle. You can decorate in the form of a pig.

Ears and nose can be made from sausage, and eyes from olives
How to cook aspic from pork tongue with eggs
An egg cut into slices or circles will be a good addition to the aspic.
- water – 2,3 l;
- fresh greens;
- salt;
- pork tongue – 1,75 kg;
- gelatin – 20 g;
- quail eggs – 8 pcs.
Step-by-step process:
- Boil pork tongue in salted water. Cooking time should be about 2 hours.
- Remove the skin and cut into thin slices.
- Divide boiled eggs into 2 parts.
- Pour gelatin with water according to the instructions. Give it time to swell.
- Mix the strained broth with the substance.
- Chop greens.
- Distribute the cut components in the form. Fill with prepared liquid.

A festive dish can be decorated with cranberries
Aspic with pork tongue and vegetables
Vegetables help make the aspic brighter and more festive.
- boiled egg – 2 pc .;
- parsley – 10 g;
- pork tongue – 300 g;
- dill – 10 g;
- green peas – 50 g;
- bay leaves – 3 pcs.;
- gelatin – 20 g;
- olives – 30 g;
- onion – 180 g;
- black pepper – 4 peas;
- carrot – 250
Step-by-step process:
- Boil offal with bay leaves, carrots, onions and peppers. Remove the pork tongue, peel and cut into slices.
- Dissolve gelatin in warm broth. Strain.
- Place the meat on one side of the serving dish. Distribute carrot circles, olives, peas, dill, halved eggs and parsley nearby.
- Fill with prepared liquid. Send to the refrigerator compartment.

Peas are chosen soft and delicate to taste
Recipe for portioned aspic from pork tongue
It is easy to surprise guests if you cook portioned aspic in small mugs or bowls.
- pork tongue – 300 g;
- greenery;
- egg – 2 pcs .;
- boiled carrots – 80 g;
- salt;
- gelatin – 20 g;
- lemon – 1 circle;
- spice.
Step-by-step process:
- Boil the meat product with the addition of spices.
- Soak gelatin according to instructions. Heat and stir until completely dissolved.
- Whisk the eggs with a few drops of lemon. Stir in 240 ml of cooled broth.
- Pour into remaining liquid base. Boil and strain.
- Peel off the tongue. Cut across. The thickness of the plate should be no more than 1,5 cm.
- Cut the orange vegetable into circles, and the lemon into small slices.
- Pour some liquid with dissolved gelatin into bowls. Send to refrigerator.
- When the mass hardens, distribute the carrots and herbs nicely. Pour a small amount of gelatin liquid. Leave to harden in the refrigerator.
- Lay out the meat pieces. Decorate with lemon.
- Pour in broth. Send to the refrigerator compartment. Turn the bowl over and shake out the aspic onto a plate. Serve in portions.

Pour the broth products gradually in layers
Pork tongue aspic recipe with gelatin and carrots
It is better to start cooking before the holiday, so you will have to spend a lot of time creating a tasty and beautiful aspic.
- pork tongue – 350 g;
- garlic – 2 tooth;
- carrots – 130 g;
- onion – 120 g;
- bay leaves – 3 pcs.;
- gelatin – 10 g;
- salt;
- parsley;
- water – 1,5 l.
Step-by-step process:
- Pour the peeled vegetables and offal with water. Salt. Throw in bay leaves. Boil.
- Remove the foam and cook for an hour and a half. Fire must be kept to a minimum.
- Remove the meat and immediately remove the skin. Cool and cut into large plates, and the orange vegetable into slices. Divide the onion into several pieces.
- Lay out the prepared components in the form. Decorate with greenery.
- Strain the decoction. Sprinkle gelatin. Leave until swollen. Warm up. Stir until dissolved.
- Carefully fill in the cut. Remove to a cold place.

Take the filling out of the refrigerator just before serving.
Recipe for pork tongue aspic with peas and olives
When cooking, you can purchase a special mixture designed for aspic, or use your favorite spices.
- mixture for aspic or gelatin – 1 package;
- carrots – 120 g;
- pork tongue – 900 g;
- peas – 50 g;
- lettuce leaves – 2 pcs.;
- olives – 10 pcs.;
- olives – 10 pcs.
Step-by-step process:
- Boil offal. Clean and cut.
- Dissolve the special mixture in the cooled broth. Cut carrots into stars, pork tongue into cubes, olives into circles.
- As a form, you can use a plastic mug. Lay out orange stars and greens. Pour in a slightly liquid mixture.
- Put in the refrigerator to freeze.
- Distribute the peas, meat pieces, olives and black olives. Fill with liquid mixture.
- Send to the refrigerator compartment.
- Dip the glass in warm water for 2 seconds. Invert onto a plate lined with lettuce.

The mold with aspic is turned over onto a plate carefully so as not to damage the workpiece.
Jellied pork tongue in a slow cooker
Aspic can be easily prepared in a slow cooker, while participating in the process to a minimum.
- pork tongue – 850 g;
- water – 2,5 l;
- salt;
- onion;
- gelatin – 15 g;
- spice;
- garlic – 3 cloves.
Step-by-step process:
- Send the washed offal to the bowl of the device. To fill with water. Add all the ingredients listed in the recipe.
- Turn on the “Cooking” mode. Set the timer to 3 hours.
- Rinse the meat with ice water. Pull off the skin. Cut the product into small pieces.
- Strain the liquid remaining after cooking. Dissolve gelatin in it.
- Pour half into the prepared pan. Distribute the meat pieces. Enter the remaining broth.
- Refrigerate until cold.

The tongue cooked in a slow cooker always turns out soft and tender
Aspic of pork tongue without gelatin
This cooking option is suitable for those who do not like the taste of gelatin in aspic.
- pork tongue – 1 kg;
- salt;
- beef heart – 1 kg;
- parsley – 5 sprigs;
- turkey wings – 500 g;
- garlic – 5 cloves;
- boiled quail eggs – 5 pcs.;
- turkey legs – 500 g;
- carrots – 180 g;
- bow;
- allspice – 5 peas;
- bay leaves – 4 pcs.
Step-by-step process:
- Cut the heart into four pieces. Clean the bird’s feet of dirt. Cut off the claws.
- Pour all meat products with water. Place peeled vegetables and all remaining ingredients except garlic.
- Cook for 3,5 hours. Fire must be kept to a minimum. In the process, constantly remove the foam. After half an hour from the start of cooking, take out the carrots and cut into thin circles.
- Crush the garlic cloves and send to the strained broth.
- Cut all meat parts into thin pieces. Place carrots in a silicone mold, followed by meat and sliced eggs.
- Pour in the garlic liquid. Garnish with parsley. Put the filling in a cool place.

You can creatively approach the design of the dish by decorating the aspic with swans from eggs
A few ideas on how to decorate pork tongue aspic
In cooking, not only the correct process is important, but also decoration. Pork tongue should be cut across so that the slices come out thin and beautiful. They are laid next to each other or slightly overlapped so that the pattern forms a festive wreath.
How to decorate:
- Boiled eggs look beautiful, which are cut into mugs.
- Boiled carrots keep their shape perfectly, so you can cut flowers, leaves and various shapes from it.
- Decorate with corn, peas, olives, as well as plenty of dill and herbs.
- You can use a curly knife to cut vegetables and eggs.

Small canned mushrooms look beautiful in aspic
Pork tongue aspic is a festive dish that, with a beautiful design, will be not only tasty, but also spectacular. If desired, you can modify any of the proposed recipes by adding new components.