Porcelain figurines: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

New Year is on the nose, and what a holiday without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! The famous Lladró porcelain factory undertook to remedy the situation.

Porcelain figurines

Especially for Russia, the Spanish brand Lladró has released porcelain figurines of the two main characters of Russian New Year’s fairy tales and performances – in traditional outfits and with invariable attributes such as a staff and a kokoshnik. Figures are made in cold white-blue scale: according to the Spaniards, it best conveys the atmosphere of fierce Russian winters (which, by the way, we haven’t had for a long time!)

Cалоны Lladró t .: 621 8767, 782 0075, 290 7756, 937 8075.

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