Popular diets that are dangerous to health

Everyone already knows that diets only harm the body. There are at least three that nutritionists consider scary to health.

Absolutely all nutritionists advise adhering to the principle of the food pyramid, which consists in having three full meals and two or three snacks. It has been proven that this particular system is the norm for every person. But all the same, people continue to torture themselves with various diets, which if they give any result, then most often it is not long-lasting. In addition, during the time of restrictions, frequent cases of gastritis occur, and there are also more serious diseases. Nutritionists talked about the scariest diets and why they should be avoided.

Paleo diet is a return to the past, or rather, to the Stone Age. Our ancestors mainly ate meat and vegetables, they did not have processed foods. The principle of this system is to consume only fruits, vegetables, quality meat, nuts and seeds. In such a diet there will be more vitamins, minerals and fiber that the body needs so much, moreover, they are absolutely non-nutritive. Dairy products, grains and legumes, vegetable oils, canned food and processed and fatty meats are prohibited. At first glance, this sounds great, but the cost of such a diet will be too high, because you need to eat only high quality natural products.

Expert opinion: “This diet is definitely not suitable for everyone, so you shouldn’t sit down on it absolutely mindlessly. In fact, the paleo diet is a therapeutic dietary protocol, which implies precisely the treatment of certain diseases in a patient. If your doctor did not prescribe it, then there may well be a lack of vitamin D and calcium, and because of the high protein intake – weakening of the kidneys, ”explains Oksana Vladimirova, nutritionist at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology.

This diet is based on the principles of a balanced intake of acid-forming and alkaline foods. Acid-forming, as you know, belong to the protein group and can provoke too abundant secretion of stomach acid, and this is too harmful for the body, as it can provoke the release of excess insulin. But alkaline plant foods, in turn, neutralize excess acidity and help the body to maximize the absorption of all nutrients from foods containing a large amount of protein. The recommended ratio is 30% acid-forming to 70% alkaline products.

So, you can eat fruits and vegetables, as well as any lean meat – veal, lamb, beef. The meat should be very soft. It is also worth keeping your cholesterol levels under control. Duck and goose are high in fat and cholesterol and should be avoided. Other alkaline foods include millet, buckwheat, sprouted beans, olive oil, almonds, honey, chestnuts, cream, ice cream, and jams.

Expert opinion: “Diet is about reducing acidity in the body. However, this is very dangerous, since when this environment changes, a person will immediately have a digestive disorder. With already existing heart diseases, gastritis, it is simply contraindicated. At the moment, there are scientifically proven, accepted norms for the amount of food consumed, this applies to everything – vegetables, fruits, flour products, meat and dairy products. These quantities vary according to age categories and existing pathologies, “advises Anna Kozyreva, founder of the Ideal Day nutrition project.

It is one of the most popular diets in the world and is not that good for the body. Its essence lies in the fact that you lose weight very quickly and maintain the gained weight within the normal range for the rest of your life, and do not gain weight again, as is usually the case. A low-carb and high-protein diet allows you to eat as much as you want, but only protein foods, to which vegetables and fruits can sometimes be added. The diet consists of 4 phases: “Attack” – you can eat only protein foods, “Cruise” – certain vegetables are added to the protein ones that can be eaten on certain days, “Consolidation” – you can add rice, pasta and some more carbohydrate products, “Stabilization” – the final stage, which includes products from the first phase.

The opinion of the experts: “Every body needs a variety of food in order to receive all the beneficial elements. A protein diet is a fast blocker of hunger, since the protein itself takes a long time to digest and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. On such a diet, it is comfortable to sit, and the weight goes away quite quickly. However, it also has consequences for the body. It is very harmful to take only proteins, as you can earn gout, and the liver and kidneys will hurt. As a rule, side effects from such diets will not appear immediately, but after 4-6 months, ”comments Nonna Kocharyan, an expert at the MirA Medical Center.

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