Pork loin, carbonate (carbonade): what part of the carcass is this

Pork loin is an amateur product. Although not everyone accepts pork due to the level of fat content of this type of meat, no one disputes the softness and juiciness of the loin.

Pork loin, carbonate (carbonade): what part of the carcass is this


The pig is cut into 12 varieties of meat. Each part has distinctive features. So, the brisket is known for its fat content, pork tenderloin – the absence of unnecessary impurities, increased softness. The loin, as part of a pig, differs from the rest of the carcass in the following ways:

  • softness – pork loin, carbonade is softer and juicier after cooking even without beating, but harder than tenderloin;
  • the fat content of carbonade is fatter than pork knuckle, ham, tenderloin, however, there is less fat than in pork belly, rump, undercut;
  • bones – the classic pork loin contains the bone – so it’s easy to check the authenticity.

A characteristic feature of the loin of a pig is the aroma. Meat of this type is more pleasant, more convenient to cook due to the absence of the smell inherent in adult boars and adult pigs.

Other features lie in the composition. The nutritional value and nutrients are not unique, but make pork an essential product. You can replace the loin in the diet with several dishes, vitamins, nutritional supplements. However, taste substitution is not possible.

Composition and value of meat

It is useful to eat loin (carbonade) for food. This meat is lean and well digestible. Especially appreciate the absence of excess fat and films. The piece is easy to get rid of the bone. Pork is valued in cooking due to the absence of the need to process the product for a long time.

Nutritional value per 100 g of meat:

  • protein – 13,7 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0 g;
  • fats – 36,5 g;
  • kilocalories – 384 kcal.

Carbonade as part of a pork carcass is also valuable due to its composition. Useful properties depend on the richness of chemical components. Pork loin contains:

  • vitamins of group B;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin H;
  • vitamin PP;
  • chlorine;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • iodine;
  • fluorine;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • nickel;
  • molybdenum;
  • tin.

Pork loin, carbonate (carbonade): what part of the carcass is this

Part of the carcass of a pig is a healthy product, but the loin cannot be called dietary. The fat content is too high for those who are losing weight. The main value is the richness in vitamins, microelements, macroelements, easy protein digestibility. Vitamins have a positive effect on:

  • digestion;
  • metabolism;
  • immunity;
  • hematopoiesis (deficiency of B5 leads to impaired hemoglobin formation);
  • skin (lack of PP causes skin problems).

A lack of phosphorus can cause the development of anemia, anorexia, rickets (therefore, it is important for vegetarians to use nutritional supplements). Zinc is useful for the liver, sexual function. During pregnancy, the deficiency of the element leads to impaired fetal development.

Important! Pork loin is interchangeable with other products, but poultry and fish are an inferior alternative. You can completely replace such meat only with a variety of diets, vitamins, nutritional supplements, dietary supplements.

Where is the pork loin

See where the loin is on the carcass of a pig, mono on any diagram, a photo will help with this. The location of this type of meat is pork loin, between the neck and ham. Cut out the part along with the ribs. As a result, pork “ribs”, chop, loin are often confused. The latter is cut closer to the spine.

Pork loin, carbonate (carbonade): what part of the carcass is this

Pork loin is always with a bone; meat is identified precisely by this feature. Otherwise, it is likely to get a pork tenderloin, part of a ham, or other parts. Buying a packaged product is risky – you can get meat of inadequate quality. Market meat is selected precisely – some manage to find a seller with an uncut carcass and ask for the right piece.

What part of a pork carcass is carbonate

The carbonate is in the same place where the loin is located on the pig, but the word “carbonate” is not in the photo. There are several reasons:

  • the correct name is “carbonate”, “carbonate” – a colloquial form, in fact this word means a chemical compound;
  • this type of pork meat is a loin cleaned of bones and fat, in other words, an already well-processed part of the carcass;
  • carbonade is often called ready-made smoked meats.

The composition, calorie content, taste of pork chop and loin differ slightly. Carbonade should not contain fat, therefore, meat is less high-calorie, contains slightly fewer trace elements. Differences in taste are noticeable only to rare gourmets. Cooked loin and chop differ only if they are different dishes.

How to choose and store loin and carbonade

Knowing how to choose the right meat and store it is an important skill. A poor-quality piece will make the dish not good enough, too long storage with violations will lead to spoilage of the product.

  1. The smell of raw meat should be without unpleasant notes. An adult pig smells just like meat, a piglet smells a little like milk. When cooking, a boar will give an unpleasant “aroma”, you can only check a boar or a pig in the market – they heat the needle over the lighter, pierce the loin. There was a specific smell – it is not recommended to take.
  2. Color is just uniform. Bruising, bumps – a sign of spoilage of the product. The shade should be even pink, red. Dark shades indicate the advanced age of the pig.
  3. Lack of dyes – if you touch a piece with a paper towel, there should be no stains or streaks.
  4. The presence of bone – the remains of the ribs in the piece are preferable. The absence of bone makes it difficult to determine whether carbonade is in front of a person or not.
  5. There should be little fat, always white. If it is yellow, it is a sign of the old age of the pig. The piece will be hard, possibly wiry, and an unpleasant odor is likely.
  6. Fresh meat after pressing restores its shape. Dents remain – the product is expired. The only option is to cook right away, consume immediately. However, this is not recommended.
Important! When buying a store-bought raw loin, it remains to rely on the indicated expiration date, especially if the carbonade is in a vacuum. Such a case implies careful observance of the conditions indicated on the package. Sometimes they write about the admissibility of storage in the refrigerator, sometimes the meat is intended only for the freezer.

Pork loin, carbonate (carbonade): what part of the carcass is this

It is necessary to store pork meat in the freezer, having previously blotted it with napkins, wrapped in foil. It is permissible to store unfrozen carbonade:

  • smoked;
  • baked;
  • fried.

Without freezing, meat should be stored for no more than a month. When the expiration date is indicated on the package, it is important to respect it by not consuming carbonade after the agreed date. Be sure to read the label before buying.

What can be cooked from pork loin

Loin is suitable for making:

  • escalope;
  • steak;
  • chop;
  • schnitzel;
  • boiled pork;
  • grill;
  • roast with vegetables;
  • minced meat;
  • meat soup;
  • barbecue;
  • smoked meats

Due to the softness of the loin, it does not need to be marinated for a long time (in vinegar, wine, sour-milk products, fruit juice), and minimal beating is required. This pork pairs with:

  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • dough (pie filling);
  • rice, pasta.

Minced meat cutlets are softer, more tender, require minimal additives. A prerequisite is the removal of bone and fat. Cooking loin as part of a pig’s carcass has little difference from cooking carbonate.

Pork loin, carbonate (carbonade): what part of the carcass is this

What is prepared from carbonade

There are few differences from the previous species. The difference is the lack of bone and fat. Carbonade is used for:

  • roasting;
  • smoking;
  • frying (chops, escalopes);
  • baked ham.

Recipes include:

  • honey baked chop;
  • pork chop in wine;
  • baked carbonade in foil;
  • carbonade, fried and baked without foil.

Pork chop is also added to soups. Due to the lack of bones, the broth is less concentrated, the pieces of meat need to be chopped finely, fried with onions, carrots. Pork chop added at the end of cooking soup gives a mild meaty taste. Carbonade is seasoned with garlic, spices, herbs, sour, sweet sauces.

Important! It is impractical to make carbonate minced meat. It is more useful to use the softness, the purity of the whole piece. Small pieces – the maximum possible grinding.


Properly chosen pork loin is an addition to the everyday and festive table. Cooking a delicious dish is easier when the meat is well butchered.

Pork neck. Cutting the cervico-shoulder part of pork

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