Porcini mushrooms on the grill: barbecue recipes

The porcini mushroom on the fire resembles meat in taste, it is dense and juicy. Their mushroom skewers are a real delicacy. Spices and marinade for it are selected according to your taste, garlic, black pepper, mayonnaise and soy sauce are most often used. All the recipes offered are delicious and worthy of attention.

How to cook porcini mushrooms on a fire

Mushrooms collected in the forest are washed in a bucket or large basin:

  1. For 5 liters of cold water add 1 tbsp. l. coarse salt to better wash the dirt from the mushroom crop.
  2. Leave porcini mushrooms in water for 30 minutes, and then clean the legs and hats with a knife.
  3. Replace the water with clean water, soak again for 20 minutes, and rinse everything well.

Porcini mushrooms on the grill: barbecue recipes

For barbecue, young medium-sized specimens are selected.

Grilled porcini mushrooms are popular in Italian cuisine. There are two ways to cook a mushroom delicacy on a fire – bake it on a barbecue grill or string it on skewers. Both options give excellent results.

Before frying, mushrooms are usually coated with vegetable oil, mayonnaise or sour cream with spices and salt, kept for a certain number of hours, and then fried over smoldering coals. Cooking time – 15-20 minutes, it all depends on how strong the heat is. The kebab must be turned all the time in different directions to the fire. As soon as it turns golden, the dish is ready.

Recipes for porcini mushrooms at the stake

Recipes for porcini mushrooms on the grill according to the photo and description do not differ in particular variety. Everywhere there are spices and marinade on a fatty basis. An exception is mushroom kebab with lard. Potatoes and vegetables are most often served as a side dish to mushrooms fried at the stake.

Mushroom kebab with lard

Porcini mushrooms on the grill: barbecue recipes

Porcini mushrooms have a pleasant strong aroma, they do not need a lot of spices. Instead of classic black pepper, Provence herbs can be used.


  • porcini mushrooms – 500 g;
  • fat – 100 g;
  • Provence herbs and salt to taste.


  1. Prepared washed and peeled porcini mushrooms are salted and sprinkled with Provence herbs. Salo is cut into cubes.
  2. Mushrooms are strung on a skewer carefully through the leg and hat so as not to break. Small pieces of fat are placed between them.
  3. Grill on the grill until golden, about 20 minutes.

The taste of this simple dish will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, mushroom skewers are very healthy.

Comment! If you don’t like it, then you can not eat greaves in the finished form, but they will add special juiciness and flavor to the dish.

Mushroom skewers in onion marinade

Porcini mushrooms on the grill: barbecue recipes

On the fire you can cook shish kebab from young porcini mushrooms. The mushroom harvest collected in the forest is pre-washed and sorted, selecting small dense specimens that will be convenient to put on a skewer and fry on a fire.


  • white mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • onions – 2-3 pcs.;
  • salt – 0,5 Art. l .;
  • ground black pepper – to taste;
  • spices for barbecue;
  • mayonnaise – 180 g.


  1. Onions are peeled and cut into half rings.
  2. Prepared mushrooms are put in a saucepan, and onion is added, slightly kneading it with your hands. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with seasoning to taste. Season with mayonnaise and mix well.
  3. The porcini mushrooms seasoned with marinade are left overnight in the refrigerator.
  4. The next day, mushrooms are strung on metal rods and roasted over a fire.

Ruddy porcini mushrooms, prepared according to the recipe, are removed from the skewer to a plate.

Advice! The cooking process is fast, the dish should not dry out on the fire.

Grilled mushrooms with mayonnaise and garlic

Porcini mushrooms on the grill: barbecue recipes

A hot appetizer according to a simple recipe is cooked on a fire in the forest or in the country. You can make this delicious dish in 30 minutes.


  • porcini mushrooms of medium size – 1 kg;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • garlic – 6 denticles;
  • mayonnaise – 180 g;
  • salt and pepper as needed.


  1. Washed, prepared mushrooms are put in a bowl to mix with the marinade.
  2. Chop the dill.
  3. Garlic is squeezed through a crusher on top of mushrooms, sprinkled with dill.
  4. Add mayonnaise to the bowl, pepper and salt.
  5. Everything is thoroughly mixed with hands so that garlic, spices and mayonnaise disperse over mushrooms. Leave to soak for 15-20 minutes
  6. Then lay the mushrooms on the grill, and fry on the grill until golden brown on both sides.

Porcini mushrooms cooked on the grill are very tasty, fragrant. They are served with roasted potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and fresh herbs.

Mushrooms in soy-garlic sauce

Porcini mushrooms on the grill: barbecue recipes

For this recipe, it is better to take small porcini mushrooms. Large specimens are cut in half so that they are well saturated with marinade. In addition to garlic and soy sauce, other spices are used for the recipe to your taste, for example:

  • paprika;
  • ground black pepper;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

With the last addition, you need to be careful, because the soy sauce is already quite salty, the marinade can, in general, not be salted.


  • white mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • soy sauce – 250 ml;
  • mineral sparkling water – 1,5 l;
  • garlic – 1 head.


  1. Washed and prepared mushrooms are placed in a marinating pan.
  2. Crushed garlic, soy sauce are added to them and, pouring in mineral water, mix well by hand.
  3. A plate is placed on top, a load is placed, for example, a jar of water.
  4. Mushrooms are kept in the marinade for at least three hours, a maximum of a day.
  5. Lay on the barbecue grill, and bake on all sides until the mushroom pulp can be easily pierced.

The finished snack is very juicy. Potatoes cooked on a fire and fresh vegetables are perfect for it.

Grilled porcini mushrooms calories

The calorie content of grilled porcini mushrooms is low – 100 g contains approximately 59 kcal. The nutritional value of the product is due to the large amount of proteins, mineral salts and vitamins. A XNUMX-gram portion contains the following components:

  • carbohydrates – 2 g;
  • proteins – 6 g;
  • fats – 3 g;
  • dietary fiber – 3 g.

Grilled mushrooms are especially rich in B vitamins, potassium, copper, selenium, and cobalt.


The porcini mushroom at the stake is a delicious delicacy that can be enjoyed throughout the mushroom season. But for this you will have to work hard. Go to the forest for a quiet hunt, among the grass and under the trees on a litter of rotten leaves to collect a mushroom crop. It is not known what is more pleasant – wandering through the forest in search of a valuable find or frying porcini mushrooms without boiling at the fire, enjoying excellent aromas. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to such a luxury, so many gourmets make champignon skewers or use a store-bought product. The principle of preparation for these mushrooms is similar.

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