Popular workouts and exercises

Popular workouts and exercises

We all go in for sports for the sake of a beautiful and fit figure, but there are sports training that is absolutely pointless in terms of losing weight.

Every season we have new types of training, which become very popular in an instant. But not always they can meet our requirements and requests. Often, the goals of the developer of a new program and ours do not always converge, so the result is not always noticeable. What workouts and exercises are not suitable for losing weight, said Anastasia Yurkova, master trainer of the group programs direction of the federal network of fitness clubs “X-Fit Monarch”.

There are so many stretching studios and stretching classes in fitness clubs today, because they are insanely popular. Why? Because they help improve body flexibility and joint mobility. You do not need to sweat and, in general, it is pleasant to study. But! Stretching exercises, like the stretching class itself, are pointless in terms of weight loss.

1. Plie squat

Classic squats work out the muscles of the thighs, buttocks. And they are a basic exercise, without which there is nothing. But when you squat in a plie, when you direct your pelvis down (and not back), and take your feet as much as possible to the side – why? Someone says to emphasize the adductor muscles of the thigh. First, there will be no special load on it in this version. Yes, you will, because at the lowest point there will be a stretch of these muscles. But physically you will not add work. And secondly, in most people, these muscles are already in hypertonicity, and, on the contrary, they need to be relaxed, not loaded. Therefore, you should not, perhaps, scoff at your hip joints and do a plie squat, and even with weights.

2. Stretching while sitting with legs apart

Generally, this stretch is on the adductors of the thigh and the opening of the pelvis. Yes, but on one condition: when you lean forward, your pelvis stays in place, knees and feet are directed forward, and this requires almost ballet stretching. Otherwise, you are pulling anything but adductors.

3. Stretching crease

Roughly the same story. You will most likely pull the hamstrings. The question is: why? It seems to be aimed at stretching the back of the thigh, in particular, the hamstrings, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. And they really need to be stretched. But not in the way you will most likely sit with a rounded back and pull your lower back at best.

Excellent direction, helps to feel your body, learn the correct movement and form a good posture. However, trying to lose weight in this class is simply pointless. And yes, you may indeed lose a little if you have never done anything and just started moving, but nevertheless, this is unlikely.


This is the simplest exercise possible. Many coaches claim that the plank can significantly tighten the main muscle groups, improve posture and balance. However, there is a small nuance: for the result to be, the exercise must be done correctly (feet together, legs and buttocks are tense, stomach is pulled in, elbows are strictly under the shoulders). And to stand in the bar not for 30 seconds, but much longer, and the muscles will tighten only after a month, but the extra pounds are unlikely to go away.

Monotonous workouts in the gym

If you still want to lose weight, then doing weights with low intensity is about the same as cutting stale bread with a plastic blunt knife. Painful, ineffective and pointless. Will there be a result? Well, yes, there will be some. But clearly not the same and not with such efforts as if you cut off a piece of fresh bread with a sharp metal knife.

1. Twisting with weights

Again, the function of muscles in everyday life is to stabilize. Answer honestly: do you want a round belly? So that the muscles are in hypertonicity and gain volume, creating the effect of a second belly? No? Then do not in any case use weights as a way to increase the load in the twisting exercise on the press.

2. Swing legs

Firstly, practically nobody does the right thing. Because there is no correct movement in the hip joint. And the work is done in the lumbar spine. Secondly, in life we ​​need the buttocks for stabilization and functional work, and not for kicks, unless you are a ballerina, of course. Therefore, it makes sense to train the buttocks functionally! Lunges, balance exercises, etc. But it makes sense to forget about this archaism altogether.

3. Lunges forward in penetration

There is no sense in this movement. Lunges can be done alternately in place. Walking with dumbbells around the hall from the point of view of muscle work does not carry any functionality. Well, perhaps that is beautiful and not boring. Especially if a lovely girl walks beautifully.

Workouts that will be most effective in losing weight

Cardio training. To get the most out of it, you need to train in the fat-burning zone, which is between 65% and 85% of your maximum heart rate. You can easily calculate this using the formula, or ask your coach.

Power training. Use as many muscles as possible. Properly selected weight will help you lose weight faster. This kind of training boosts the metabolism and forces the body to burn fat.

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