Recipes for smoking pork ham are quite diverse. The dish is very satisfying and nutritious. It is often used as an independent snack or added to soups, casseroles, salads, pizza. The product is well absorbed, saturates for a long time, gives a charge of vivacity for a long time.

Composition and calorie content

Boiled and smoked ham, cooked at home, is considered a delicacy meat product. It is made mainly from the meat of young animals. In finished form, it has a unique rich taste and aroma, which makes it popular in cooking.

Homemade smoked pork ham

Pork ham: smoking recipes at home, in a smokehouse

The valuable properties of the ham are due to its active substances

The benefits of the ham, its chemical composition can only be assessed under the condition of a quality product. It contains the following elements:

  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • biotin (vitamin B7);
  • nicotinic acid (B3 or PP).

In addition to a variety of B vitamins, ham contains a number of essential minerals: iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid, potassium, calcium, and sodium.

For those who are interested in calorie content, it will be useful to know that it is low – about 209 kcal per 100 g of boiled-smoked ham.

What is useful pork ham

Even if we take into account the rather long heat treatment of the ham, it still contains many biologically active elements that are necessary for the health of every person. The beneficial properties of the ham are due to the presence of important components in it. However, they are valuable only with moderate use of the product.

Boiled smoked pork ham has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, the formation of musculoskeletal tissue, stimulates hematopoiesis and significantly reduces nervous excitability. In addition, some of the elements that make up the ham have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, and also stimulate the immune system.

Ways to smoke ham

Ham smoking is carried out in different ways. But whatever type of cooking is chosen, it is important to follow the technology, check the installation, fuel, and also choose the right product. The most common methods are hot and cold smoking.

For all types of smoking, beech, alder chips, any types of fruit trees are suitable. Sometimes a few branches of juniper are added at the end of the process. This will give the finished ham a piquancy. The sawdust fraction plays a huge role. It is believed that the smaller the chips, the stronger the smoke will be. At the beginning of the sawdust process, you need to moisten it a little – so the smoke will stand out more efficiently.

Advice! Before starting smoking, it is necessary to check the health of the smoker, clean it from combustion products and heat it to 200 ° C, then cool it to 100 ° C.

How much to smoke pork ham

Pork ham: smoking recipes at home, in a smokehouse

There are several ways to smoke, but the fastest is the hot method.

The longest smoking method is cold, since the processing temperature is 20-25 ° C. Within 4 days, small pieces of meat will be fully cooked, but in order to smoke a whole ham, it will take a little more than a week. In this case, you should not open the smokehouse for the first 10-12 hours. It is during this period that the process of disinfection of the product takes place.

The hot smoking method is not so long. A whole large-sized ham will be ready no earlier than 10-12 hours later. The processing temperature should be 60-65 °C. This mode will allow you to smoke the product well, while it will not burn.

Selection and preparation of ham for smoking

Regardless of what type of smoking is to be done, the ham must be chosen correctly. Preparation consists in washing the meat, salting and subsequent drying. In addition, after the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to hold the ham in the cold for at least 2 days.

After cooking the ham, its taste, aroma, benefits will largely depend on the correct choice of meat. The product should be evaluated according to the following parameters:

  1. The color of quality meat is beige, and the product that is stored for a long period of time has a yellow tint. However, it must be borne in mind that many sellers have adapted to correct this error with a manganese solution.
  2. Meat of proper quality has a subtle smell. An unpleasant odor indicates a stale product.
  3. The structure of the ham should be elastic and easily recover after pressing.
  4. It is important to pay attention to the skin of the ham. If it looks dry, this indicates a long storage period.

The presence of sticky mucus on the skin or meat is also a sign of not the freshest product.

How to salt a pork leg for smoking

During salting, all accumulated harmful substances, excess moisture come out of the ham, and the product acquires a special taste and pleasant aroma. Correctly performed ambassador affects the result of smoking. Salting methods are varied, you can choose any. The main thing is to adhere to a certain sequence, then the expectations will be justified.

Dry Ambassador

Pork ham: smoking recipes at home, in a smokehouse

Before smoking, the ham should be properly salted

Salting the ham before dry smoking is preferred by those who love the natural taste of the product. During the procedure, it is left whole, not cut into pieces. When salting, only salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and a few cloves of garlic are used to add spice.

The dry salting algorithm is as follows:

  • a thick layer of coarse salt is poured onto the bottom of a large and deep pan;
  • rub the ham with a mixture of salt and pepper;
  • make deep incisions and place inside a piece of garlic;
  • leave the ham in a closed pan for 3-4 days, and if it is too large, then for 5-6 days.

After that, the ham should be washed under running water, dried from excess moisture.

In brine

To salt a ham in brine, you need 800 g of coarse salt per 10 liters of water, 180-200 g of sugar, 20 g of saltpeter. All ingredients are added to water, boiled, and then cooled. In a pre-prepared pan, put the ham skin down, pouring spices on top. Strained and cooled brine is poured so that the ham is completely covered with it. Next, cover the pan with a lid and leave for a month in a cool place. After this period, the ham should be soaked in water and hung to dry in a well-ventilated place.

With spices

When using spices, it is important not to put too much, so as not to spoil the taste of the ham. It is better to focus on your taste preferences. In addition to bay leaf, garlic, you can use mixtures of several types of peppers, thyme, oregano, cloves and saltpeter. The latter is necessary to preserve an attractive color, obtain an expressive taste, and extend the shelf life of the ham. As for the addition of sugar, it gives a more tender taste to the meat and improves the appearance of the crust.

How to pickle ham for smoking

Many people use various marinades to cook ham at home. Their peculiarity is that salt is added in a dissolved state. In order to smoke a ham with high quality, you need to prepare a fairly strong brine. As a rule, the following ratio is necessary: ​​80 g of salt per 1 liter of water.

Important! It is not recommended to slightly open the lid of the smoker, as this helps to reduce the temperature in the device, which may affect the quality of the ham.

with turmeric

Pork ham: smoking recipes at home, in a smokehouse

Ham with the addition of turmeric turns out a beautiful appetizing shade

A similar cooking recipe is chosen, because as a result the ham acquires a beautiful shade. For such a marinade, in addition to turmeric, you will need: tarragon, preferably red pepper, salt, carrot and lemon juice in equal proportions, as well as dry white wine (1 glass each). The ham must be grated with a mass of dry ingredients, and then juices and wine are added. The product is marinated for about 5 hours. It is advisable to use the recipe exclusively for hot smoking pork ham in a smokehouse.

With honey and garlic

Honey is very often used for pickling, especially for pork. It gives a delicate flavor to the ham. In addition to honey (70 g), for the marinade you will need:

  • coarse salt – 30 g;
  • garlic – 4 lobules;
  • lemon juice – half a glass;
  • any vegetable oil – 100 g.

This amount should be enough for 1 kg of meat. You can use spices. Coriander, paprika, and thyme are best suited. Initially, the ham must be cut into large pieces and placed in the marinade. The process will take from 10 hours to a day. After that, the parts of the meat must be air-dried in limbo. This pickling recipe is suitable for cooking ham at home for cold and hot smoking.

With kiwi and herbs

Marinating ham with fruits gives an unusual original taste. If you use kiwi, then thanks to the acid it contains, the meat is very tender. In addition to 3 pieces of kiwi for the marinade, you will need:

  • tangerines – 2 pcs.;
  • chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, thyme, sage and rosemary to taste.

Grind fruits in a blender, then add seasoning there. Grate the ham with the prepared marinade and leave for 4-5 hours. This recipe is used for hot smoking pork ham at home.

Attention! Sometimes, towards the end of smoking a ham, several branches of juniper are thrown into the fire. It gives the meat a special taste and smell, and also protects against certain microorganisms.

How to smoke a ham

Pork ham: smoking recipes at home, in a smokehouse

After the smoking procedure, the ham should be ventilated for several hours from smoke

Pork ham is smoked in several ways. In addition to properly preparing meat for smoking, you will need to check the installation and select the right fuel.

How to smoke hot smoked ham

The bottom of the installation must be covered with wood chips, hang the ham. The smokehouse is covered with a lid and kindled inside. The cooking process will take at least 10-12 hours, the temperature should be 60 ° C. Keep the fire moderate, if it flares up too much, then add a little moistened sawdust. After cooking, the ham has a crispy crust of appetizing color. However, you can’t eat it right away – first it must be ventilated up to 8 hours.

Cold smoked pork loin

The recipe for making cold-smoked pork ham at home is a must for those who want to keep the product longer. This process is long, laborious, but the result is a very tender and appetizing product. You can smoke a ham by cold smoking in 5-7 days, while the temperature should be at the level of 20-25 ° C. The cooking process must not be interrupted, especially during the first 12 hours. After smoking, the ham should be ripe. To do this, wrap it with gauze and hang it for 2 weeks in a cool but dry room. After that, the ham can be tasted.

Cooked smoked ham recipe

There is another method for preparing smoked ham. It lies in the fact that before the start of the process, the meat is boiled for 2 hours on low heat. After that, the ham should be removed from the water, cooled and dried, and then you can start smoking with the hot method for about 8 hours. Meat cooked in this way has tender juicy flesh and taste of ham. Smoked-boiled ham meets all the qualities of GOST.

Storage Rules

Pork ham: smoking recipes at home, in a smokehouse

Pork ham can be stored for a long time under special conditions

Many are interested in the question of how to store the finished dish. At a temperature not exceeding 2-5 ° C, cold-smoked ham can lie up to six months in a ventilated, dark room. An ideal place for such storage is a cellar or pantry.

Cooked-smoked or hot-smoked ham can be stored much less in time – no more than 2 months, provided parchment paper is used. Food film cannot be used for these purposes.

The meat can also be stored in the freezer, but it is important to wrap it first in foil, and then in a bag. Such a ham will keep fresh for about a year.


Recipes for smoking pork ham are varied. In addition to different processing options, many successfully experiment with ingredients. From additives, the taste of meat, the aroma and structure of meat change. But the most important thing before starting smoking is to choose the right product. It should be fresh, with no signs of long storage.

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