Popular weight loss diets with a description: choose!

😉 Hello everyone! Friends, are you looking for a suitable diet? This article presents popular weight loss diets and their descriptions. Take your pick, but don’t forget to consult a doctor!

The most popular diets – make your choice!

The most popular way to get rid of extra pounds in our country is to observe separate nutrition, proposed by Herbert Shelton.

separate food

At the same time, it is allowed to eat absolutely all products, but strictly separately and at different times. For example, cutlets without potatoes, bread separately from butter. The effectiveness of this type of diet has not yet received scientific confirmation, but following this diet does contribute to weight loss.

This is due to the fact that instead of three dishes at the same time you can eat only one – for example, vegetable soup. The second will have to be postponed for dinner, and pay tribute to the side dish only for the next breakfast …

The fact that weight loss is due to the trivial minimization of calories is perhaps not of interest to those who have been helped by the principles of separate nutrition.

By blood test and by blood group

There is an assumption that food intolerances can lead to excess weight gain. In this case, a blood test comes to the rescue. He can show that, for example, tomatoes or cucumbers are the cause of your troubles, and not at all chocolates or buns.

Based on the analysis performed, a list of foods that can be eaten will be compiled for you.

The diet based on belonging to a particular blood group is based on the hypothesis that people with the first blood group supposedly belong to the branch of ancient hunters. Therefore, they should eat mainly meat products.

Those with the second blood group descended from farmers. Therefore, fruits and vegetables should prevail in their diet.

Those, in whose veins the third blood group flows, belong to the nomads. These lucky ones are allowed to eat absolutely everything, as well as the owners of the “youngest” blood group – the fourth.

Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence for this idea yet.

Losing weight with kefir

This diet comes from our Soviet past, when ordinary people and their idols lost weight on apples and kefir.

It is still difficult to explain such a high popularity of this diet. However, the loss of extra pounds is inevitable, as is the weight gain after its completion. Eating this diet goes against basic healthy eating habits. However, it can be used as a fasting day once a week.

The Kremlin

Its western counterpart is the Atkinson diet – one of the most popular, both in Russia and abroad.

The fact that, in addition to the extra centimeters and kilograms, this carbohydrate-free diet took away a lot of the health of its adherents, including the progenitor himself, has not stopped anyone yet.

Of the advantages, the inevitable weight loss can be noted. There are undeniably more disadvantages – decreased concentration of attention, bad mood, memory impairment. If you follow the Kremlin diet for no longer than two weeks and no more than once every two years. It will not cause significant harm to health.

Intuitive Nutrition

This is a modern approach to nutrition. Everything is very simple: there is only attention to the signals of your own body – hunger and satiety. This technique is more effective in regulating weight and eating behavior than grueling diets with constant calorie counts.

Other names: “conscious eating”, “anti-dietary approach”, “wise eating”. The intuitive eating process focuses on building a harmonious relationship with food, body and mind.

Elena Malysheva’s diet

The popular diet of Elena Malysheva is a set of ready meals for weight loss. 4 meals daily: breakfast, lunch, dessert and dinner. Without suffering and hunger. Details in this video ↓

5 kilograms in 10 days. Malysheva’s diet

Ducan’s diet

The popular Ducan diet is based on the consumption of low-carb foods.

Popular weight loss diets with a description: choose!

Famous nutritionist Pierre Ducan

The technique is followed for several months. However, if desired, it can be mistaken for the main food system. It is diverse, not burdensome and, in addition to losing weight, makes it possible to cleanse the body and normalize its material metabolism.

The Ducan diet consists of four phases, each with their own rules throughout the diet:

  1. Drink at least 1,5 liters of clean water daily;
  2. Eat oat bran every day;
  3. Go for a walk every day;
  4. Do light physical exercises.

Dr. Ducan’s technique is effective only when all four phases are strictly followed. Has pros and cons.

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