Population vaccinations against COVID-25 are formally launched in Poland from Monday, January 19. After the so-called group zero, in which they were, among others medics, the dose of the vaccine will now be given to seniors, initially those who have turned 70. Who will be vaccinated in the next stages?
- From January 15, people 80+ can register for vaccinations, from January 22 people over 70 years of age. Vaccinations start on January 25
- The head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Michał Dworczyk: at the moment, there are no vaccinations available. The limitation is not the vaccination options, but the limited number of doses
- Vaccinations against COVID-19 began in Poland on December 27 last year. Data from Sunday show that the number of vaccinations against COVID-19 performed in Poland exceeded 701 thousand.
- More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.
“The system allows more than 11 million people to be vaccinated, only vaccines are missing”
On January 15, registration for vaccinations of people who turned 80 began, and from January 22, people over 70 years of age can also register. Vaccinations according to the schedule start on Monday, January 25. The head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Michał Dworczyk, informed on Sunday that they will be implemented in over 5 points across the country.
However, some entities associated in the Zielona Góra Agreement have announced that they will vaccinate seniors from Tuesday. PZ explains that the exact time of Monday’s delivery is unknown. “Only a few entities associated in the Zielona Góra Agreement have decided to include Monday in their vaccination schedules, and in the afternoon” – said Wojciech Pacholicki, vice president of the management board of PZ.
There are nearly 70 million seniors in Poland over 4,6 years of age, including over 80 million people over 1,75, and over 70 million people aged 79-2,8.
It is difficult to judge at present how many elderly people will report their willingness to vaccinate. Educational and promotional activities to encourage vaccinations are carried out all the time. The limitation, the government points out, is not vaccination, but the limited number of doses.
The plans assume that 19 million people will receive the COVID-3,1 vaccine in Poland by the end of the first quarter of this year. The head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Michał Dworczyk, has repeatedly said in recent days that the system is prepared for a much larger scale of vaccination. He also emphasized that due to the limited volumes of deliveries, it would not be possible to vaccinate more people at that time.
– The system that was created would allow more than 11 million people to be vaccinated, we only lack vaccines – he said on Sunday. Moreover, the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister informed on Sunday that there are no vaccinations available at the moment.
He pointed out that despite the fact that there are no deadlines today to register in specific places for vaccination, each senior can leave his contact details “and as soon as vaccines appear in Poland, he will receive feedback and will be scheduled for a specific date”.
Have a question about the COVID-19 vaccine? Do you want to share your experiences of taking the vaccine? Write to us: [email protected]
The interest in vaccinations is very high. On January 22, 150 people signed up in the first three hours. people aged 70 to 79. Up to 300 people were recorded on the hotline. calls per minute, which made it difficult to operate.
Seniors who are not mobile and may have difficulty reaching the vaccination site may request transportation. Support in this area is organized by local governments. Information is available, among others on the websites of voivodeship offices …
Currently, people from stage one are vaccinated. Who does it include?
So far, the “0” stage of vaccination has been carried out, in which the vaccine could be administered, among others, by medical services, residents of social welfare homes or employees of social welfare centers.
Currently, people who qualify for stage one are vaccinated. It was divided into three groups:
- 1a – seniors over 60 years of age (people 70 plus can register for now);
- 1b – chronically ill, incl. people after transplantation and dialysis, with neoplastic diseases
- 1c – incl. officers or soldiers of: the Armed Forces, the Police, the Border Guard, the Internal Security Agency, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the Central Anticorruption Bureau, the Military Intelligence Service, the Military Counterintelligence Service, the Customs and Treasury Service, the State Fire Service, the State Protection Service, the Road Transport Inspection Service, guards, railway security guards, prosecutors and assessors of the public prosecutor’s office and members of volunteer fire brigades, mountain and water rescuers performing rescue operations and teachers.
Vaccination in the first stage will also be available to patients of home hospice and institutions providing round-the-clock care for disabled, chronically ill or elderly people. The group of teachers and pedagogical workers entitled to early vaccinations was also expanded – employees of regional care and therapy centers and intervention pre-adoption centers were added to this group.
The next stages of vaccination. Check which group you belong to
Subsequently, COVID-19 vaccines will be accepted by those who qualify for stage two. As we read on the government website devoted to vaccinations, these are “people who directly ensure the functioning of the basic activities of the state and are exposed to infection due to frequent social contacts, among others: employees of the critical infrastructure sector, water, gas, electricity, ICT services, postal services, food and drug safety, public transport, pandemic officials, law enforcement officials, customs and tax officials ».
In the last – third stage, the vaccine will be taken by:
- Entrepreneurs and employees of closed sectors under the regulations on the establishment of specific restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic.
- The rest of the adult population. People over 18 years of age who do not have any medical conditions that increase the risk of severe disease and death from COVID-19 and do not belong to any of the groups above will be vaccinated.
How to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccination? There are several ways to register.
Those interested can call the hotline 989, send an SMS with the text SzczepimySie to the number 664 908 556, use the e-registration or sign up directly at the vaccination point. It is important not to go to the vaccination point if you want to use the last option; just make a call there.
Currently, two vaccines are authorized in the EU – Comirnaty, produced by Pfizer and BioNTech, and mRNA-1273 – from Moderna. The registration is awaiting, among others, AstraZeneca vaccine.
Vaccinations against COVID-19 began in Poland on December 27 last year, with the use of a preparation from Pfizer and BioNTech. Moderna vaccines will be delivered to nodal hospitals on Monday. Data from Sunday show that the number of vaccinations against COVID-19 performed in Poland exceeded 701.
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PAP / Katarzyna Lechowicz-Dyl